
Word Smith Sr

Proud Member
Jan 18, 2008
Rosé Brut, Dream On City
By the way, i do not own pets but i was wondering, can cats obey ? I mean, like dogs, will they obey if their owner tell them to sit, get up, shake their hand with one of their paws etc......

Can they fetch something you throw ? How do owners deal with cats claws by the way ? I had a kitty on my lap some months ago and i had a hard time taking it off there because his claws were stuck on my pants lol. Can they live with any kind of animal if socialized properly ? I saw a cat play with a pitbull yesterday on Youtube lol.

One last question: how long should one wait before taking a kitty from its mother ? For dogs its like 8 weeks right ? How long is it for cats ? I mean, if you go buy one in a legitimate place how can you make sure its stayed with its mother long enough ? Should one buy it from a shelter or buy one that has never been owned ?

Question to those who own apartment breeds: what breed do you own ? Can cats turn on their owner and try to bite them or use their claws on them ?

I am asking those questions out of curiosity in case i ever have the time to own a cat, socialize it, take care of it properly.
Cats have a lot of personality and are very intelligent. They don't think they need you particularly and are very independent. it really boils down to the personality of the cat you get.

I have 4 cats presently and have had more. All of my cats come when I call them. When my sis or bro calls them, not so much. If I tell them to do something, like move, they usually will do it. Cats will usually not fetch because they figure why bother. I'm sure if you invested the time into it. You could train them. I mean they have cats on TV and they are trained. But I'm sure that takes a lot of time. Time most of us don't have.

If you have a cat expect to get scratched at some point. Sometimes they do it out of playing. When they play with other cats, they use their claws. but even with humans they usually have a play mode and a serious mode. They will usually scratch and bite with a warning first (usually depending on how fiesty your cat is). Cats can live with virtually any animal depending on if they feel like it. If your cats persoanlity is to be a loner they will not like any other animal there.

If you make your cat mad they will bite you and/or scratch you no matter who you are.

If you are very worried about your cats personality, I would recommend the animal rescue at Petsmart (Oh dear I just saw you were in France, I don't know how they do it there). But here, they watch the cats, tell you if they have lived with cats or other animals before. They tell about their personality. They are a rescue organization so cats do not get euthanized. Maybe they have something like that in France as well. When a cat around my house had kittens, I wanted to take them to them because they do not put cats to sleep. They made me wait until the kittens were older before I took them and moved them and the mother. I think it was like 6 weeks. But don't quote me on that. They are usually really good about things like that.

Also, might I recommend, if you would like a smaller cat, for you maybe not one who is a baby, baby, but definitely a little older. Maybe several months old. Their personalities are more set and you will know more so what you are getting. Plus once they are this age you will find more selection. Eveeryone loves kittens but once they are several months old people start to get rid of them because they don't think they are as cute (bogus). Older cats need love too. And if it is your first cat, it is a great way to get you used to training cats and making sure your home is safe.

I hope this helps.
By the way, i do not own pets but i was wondering, can cats obey ? I mean, like dogs, will they obey if their owner tell them to sit, get up, shake their hand with one of their paws etc......

Can they fetch something you throw ? How do owners deal with cats claws by the way ? I had a kitty on my lap some months ago and i had a hard time taking it off there because his claws were stuck on my pants lol. Can they live with any kind of animal if socialized properly ? I saw a cat play with a pitbull yesterday on Youtube lol.

One last question: how long should one wait before taking a kitty from its mother ? For dogs its like 8 weeks right ? How long is it for cats ? I mean, if you go buy one in a legitimate place how can you make sure its stayed with its mother long enough ? Should one buy it from a shelter or buy one that has never been owned ?

Question to those who own apartment breeds: what breed do you own ? Can cats turn on their owner and try to bite them or use their claws on them ?

I am asking those questions out of curiosity in case i ever have the time to own a cat, socialize it, take care of it properly.

