Celebration of Michaels music


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Every house, in every street corner from all directions. I can hear Michaels music in all directions! Everyone is honoring the King. My Stereo is on max right now.

The world is honoring the man as he should be honored.

I didn't think I would be able to listen to Michael right now. I've been crying all day.

But I can not resist the love.

My fellow Norwegian fans are gathering tomorrow to honor the man in public.

There will be song, dance and we will show how much we love this man.

I don't feel sad, I don't feel happy. I feel grief and love at the same time.
I think Michael would want the world to be happy. We don't need to be happy about his death but we can be happy that he's in a better place and lived a great life.
I have had the television on Sky News and other channels all day, and in the future, I think the one thing I will remember most about the day Michael Jackson died, was his brilliant music blaring everywhere, on every channel. That's the way it should be, that's the way he would have wanted it.

Michael, you are the one.
I think that the immense pain that we all -and so many others- feel today is still in the phase of schock. We have not realized neither what happened, nor what is to be done.
We all have a pain today, throughout America, but what is still missing is for someone to give us the direction of how to express it, coming together in one.. Where are the mass vigils, the gatherings in the streets? Like people did when Lenon died (of course it was different there because he was assassinated..)

My cousin who is in Paris was telling me that many thousands gathered today at 7pm outside the Notre-Damme for a candle-light vigil; participation was immense, and more is to come. Where is all that here?

Wake up America, and let your sorrow outpoor!