‘Catcher In The Rye’ author J.D Salinger dies.


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news again, in case you haven't heard:

NEW YORK—J.D. Salinger, the legendary author, youth hero and fugitive from fame whose "The Catcher in the Rye" shocked and inspired a world he increasingly shunned, has died. He was 91.

Salinger died of natural causes at his home on Wednesday, the author's son said in a statement from Salinger's longtime literary representative, Harold Ober Agency. He had lived for decades in self-imposed isolation in the small, remote house in Cornish, N.H.

"The Catcher in the Rye," with its immortal teenage protagonist, the twisted, rebellious Holden Caulfield, came out in 1951, a time of anxious, Cold War conformity and the dawn of modern adolescence. The Book-of-the-Month Club, which made "Catcher" a featured selection, advised that for "anyone who has ever brought up a son" the novel will be "a source of wonder and delight -- and concern."

Enraged by all the "phonies" who make "me so depressed I go crazy," Holden soon became American literature's most famous anti-hero since Huckleberry Finn. The novel's sales are astonishing -- more than 60 million copies worldwide -- and its impact incalculable. Decades after publication, the book remains a defining expression of that most American of dreams: to never grow up.

Salinger was writing for adults, but teenagers from all over identified with the novel's themes of alienation, innocence and fantasy, not to mention the luck of having the last word. "Catcher" presents the world as an ever-so-unfair struggle between the goodness of young people and the corruption of elders, a message that only intensified with the oncoming generation gap....

(article from boston.comhttp://www.boston.com/ae/celebrity/articles/2010/01/28/catcher_in_the_rye_author_jd_salinger_dies/)

Thank you for your wonderful novels, Mr. Salinger. :(
He was a great author.
I loved the book "The Catcher in the Rye".
I heard this in the news too. :( R.I.P.
I love The Catcher in the Rye. We read that in school many years back.
Another book I need to read again.
Brilliant writer. I loved his works because the characters, the dialogue, the situations were all so real. There was no bs-ing with him. All of the people in his stories I felt I'd met somewhere before.

I always thought that if I ever had a band I'd call it "A lie before breakfast" - courtesy of Franny and Zooey.

RIP, Bro.
Won't be missed by me.


According to wikipedia
"Jerome David Salinger was born in Manhattan, New York, on New Year's Day, 1919. His mother, Marie Jillich, was half-Scottish and half-Irish. His father, Sol Salinger, was of Polish Jewish origin who sold kosher cheese. Salinger's mother changed her name to Miriam and passed as Jewish. Salinger did not find out that his mother was not Jewish until just after his bar mitzvah. He had one sibling: his sister Doris (1911–2001)."
January 28, 2010 NEW YORK (JTA) -- J.D. Salinger, author of "Catcher in the Rye," recluse and grandson of a rabbi, has died at 91.


Author J.D. Salinger died at 91. He was best known for writing, “The Catcher in the Rye.”

Salinger died of natural causes at his home on Wednesday, the author’s son said in a statement from Salinger’s literary representative. He had lived for decades in self-imposed isolation in the small, remote house in Cornish, N.H.

But was Salinger Jewish?

Jewish Virtual Library explains his complicated Jewish background:

J.D. (Jerome David) Salinger was born on January 1, 1919, in Manhattan, New York. He was born to a Jewish father and an Irish Catholic mother. His mother changed her name to Miriam and passed as Jewish when she married; J.D. did not find out that his mother was not Jewish until just after his bar mitzvah.


As far as his alleged "literary masterpiece," I wasn't impressed. I say this because it is possibly the most overrated novel in history and because it was one of the earliest 'Counter-Culture' books to deconstruct Western culture.

Catcher in the Rye was mandatory reading in colleges and universities. They facilitated the facade that it was literary genius but most likely his publishers weaseled their way into educational systems to exploit the compulsory purchasing methods.

The English departments were always smitten with Counter-Culture fiction. Then the classes would all sit around and feign intellectualism, which was easy because any ridiculous thing you said was valid under cultural relativism.

A teenage boy at boarding school flips out, goes to the city, hires a prostitute just to talk to her, reunites with his ex girlfriend, checks out her ass while she's skating, wipes some profanity off bathroom walls, and eventually gets institutionalized. He also says "a lot."

Catcher in the Rye is unjustly overrated. In fact, most modernist and postmodernist drivel is and not just literature either. Anything that even hints at Counter-Cultural themes has been given undue praise since at least the sixties. The Arts & Humanities are so thoroughly dominated by the Left that they self-perpetuate off of each other's sycophancy - the critic and the artist themselves have a symbiotic relationship, feeding off of each other only because both have been trained by the Counter-Culture.

Although Salinger initially contemplated a theater production of "Catcher," with the author himself playing Holden, he turned down numerous offers for film or stage rights, including requests from Billy Wilder and Elia Kazan. Bids from Steven Spielberg and Harvey Weinstein were also rejected.
Salinger's alleged adoration of children apparently did not extend to his own. In 2000, daughter Margaret Salinger's "Dreamcatcher" portrayed the writer as an unpleasant recluse who drank his own urine and spoke in tongues.
We all see things differently. Some like Shakespeare, some hate him.
What Salinger's daughter said about her father: Can you be absolutely sure that this what she was telling the media is the truth?
Agent M that's all dribble........ based on him being a recluse and media wanting to find out anything about i'm pretty sure that comment was sarcastic.

The greatest character of 20th literature in 'Holden Caulfield' will live on forever, the novel speaks volume about individuality and the idea the modern world has on growing up. The character throughout brings up some deeper issues with society and people as a whole, alot greater than your watered down sensationalist article.

Oh well, that's the reason he only wrote one book, he didn't write it for you, me or anyone else. He did it for himself and a way to express himself.

respect his expression.
Aww may he rest in peace.

I've just thought of reading Catcher in the rye.. :(