Celebrated choreographer calls Michael Jackson his God on TV!


Proud Member
Jul 5, 2004
First a little on the background!
India has always loved Michael Jackson and been in awe of him! Even though English is not our language Michael’s influence can be seen everywhere, be it movies, stage performances, dancing! ‘Dance India Dance’ is the most popular, most watched, most loved reality TV show that is successfully running its 2nd season. The panel of judges comprises three young, very talented, admired, hugely successful choreographers from Bollywood(the trillion dollar Indian film industry that makes the largest number of films per year in the world, many more than Hollywood!) and they are all confessed MJ fans! The fourth judge who is respectfully called the Grand Master is an extremely successful, awarded, much admired veteran Bollywood actor/dancer who has over the years won accolades not only for his talent but also for his philanthropy and goodness of heart. He too absolutely loves Michael and refuses to believe that Michael can ever go away. The contestants are ‘extremely’ talented, very dedicated and very well behaved and are divided into three teams each being personally trained by a judge. They love each other as family and the judges are the BEST ever. They are well trained in almost every genre of dance from India and all around the world and are great teachers and critics! They treat every contestant like their children and there is no rivalry even among teams. It’s really the best show on TV and is watched with much interest by kids, youngsters and families!
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I love dance india dance! Did you see that one little 7 year old performing dangerous?? HE WAS AWESOME!!!
Hi :)

That was cool and sweet.

If the kid was shown the real choreography he would have blown them away even more.

Kind Regards,

^^^ Cool Tattoo's

See comments like this kinda scares me and why alot of people look at MJ fans crazy. Michael was the greatest ever but he wasnt no God. Im the biggest MJ fan on the planet but he is no God to me nor would I ever claim him as such.
^^^ Cool Tattoo's

See comments like this kinda scares me and why alot of people look at MJ fans crazy. Michael was the greatest ever but he wasnt no God. Im the biggest MJ fan on the planet but he is no God to me nor would I ever claim him as such.

I think there's no reason to worry. It is about a person with India origin isn't it?
Well India has a very old tradition of many God's, Deva's, deities, avatars and so on.
For them God or a god has an other meaning as for us. Hinduism, that's more an antropology than a religion by the way, it consists in fact of many "sub-religions" and a lot of "God's" and "god's" and deities... There's also a monotheist stream... "Everything" is possible in India religions :)

I think there's no reason to worry. It is about a person with India origin isn't it?
Well India has a very old tradition of many God's, Deva's, deities, avatars and so on.
For them God or a god has an other meaning as for us. Hinduism, that's more an antropology than a religion by the way, it consists in fact of many "sub-religions" and a lot of "God's" and "god's" and deities... There's also a monotheist stream... "Everything" is possible in India religions :)


Well I just know of ONE God and its disrespectful to call a human being that.
Much Love back lol