Caution: Female mj fans beware of chris gardner

sweet princess

Proud Member
Mar 16, 2005
Any of you female fans that have a myspace, Please be careful.
There is an MJ look-alike that has victimized under aged girls & young women. His name is CHRIS GARDNER, his myspace url if you see him on your friends request list. DON'T ADD HIM, He's DANGEROUS.

Please go to this link for more info:

I love you girls & please BE SAFE.
how exactly is he "dangerous"? is he sending perverted messages? :lol:
So these girls are actually believing he is Michael............................?
that dude doesn't look like MJ at all!!! He's ugly as hell... and MJ is beautiful and sexy...And the one and only!
how exactly is he "dangerous"? is he sending perverted messages? :lol:
Yes he is, He actually sent one of my friends a diguesting pic of his privates. It not a laughing matter, please take what I have written very seriosusly.
Wow! That's really terrible and you know something elese?, The name "Chris Gardner" immediately got my attention because he( the real Chris Gardner) was the subject of the movie , ''The pursuit of Happyness" starring Will Smith. This Chris Gardner has his own muti million dollar company and does speaking engagements. He was on Oprah a year or two ago. Heartbreaking and Fascinating Life Story.

I do hope young girls are very. very careful and inform their parents and report this creep. God I hope no one gives out their personal information to him.
I'm going to try to get all the info of what he has done & then give it to Tom.
If you guys know anyone who has been a victum of this prevert please pm me.
have them e-mail me please. Thanks.
wow the link doesn't work and the friend id is invalid. looks like he was caught or caught on and made a new page
The link the was in my first post was for the ladies and young girls that he violated. I guess he had Tom remove it. The sad part is that Chris has a lot of friends that think he's innocent, when in fact he's not. :(