Cheerleaders gets flu shot and can't walk forwards...

This is a classic example of why vaccinations/shots are BAD for you! Bad bad BAD. Despite what all the doctors say...what bullshit. And it's completely sad and AWFUL. And this is a "One in a million" case? PUHLEASE. Stupid doctors and the news will go on to make you believe this type of this doesn't happen often and that it was unique to this girl having some kind of her own issue that was only "triggered" by the shot... LIES. Just like the media lied about Michael, they lie about this crap...and well almost everything they say to us. Sorry but, I've done my research on vaccinations's DANGEROUS stuff.
This is a classic example of why vaccinations/shots are BAD for you! Bad bad BAD. Despite what all the doctors say...what bullshit. And it's completely sad and AWFUL. And this is a "One in a million" case? PUHLEASE. Stupid doctors and the news will go on to make you believe this type of this doesn't happen often and that it was unique to this girl having some kind of her own issue that was only "triggered" by the shot... LIES. Just like the media lied about Michael, they lie about this crap...and well almost everything they say to us. Sorry but, I've done my research on vaccinations's DANGEROUS stuff.

Yeah, it definitely opens your eyes. Even if it is 1 in a million, whats stopping you being that one in a million...
The things we trust and don't think twice about can end up ruining our lives.....
I saw this a few days ago and it is so sad to watch. There are some sick people out there who have edited the video now with a rap song and make fun of the poor girl and whats worse is the video is on the youtube charts as one of the most popular videos this week. :(
my god:( poor girl...i feel so bad for her
i can't believe some jerks' comment on youtube
like ...great for sex??
i don't know what to think about this world anymore,what's wrong with these people?
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im so pissed right now.
that jerk even invite me as a friend and send me some evil messages about Michael:(
what's wrong with these people? ughhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
Vaccinations are garbage, and always have been. All they're doing is injecting you with germs (usually from animals) and the body is supposed to get immune to them. They even contradict themselves. They won't let children into school that doesn't get their shots because the other children will catch something from them. Well if the other kids are vaccinated, they are supposed to be "immune" and aren't supposed to get anything. So to me that is saying that the shots don't work. Vaccinations are also used for population control & germ warfare.
That's really sad. Never heard of this before. Although I can't say I'm buying that vaccinations are the work of the devil.
Vaccinations are also used for population control & germ warfare.

It's sad how much we are lied to but what is even more depressing is that so many believe the lies and they just end up getting hurt or killed because of it. So much of what we eat and what we get from our doctors...KILL US. Yet people go on to believe that there is no link, or that the stories we hear about are "rare" cases. Why? Because that's what the media says...that's what the Doctors say! And people tend to look at Doctors as Gods...another big problem. Everyone needs to wake up and see that it's all about MONEY. Hospitals are big dirty businesses just like many others that stem from greed. Anything for money. Anything.
This is a classic example of why vaccinations/shots are BAD for you! Bad bad BAD. Despite what all the doctors say...what bullshit. And it's completely sad and AWFUL. And this is a "One in a million" case? PUHLEASE. Stupid doctors and the news will go on to make you believe this type of this doesn't happen often and that it was unique to this girl having some kind of her own issue that was only "triggered" by the shot... LIES. Just like the media lied about Michael, they lie about this crap...and well almost everything they say to us. Sorry but, I've done my research on vaccinations's DANGEROUS stuff.

Any proof that vaccinations are dangerous? (outside of the 'rare' cases). I'd be curious to read it.
Any proof that vaccinations are dangerous? (outside of the 'rare' cases). I'd be curious to read it.

Me too. I think that there's no use to say that vaccinations are dangerous because of cases like these. It is really sad that something like this happened to her or anyone else, but it is really rare, and you have to keep in mind how many lives are saved by these vaccines.
Any proof that vaccinations are dangerous? (outside of the 'rare' cases). I'd be curious to read it.
Look up the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. I've been researching vaccines for 5 years, and there is plenty of proof that they are dangerous.
How sad...that's such a shame. :(

Some people on YT make me sick...dunno what sort of world we're living in anymore.
Look up the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. I've been researching vaccines for 5 years, and there is plenty of proof that they are dangerous.

Thanks for posting but even VAERS admitted that the reporting can be coincidental and that the reporting doesn't necessarily mean the vaccine caused it. Plus the reporting seemed to be anecdotal.

As for the Injury Compensation Program, I couldn't find any statistics to verify if the effects occurred in large percentages of people who received vaccines. Moreover, w/ compensation, the United States is a country where someone can sue for spilling coffee on herself and win, so I wouldn't necessarily trust anyone who seeks compensation because the country goes overboard in seeking it.

I'm not denying there can be side effects (heck some people can die from eating a peanut!), but the correlation just isn't large enough to steer me off vaccines. In any event thanks for responding.
I seen this a few days ago.....poor niece and my nephew ..who is on dialysis has the shot last week and he is 14.....he made out just fine....I think it is a one in a million chance....thousands of children have already been vaccinated and are just fine....I do believe in vaccinations...I have 2 kids 19 and 16 and I dont know what kind of stuff they may of gotten over the years if it wasn't for vaccines....everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion though....good luck to all who chose to get vaccinated and also those who do not.
Thanks for posting but even VAERS admitted that the reporting can be coincidental and that the reporting doesn't necessarily mean the vaccine caused it. Plus the reporting seemed to be anecdotal.

As for the Injury Compensation Program, I couldn't find any statistics to verify if the effects occurred in large percentages of people who received vaccines. Moreover, w/ compensation, the United States is a country where someone can sue for spilling coffee on herself and win, so I wouldn't necessarily trust anyone who seeks compensation because the country goes overboard in seeking it.

I'm not denying there can be side effects (heck some people can die from eating a peanut!), but the correlation just isn't large enough to steer me off vaccines. In any event thanks for responding.
Another thing to consider is the effect of injecting people with toxins such as thimerosol and formaldehyde, and the potential links between that and the rampant cases of cancer, autism spectrum disorders, and autoimmune disorders.
Thanks for posting and responding. In any case, it's something I think everyone should thoroughly read up on and research. I've been researching vaccines for 5 years and it's so complex.
How sad...that's such a shame. :(

Some people on YT make me sick...dunno what sort of world we're living in anymore.

I couldn't agree with you more Stacey.
This is truly sad. Someone is saying she's doing ok now. But I'm not sure if that's true.
Going to get the vaccination myself tomorrow. Poor girl, I had to knock that off or I'd be worrying all day.
Oh my gosh! This made my eyes tear up. Poor girl. I don't want my family and friends to have this now :(

Some of those comments on youtube are sooo ignorant... that also scares me.
I'm not getting any vaccine for the swine flu. If I get it, I get it.
I've had all my required vaccinations for school except for Hepatitis B, which I needed when I first went into high school (I got a note excusing my reason for not getting it). My hematologist doesn't want me to get it yet because of my blood condition.