Charity is ignored


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael's charity work and all he did for children was not mentioned much in the news but more suprisingly at his memorial...I remember once Garth Brooks had said nobody has done more for children, and given more money to children the Michael...I just wish they made more of a point to mention all the charites he gave to at his memorial and also that it set a record.

also, nobody has ever said that maybe Michael would not have been in such debt if had not been so generous and given so much money and his time (time is money) away. I mean they always said he was going bankrupt, well maybe he went bankrupt because he gave so much of his money away,,,that is the best way to go bankrupt I'd say.
They've been ignoring this for decades.

I'm not 100% sure if his charitable work was mentioned in the Memorial...but I thought it was.
I'm not 100% sure if his charitable work was mentioned in the Memorial...but I thought it was.

Yes it was. The Congresswoman recited a litany of things he'd done. Also, I heard both Jermaine and Joe reference his extensive charity work in their public appearances.
Yes it was. The Congresswoman recited a litany of things he'd done. Also, I heard both Jermaine and Joe reference his extensive charity work in their public appearances.
Oh, right. :)
I also remember Beyonce telling the world how much money Michael donated in total at the WMAs where he received those Guinness awards.
Kobe Bryant mentioned it at the memorial, as did Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. (She's the Congresswoman from my district in Houston, TX, by the way :) )
Michael didn't do it to get the recognition. Those who care, know and appreciate. The rest are really not that important.
thx for the responses...I guess I just saw that as one of the biggest parts of Michaels legacy, but the press seems to mention it as a sidebar type of thing....I guess in the last five years though he wasnt doing as much charitable work, at least not visibly. And since the last trial he seemed to stay away from much to do with children, sadly. But then on the other hand he was spending his spare time with his kids.

Id also like it, if I had my way, that Michael would have been seen as an environmentlist, before it became fashionable.. I mean Earth Song was pretty green before green became the new black. It was unfashionable to be a tree hugger back in the 90's but that didnt stop MJ from caring about the environment.
Michael didn't do it to get the recognition. Those who care, know and appreciate. The rest are really not that important.

I disagree. I think it's very important that Michael be remembered as a humanitarian. A lot of people are unaware of his charity work and have the wrong perception of him given the trials and allegations. A lot of people don't understand him based on his image and lifestyle alone. So I think people should be made more aware of all that he did. He may not have done it for recognition, but he was working towards making the world a better place and passing that message along. So ultimately, I think that should be part of his legacy too.

Not every pop star is as loving & giving as MJ - in fact, I'm sure there isn't anyone else like him in that regard. If he's remembered properly, then he'll help set standards everyone else can look up to and aspire to do.
But people are bringing it up more now which is great! I've heard a lot of people say that they didn't know what a great humanitarian MJ was until they watched the memorial. I'm glad MJ is finally getting some more recognition for his charitable work. It sucks he's not here to see that, but better late than ever I suppose.
the press arent interested in reporting the nice stuff. many people dont wanna hear about nice things too. its why the tabloid rags are so popular. everyone seems obsessed with the nastier side of life. its very depressing really but i try to just ignore it and carry on and think good thoughts
.I guess in the last five years though he wasnt doing as much charitable work, at least not visibly. And since the last trial he seemed to stay away from much to do with children, sadly. But then on the other hand he was spending his spare time with his kids.
The fact that he wanted to save the two journalist from the prison of North Korean president tells a lot about him. He always wanted to do good. This kind of benevolence is something rarely seen in anyone. It's really not just what he had given that touched me, it's his heart to want to do good.
His charity work was also talked about at the BET awards. I agree, though, that it is not given enough attention

Id also like it, if I had my way, that Michael would have been seen as an environmentlist, before it became fashionable.. I mean Earth Song was pretty green before green became the new black. It was unfashionable to be a tree hugger back in the 90's but that didnt stop MJ from caring about the environment.
For you: Michael Jackson: Green Before it Was Cool :)