Cat Question: We Might Have to Euthanize


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
Ok first off all I need to say that my cat, Fancy has bad liver / kidney; shes on meds for it & we came close to euthanizing her back in September / late August. Fancy is doing fine now - but shes still not out of the closet yet.

We have to take her back in Feb to check her bl work.

**My Question with all that said is: Cats are way more emotional and sensitive, just like humans are so: Can cats get sick from their human owners? For instance, I am coming down with a cold. I'm very congested. I have been giving Fancy kisses and been in her face so I am so scared & I didn't think about it until after the fact, so scared that she will get sick with a cold or the sniffles or something from me.

Is it possible for her to get sick from me??:bugeyed I certainly hope not.
please respond ASAP ; I can't take her to the vet for a cold.
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I have told that viruses like cold are not communicable between humans and cats. I got a cold and soon after, one of my cats started sneezing and I was afraid I gave it to her. My vet said no way. If you are worried, I would the vet that cares for your animal and just ask that general question. I have 4 cats and I am always in and out of that office. But if there is a general quaestion she will answer over the phone. I hope everything turns out ok.:)
Idk, I've had cats and dogs all my life, usually multiples at a time. The last pet I had to "put down" lived to be 21 yrs old, very unusual for a cat, plus he had kidney disease. Never in all of my almost 60 yrs on earth have I ever been told by a vet that I could transmit a human disease to a cat or dog. Not saying it's an impossibility.

If you have a veterinarian, surely you could call and ask the question? That would be the best option, and wouldn't entail your having to go into the office for a visit. They may have to call you back if the vet is not available at the moment to answer your question, but I would rather hear it from a trained professional.

It's known that certain "diseases" can and do cross the animal/human barrier, don't know about a common cold, though, or a human giving an illness to an animal. If it were me, I'd definitely want to ask a professional to ease my mind.
I have taken care of homeless cats for several years and have been working together with other people doing the same thing and I´ve never heard that a cat could get a cold from its owner.
I use to be on catforums too.
it may be best to err on the side of caution and try to avoid kissing the cat while you have a cold. doctors discover new stuff every day.
But cats are generally, more sensitive animals & can easily get stressed out over something just like a new pet, even a baby.