Well you already got great advice, but this is in case you ever own more than one cat. First of all, cats have to get used to their surroundings and owners. Many cats hiss at each other when they first "meet". I have three cats and the first one we just let roam the house. The second one was so scared she would hide, but the third one we kept separate from the other two for about a week so he could get used to us as his owners. The priority is for them to get used to the owners first, then to each other. Our first two cats we got within a month, and our third one a year after. Our first two cats bonded and played, and we've had other cats in here because we got one for free but he didn't work out, and we tried to help a lost cat out but that didn't work out. When you get a cat and if you think you may be getting more cats make sure to find out if that cat is the type who would like to be the only cat or a cat that wouldn't mind living with other cats. Find out what kind of food they eat. Should you want to change their food you need to do it slowly or else the sudden change would bother their stomach. Cats have their own personality, more independent. Some are lap cats and love to sit on their owner's lap while some don't. When we've had the other cats that haven't worked, one of them did not like living with other cats and he attacked our himalayan who was our second cat. Our first cat who is a male tabby would go hiss at the cat attacking her, so he always defended our himalayan. The third cat we have likes to pick on our himalayan, to push her buttons, lol! I don't encourage that. I try to stop it. Sometimes after he does that the first cat we got would go up to him(as if to say stop it, lol). Our first and third cats are both tabbies and they play very well together.
When we first got our first cat, he would always scratch my husband to play, and I just asked my husband and he said that he just grew out of it as he got older. He and my hubby are close buddies, LOL
I hope I was able to help as well.
Well you already got great advice, but this is in case you ever own more than one cat. First of all, cats have to get used to their surroundings and owners. Many cats hiss at each other when they first "meet". I have three cats and the first one we just let roam the house. The second one was so scared she would hide, but the third one we kept separate from the other two for about a week so he could get used to us as his owners. The priority is for them to get used to the owners first, then to each other. Our first two cats we got within a month, and our third one a year after. Our first two cats bonded and played, and we've had other cats in here because we got one for free but he didn't work out, and we tried to help a lost cat out but that didn't work out. When you get a cat and if you think you may be getting more cats make sure to find out if that cat is the type who would like to be the only cat or a cat that wouldn't mind living with other cats. Find out what kind of food they eat. Should you want to change their food you need to do it slowly or else the sudden change would bother their stomach. Cats have their own personality, more independent. Some are lap cats and love to sit on their owner's lap while some don't. When we've had the other cats that haven't worked, one of them did not like living with other cats and he attacked our himalayan who was our second cat. Our first cat who is a male tabby would go hiss at the cat attacking her, so he always defended our himalayan. The third cat we have likes to pick on our himalayan, to push her buttons, lol! I don't encourage that. I try to stop it. Sometimes after he does that the first cat we got would go up to him(as if to say stop it, lol). Our first and third cats are both tabbies and they play very well together.
When we first got our first cat, he would always scratch my husband to play, and I just asked my husband and he said that he just grew out of it as he got older. He and my hubby are close buddies, LOL
I hope I was able to help as well.

Thx for taking the time to answer, its very helpful. I was wondering, how common is it for cats to suffer from coprophagia ? How do you help them stop eating their own stuff ? (sorry if anyone's eating).
No, I am not this person. I have never heard of them before.

:puke: :)hysterical: jk)
Also, coprophagia is not that common in cats I don't think. You should google it. Cats are notoriously picky eaters and usually sniff something to death before they will take a bite (usually). I know cats will eat some of their poop just to clean their butts after they do a #2. but they have special acids on thier tongues to clean themselves all over with. And that is better for you so you do not have to worry about giving kitty a bath. (Just take care of their breath and you are ok):yes:

I have never had any of my cats eating their own poop, cats are just sooo clean. I am not a good person to ask about that. I am sure a vet would be able to help you with that. Also, a reputable place where you go get your kitty should be able to fill you in on any habits your cat has and how to help them where it is needed. If they are reputable(A lot of animal rescue organizations will be up front because they really want the cat to have a good home and they don't want the cat abandoned again).
Cats are awesome!! My mate has trained her cat to sit, lay down and roll over for a cat biscuit is the cutest thing! lol I am sure if you find something they like they would do anything.
I was pretty young when i had my cat but i taught him to come to me every time i clicked my fingers, i thought that was pretty coool :) seeing as no one else could get him to do it :D haha.

