Charity Shop Managers or Volunteers here?


Proud Member
Sep 17, 2011
I have been working for Charity Shop in Ireland for over 4 years now. When I got the job it was close to closing down, volunteers were going to walk, place was a dump.

I managed to turn it all around, put this year with the way things are with the economy, things are not as good as other years. Donations are down, and donations are down, also harder to reach my targets.

Ariel Manager told me Friday her job, mine and shops across the board could be gone earlynext year if things don't improve.

Does anyone here work in charity shops in UK? If you do how are you finding things. Would love to know and get and share ideas.
Well I've just started volunteering at a Cancer Research charity shop, I always wanted to do some volunteer work but it was only when Michael died that I made the effort to do it.

It's pretty good so far :) I'm just shocked because I never realised how many people try to steal from charity shops :(
Well I've just started volunteering at a Cancer Research charity shop, I'm just shocked because I never realised how many people try to steal from charity shops :(

Yes, sadly they do, or try to switch prices, the amount of rubbish you get too is bad **** dirty nappies, sweet wrappers and tins of opened food etc.

It can get you down, then you remember what your working for.
I currently volunteer as a befriender with Making Space. Making Space is a charity that helps people who have been affected by mental health issues. I have been a volunteer on and off for about 3 years now and i find it rewarding that i am making a difference to people's lives.
It is nice to give something back and to be recognised for what you do. Making Space won an award this year for the Exceptional Group Award at the annual presentation evening of the Council for Voluntary Services on 2nd June 2009 in Rochdale.

I want to have a career in this field because i have an understanding of Mental Health and i have been there myself.