Cheak this out..

Thats you huh?
I know it must have hard hearing the news while in the hospital.
Hope you're doing fine after your hospital stay.

Great collection. How'd you get MJ's watches? Lol!
Thats you huh?
I know it must have hard hearing the news while in the hospital.
Hope you're doing fine after your hospital stay.

Great collection. How'd you get MJ's watches? Lol!

Yeap.. Its me, I just recovered from a bius when i heard about Michael death. It was really hard to heard all of that during that time. I think I wanted to going home and watched CNN or any news regarding about Michael death but Im so weak.. i can't even moves my legs.. :( then I just cried over there to released how I felt at that time.

Thanks.. now Im getting better..

anyway, about all my watches.. I bought it from a store in Brunei. If you wanted to see much clear, you can just view this link there you can see a close up of all the watches..:) or you can view this link also
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why is there a game tagged in the thread lol? but its kool u were n the paper
MJstarlight I love your collection too.. especially the water ball where Peter Pan inside it. Where did you get it.. really nice.. I have Peter Pan and Tinker Bell.. I will post it on youtube if you interested to see it.

You also have the MJ dolls.. love it so much.. by the way, you recorded it so fast.. Can't get a chance to see one by one all your collection..
thats great and such a positive article about MJ, on behalf of all the MJ fans i say THANKYOU