Also i went to see the Dog Whisperer a couple of weeks ago; he told a story about a lady who got a dog from a shelter, bought it home to her house and introduced it to the cat and because the owner never took the place as the pack leader the cat did it... he said when the dog was bought into the house the dog came too close to the cat so the cat hit it on the nose with its paw... and from that point the dog would take orders from the cat basically... stuff like moving out of the sofa when the cat came along and the cat would sit there.
So yeah cats are pretty intelligent animals! :)
Thx again for being so available ginvid. :) I'll keep researching to know about lap cat breeds, etc.... and i think ill get one after my studies (in several years). I like dogs too but cats seems to be cleaner.

To Sarah.lovess.MJ: Thx for taking the time to answer. :) Your biscuit story is cute.

A dog fearing a cat ? lol What dog breed was it ?
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It´s getting late here but i can I can answer that a kitten shall be at least 12 weeks before you take it from the mother.Kittens can eat,drink by themselves much earlier but they are sensitive for infections some times after they don´t get so much milk from the mother anymore and shouldn´t move at that time.
Another important thing is that between 8-12 weeks the kitten learns from the mother and the other siblings how much it can bite before it hurts .The kittens are playing with each other most of the time and they are often screaming, telling their brother or sister that hurts.
If they don´t know that they bite to hard ,then they bite you to hard.
Another thing, there are often problems with housetraining when the kitten is too young.
In fact in Sweden we have a law now that says kittens shall not leave the mother before 12 weeks.
We know we have some strange laws in Sweden but in this case the veterinarians saw so many problems with cats that had moved from their mother before 12 weeks.
But still younger kittens than that get new homes in Sweden and I´m one of them who see the problems after a while.

If you are going to buy a cat,please take it from a shelter or take a homeless cat if you find one.
If you take a cat from a shelter you help that cat and the shelter can help another cat with no home.
i don´t know if you have homeless cats in France but it seems to be a problem wherever I go.

Cats can live with other animals for example rabbits,dogs
I have 9 cats and they have all been homeless.
Thx again for being so available ginvid. :) I'll keep researching to know about lap cat breeds, etc.... and i think ill get one after my studies (in several years). I like dogs too but cats seems to be cleaner.

To Sarah.lovess.MJ: Thx for taking the time to answer. :) Your biscuit story is cute.

A dog fearing a cat ? lol What dog breed was it ?

lol i know but you would be surprised how authoritative cats can be, it was more a story of how a dog will follow whoever will take a leading role in its life... no clue what breed it was i imagined a larger dog from how he was telling it, the dog had lived with cats before in its life tho so probably made a difference.

Like Mist says cats can live with other animals... i had a house rabbit at the time of having a cat and they loved eachother, they would snuggle up together was soo cute :D haha
Thx MIST and Sarah.lovess.MJ for taking the time to answer once again. I was wondering, how do you tell your cat that he's done something wrong and should not do it again. For example, if he scratches your leather sofa or answers nature's call on the living room floor, do you just say " No!!" in a firm way or ?

I guess you have to catch him red-handed since he won't understand why he's being talked to this way if you reprimand him after he did something wrong. Oh by the way how do you get a cat you have just gotten to know his name ?

They cant read so i do not think writing his name on his bowl will work. :scratch:
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In my experience with my kitty..her name is Delilah and she is a tiger kitty....cats little box train she never goes to the bathroom on the floor..cats are very easily trainable...they usually go straight to the litter box. Oh yeah make sure that you get your cat spayed or neutered...male cats will spray to mark their territory. My sister use to have a male cat and then she got a second cat..OMG her cats use to spray and her house smelled disgusting so bad that I could not even visit her. So if you get a male yourself and your visitors a favor...get the cat fixed..:)
Thx MIST and Sarah.lovess.MJ for taking the time to answer once again. I was wondering, how do you tell your cat that he's done something wrong and should not do it again. For example, if he scratches your leather sofa or answers nature's call on the living room floor, do you just say " No!!" in a firm way or ?

I guess you have to catch him red-handed since he won't understand why he's being talked this way if you reprimand him after he did something wrong. Oh by the way how do you get a cat you have just gotten to know its name ?

