Charity project for Michael's birthday


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael's birthday is coming up on 29th August. To commemorate the day, instead of buying flowers or flying to California, why not give the money to a charity instead, in Michael's honour?

Vote for your favourite charity now! Voting ends July 31, 2010.

Details at

(You are welcome to repost this at other forums and social sites.)
Michael's birthday is coming up on 29th August. To commemorate the day, instead of buying flowers or flying to California, why not give the money to a charity instead, in Michael's honour?

Vote for your favourite charity now! Voting ends July 31, 2010.

Details at

(You are welcome to repost this at other forums and social sites.)


Keep Helping To Make That Change

Love Always

Just voted there, but I voted the least chosen one, oh well, I really like the idea!!
I like the idea and I already made a donation to "A Million Trees for Michael" about a month ago.
What a great way to honor Michael´s memory! His message was all about healing the world and the best way to honor him is to follow that message, in our small way. :angel:
Thank you for posting! :clapping: :flowers:
Awesome! I hope a lot of people do this . . . it looks like the childhood cancer one is winning. Is that a charity he used to support? I went with the make-a-wish foundation on 6/25 mainly because it was something he had backed in the past. I'd like to do both dates, but last year it seemed like people preferred his birthday.
Cure childhood cancer, thats great !! I'm going to start saving now, I'll donate on the last day with the money :D
What a beautiful idea! I will most def be donating. Michael still lives on!!!! :)
raz2911, you better not wait till the last day! It ends on the 25th, 5pm US eastern time. (The charity is in Georgia.)

We have a week left. Only 11 people have donated so far. Come on, everyone! Put aside some money for the needy. Whatever you give, whether a little or a lot, it doesn't matter. It is in honour of Michael!
The donation deadline has been extended to the 29th.

Also, good news! Some very generous donors have offered to match donations to CURE, so if you send in your donation now (or donate again), your gift will be matched dollar for dollar - which means it will be DOUBLED! Those who have already donated, you can donate again. I certainly will!

We still have a few days left. Let's do this for Michael!!!


Michael Jackson fans around the world are making a donation to a cancer charity in honour of Jackson on the anniversary of his birthday this August 29th. Jackson would have been 52.

During his lifetime, Jackson gave away more than US$300 million to charities around the world. The King of Pop still maintains his record in the Guinness Book of World Records for "Most Charities Supported by a Pop Star." While on tour, Jackson would visit a children's hospital at every stop, donating money and equipment to the hospital and giving toys to sick children. He opened the amusement park and zoo at his Neverland Ranch to sick and disadvantaged children to visit and play in free of charge. He even built rooms with hospital beds in the movie theater so that the very sick children need not miss out.

Fans are continuing his humanitarian efforts by donating to CURE Childhood Cancer in honour of Jackson.

CURE Childhood Cancer funds research on paediatric cancer and the training of paediatric oncologists and researchers to carry out important research studies. CURE's sole focus is the cure for childhood cancer, unlike other organisations which are primarily involved in adult cancer research. CURE also works on improving the care, quality of life and survival rate of children with cancer, and provides education and training to nurses and other caregivers to children with cancer.

For details on how to donate, go to
Re: Birthday gift for Michael

hmm . . . not a very impressive turnout, but I guess it's a good start. Hopefully more people will be on board next year and maybe things will turn around economy-wise by that time as well. I know a lot of people are in a tight spot in the US at least. Thanks to the people that set this up.