cats and Christmas Trees


Proud Member
Feb 28, 2009
I have a nice kitty who loves to climb in my Christmas tree at Christmas...jeez her bum is so big that she sometimes knocks it over...we have tied it to the wall and everything...does anyone have any ideas on how to keep a cat out of a tree? :lmao:
Do you have any pics of that? It must be so funny!
Better let her enjoy her time in the x-mas tree. After all, it's only once a year and it won't feel like Christmas anymore without the x-mas-tree-cat :)
My cat is too lazy to do stunts like those :(

:lol: Our kitten used to do that. He climbed everything. He completely destroyed the net curtains.
When your cat starts climbing the tree, just discipline her. Pull her out by the scruff and say 'No!' in a firm voice, or hiss.
She'll learn eventually.
They can learn to don´t climb in the christmastree when you are there but when you´re not there they do what they want..If the christmastree falls they have no idea what happened, they are always innocent..

I have 9 cats and I´m not going to have a christmastree.
When I had my cat (he vanished in May sadly) he was always really scared of the christmas tree and got confused when the christmas decorations came out. It was funny one year though, he sniffed some tinsel, it went up his nose and he did a huge sneeze haha.
heh, i remember my cat knocking down my tree a few years back. Always loved playing with the ball ornaments. :p
Our cat used to do the same, it was funny the first few times! Until some of the decorations broke. In the end we just had to keep the door to that room shut to make sure he didn't go in.

He's a bit old to get up there these days!
I have a nice kitty who loves to climb in my Christmas tree at Christmas...jeez her bum is so big that she sometimes knocks it over...we have tied it to the wall and everything...does anyone have any ideas on how to keep a cat out of a tree? :lmao:
Tying the tree to the wall really works. I found this out the hard way...we got our tree and set it up, ornaments and all. I left the cat alone all day and came back to find the tree on the floor, and her pawing at the ornaments. From that point on, her name became "Cat-A-Brat".
This reminds me of the time when my aunt's one cat had climbed in to her Christmas tree. And the tree just fell over breaking half of her ornaments. Thankfully we never had a problem with my 2 cats doing that. Though I do remember when my Tabby was a kitten she used to always break the lower ornaments on the tree. By just mostly knocking them off the hooks. Because she thought the ball ornaments were toys that she could play with. That was 15 years ago now all she likes to do is either just lay under the tree. Or she used to L.O.V.E. to lay under the tree skirt. Which we really don't have a problem with. I know my mother's chocolate Siamese cat likes to lay under the tree skirt.