They cant read so i do not think writing his name on his bowl will work. :scratch:

Yeah thats pretty much all you can do.. say no in a firm voice, my cat used to scratch the sofa and we just had to quickly say no and run over to him, then he would just run off and sit on the opposite sofa :D lol

With the peeing on the floor.. its important not to tell them off for that because they will just think you are telling them off for doing something thats natural to them... i would just look out for the signs that they are going to pee then quickly putting them in the place you want them to do it, then they realise they are supposed to do it there everytime.

Well the idea is you say his name whenever you can giving positive reinforcements like stroking and a cat biscuit or somthing. Never say its name when telling it off it will only create a negative association. So when you say its name and you get its attention (like eye contact) you stoke it etc.
Haha it would be so much easier if they could just learn their name by looking at their food bowl, not so clever afterall i suppose :cheeky:
That's true xthunderx. Also cats like to scratch and bury when they go to the bathroom. So unkless something is wrong they will use the litter box.

Also cats are very receptive to the tone of your voice. If you are angry at them they will understand. They also have extraordinary memories. They may try and sneak and do things sometimes, but you have to just put your foot down. Some kind of discipline may be necessary as well. Treats when they are good is great and firmness when they are not is great as well.
My father has a siamese cat and he never goes outside and is really content being indoors 100% of the time. My cat on the other hand goes nuts if she can't get out of the house every day for most of the day and just has nights indoors. I think it's typically due to how they are raised and what they are used to. My father also has a dog and the dog and siamese cat often travel in the same pet carrier when they go to the vets for needles or when we go away. The cat will hiss at the dog and the dog just sucks it up and deals with it. They get on very well :) So it is proof that different types of animals can get along together if they are introduced in the right. My cat on the other hand knew the dog for an even longer period of time and still has a tantrum but she is just grumpy all the time if she sees another dog or cat.

Generally cats don't do what you tell them in response to commands but there was a cat that my parents had years ago that would retrieve balls all the time. Again, a Siamese.

Cats are really easily toilet trained so it's great and often already are when you get them even as kittens. If you have a rescue shelter nearby maybe you could go and visit to see about cat adoption. Or breeders will advertise in newspapers and will of course know when they are ready to have a new home.

You can easily clip cats claws when they get too long, or at least have a scratching post for them as their natural instinct is to ware down their claws when they get too long like the big cats do.

Another toilet box idea, is using shredded paper instead of litter. All you need is a shredder which is usually quite cheap and if you read newspapers it's a great idea.
In my experience with my kitty..her name is Delilah and she is a tiger kitty....cats little box train she never goes to the bathroom on the floor..cats are very easily trainable...they usually go straight to the litter box. Oh yeah make sure that you get your cat spayed or neutered...male cats will spray to mark their territory. My sister use to have a male cat and then she got a second cat..OMG her cats use to spray and her house smelled disgusting so bad that I could not even visit her. So if you get a male yourself and your visitors a favor...get the cat fixed..:)

Female cats will mark their territory too, they should also be neutered.
Gracious, I've had so many cats and kittens in my life, I could write a book. And, I've never been without a dog and cat/s for a day in my life from childhood on.

Not saying it doesn't happen, but I have never ever seen one of my cats eat their own feces. Perhaps lick/clean themselves in the hind quarters after using the litter box, but never heard of a cat eating their feces per se. That's a new one on me unless there is some really unique reason for it.

Every cat is so different, even grown cats from the same litter. After my 21 yr old male cat finally had to be put to sleep because of renal failure, I adopted 2 young brothers from Sicsa when they were 3 months old. They're as different as night and day. They're all black with one small patch of white on the lower part of their bellies. For some reason, black cats and Siamese cats seem to have slightly different personalities than other cats I've had. They seem to have more distinct behavior and vocalizations for whatever reason.

One thing I can say without a doubt, keep the cat litter clean, scoop the poop out at least once a day, especially if more than one cat uses the box. They are instinctively very clean animals. Too much poop in the box, or too much urine odor, not a good thing and don't be surprised if they find a nice clean area outside the box to do their thing. And if you've had another cat in the past that urinated in a spot, for some reason expect other cats to do the same. Avoid that by removing any trace of a previously urinated upon section of carpet, or expect followup behavior from a new cat.

