Celiac Disease


Proud Member
Aug 31, 2009
Brooklyn/Manhattan, NY
I'm just curious. Is there anyone here who has Celiac Disease (wheat/gluten sensitivity)? I'm in the process of being tested for it. My doctor suspects that is what's wrong with me. Just wondering.
My sister had Celiac's disease and I have a sensitivity to wheat (although not the actual disease). In Brooklyn there is a store called Fairway Market and they have a whole section of the store dedicated to wheatless foods of all kinds. You can get cake mixm brownit, pancake, frosting, chips, cereal, bread, cookies, almost everything (though sometimes their selection varies and it is at times better than others). Although most of it tastes like carboard, some of it is actually really good.

If more places had such a selection, I am sure my sister would have done a better job combatting this disease.

I hope it all works well for you.
Thank you for the information. I checked the Fairway website and the closest store to me is in Redhook which is still kind of far (I don't drive). Oh, it's going to be so not fun hunting down and paying for all these special foods. And I hate Whole foods with a passion because it's always so crowded. I guess if I'm fully diagnosed I better make Whole foods or Trader Joe's my friend...and learn to drive. :unsure:
There is a bus that goes directly to the Fairway in Redhook. It is the one I go to. it is right up the street from the new ikea in Redhook. So it is pretty simple to get there without a car. Whole foods and Trader joes are just not as good with this sort of thing as this place is.