One of the two I have now absolutely adores my dog, and the dog tolerates just about anything from him, even coming too close to the dog's "chewies". The other one has a distinct "attitude". The second adores me, goes into rapture just sitting on my lap, the dog comes along, watch out. The easy going one is content just sleeping on the bed with me and the dog, no territorial thing, the second, not so much. It can get interesting at night in bed with all of them.

And the 2 brother cats have entirely differently food likes and tolerances. One can eat and never throw up; the other frequently has the "urps".

After loosing too many cats to car accidents, I've learned that if adopted as kittens with no free roaming experience, they're quite happy and content being indoor animals. Guess what they don't know/experience about outside freedom, the easier it is for them to be completely content being strictly indoor cats.

While I don't necessarily condone or encourage de-clawing, it does make everything easier in the long run. Many people I know have given away or just let their cats out and hope they disappear because they do tend to sharpen their claws on material, especially furniture. With out their front claws, little to no damage to things and less likelihood to abandon them. One rule vets seem to agree on, do not declaw their hind feet claws. If they get out, they still have a fighting chance to defend themselves to some degree with back feet claws still intact.

Food, it's a learning curve. Some cats can eat just about any brand, dry or wet, and all's good. Others have picky taste and sensitive stomachs. One of my brother cats eats anything and everything cat food wise, never ever vomits; the other other one- expect an "urp" every once in a while.

Both of my cats come when I call them by name. One is happiest on my lap, the other one perfectly happy sleeping alone on a couch pillow. One can snuggle up to my dog when it's cold, the other one simply cannot abide sleeping near my dog and vice versa.

This current twosome of cats has never been outdoors, they love the enclosed Florida room to bask in the sun, but otherwise know no different life and are content. Once cats learn the glories of wandering outside, hard to break them of that, and greatly increases the chances of being hit by a car, etc. I've learned that the hard way, it's extremely painful to go outside and find your beloved cat dead and mangled in the street after being hit by a car.

Unless the cat(s) are long-haired, they require virtually no grooming.

Versus a/my dog, I can leave the cats for a couple of days if absolutely necessary if they have plenty of dry food and water, clean litter box, etc. The dog, no way, he has to go outdoors for a potty break at least twice a day.

I've never lived without at least one cat and one dog, my married son as well. Cats, as well as dogs, bring a unique experience/caring and depth to one's life. Hardest part is when you lose them, when they die, or have to be put to sleep for a variety of reasons. It's especially difficult to take that friend and companion into the vet, say your goodbyes, and see them go under and pass before your eyes while they are looking at you. Hard, so very hard. They put so much trust into you, saying goodbye no matter how necessary, is a gut wrencher. Have to stop now, got a big ol' lump in my throat-
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I love cats! I have two :D


Thx for responding bgz and mjstarlight. :)

To bgz: i'm so sorry for reminding you of the cats you lost. I hope you're ok.

To mjstarlight: you have beautiful cats, what breed are they ? Male or female ? How old are they ? Whats is their name ?

What is the one in the second pic doing ? Hiding, or waking up ?
Vets don´t do de-clawing in Sweden.I think it´s forbidden.
Some of my cats aren´t very social and I don´t cut their claws but I have some special furnitures for them to scratch on.
here are some trees
You can also use a piece of a real tree or you can figure out something else
Here are some homemade things people do for their cats , beds, places to scratch etc

I have had adult cats who was born outdoors, never had a home before and wasn´t used to people but there has never been a problem for them to find the toilet box.I just put them in a smaller room and take away soft things except for a bed and they fix it.If they don´t I just take some material from outdoors and put in the toilet box
Thx for responding bgz and mjstarlight. :)

To bgz: i'm so sorry for reminding you of the cats you lost. I hope you're ok.

To mjstarlight: you have beautiful cats, what breed are they ? Male or female ? How old are they ? Whats is their name ?

What is the one in the second pic doing ? Hiding, or waking up ?

Max is in the first picture is a Tabby and a male.

Molly is in the 2nd picture, she is 13 now and is a Russian Blue. She likes to hide under beds :lmao: I really have to watch her because she is sneaky!