Cat Question: My Cat Has been Resentful of cat #2


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
Okay so when we bought Fancy in 05 & took her home, she was the happiest and playful cat! My mother decided over time, to get Fancy a playmate because at the time, both of us were working & we just simply didn't want to have Fancy be unhappy while alone at the house. Well, it turns out long story short, Fancy since we bought the other cat home 4 years ago, is not the same happy fun playful cat that she once was. We originally got cat #2 for her alone but they don't really play together. In fact, Fancy ignores her during the day.

So my question is, can cats be resentful to their owners? Its been nearly 5 years since we brought home cat # 2 and Fancy, although she is a very loving cat to me, I notice a big big difference between Fancy the only cat and Fancy the only cat.

So to all you cat lovers who want to get your cat a friend, think about it. Help!

p.s. Fancy doesnt have to be put down - now. Its just a matter of time.
I've heard that, for cats to get along, they have to be raised together. Since there was already a big age gap between them, I think that was the problem (plus cat no 2 is also a female. maybe if it were a male...).

But there are always exceptions to the rule...I had my cat for about 11 years when I brought home the cat (also 'old' and very mean spirited) of a neighbor who died. At first, they were fighting like crazy, but, after a few days, they started to get along. They were so cute...doing everything together, 'fighting' for my attention...Now I wonder if they really liked each other or they just wanted to keep an eye on each other all the time?! :)

If they are loving when in your company, you shouldn't worry. I don't think they are resentful.
I think also when you have an older cat and bring a younger cat into the mix, the motherly instincts of the older cat kicks in. Meaning she will stop acting like a playful little kitten and want to be motherly to the other cat. I think it is instinct.
I've heard that, for cats to get along, they have to be raised together. Since there was already a big age gap between them, I think that was the problem (plus cat no 2 is also a female. maybe if it were a male...).

But there are always exceptions to the rule...I had my cat for about 11 years when I brought home the cat (also 'old' and very mean spirited) of a neighbor who died. At first, they were fighting like crazy, but, after a few days, they started to get along. They were so cute...doing everything together, 'fighting' for my attention...Now I wonder if they really liked each other or they just wanted to keep an eye on each other all the time?! :)

If they are loving when in your company, you shouldn't worry. I don't think they are resentful.
i cant agree more:D
Your cat sounds like my Tabby BillieJean. My Tabby spent the first 8 years of her life alone. We had gotten her when she was 3 months old in late October of 1995. And she really like being alone. Until 8 years later in November of 2003 we had gotten a pure 100% Chocolate point Siamese kitten name Coco. The day that we brought Coco home my Tabby had this horrified look on her face the minute she saw Coco. Now Coco who is now 7 years old and Tabby who is 15 years old still won't get along with each other. I think it was just last night I had heard my mother say are you 2 fighting again? They will fight with every single chance they can get. At least both of their front paws have been declawed. If they weren't there will be blood everywhere the way they like to fight. I am the only person in the house my Tabby will show any kind of L.O.V.E. for. And I with her. Mainly because she knows that I don't like Coco either. And I always try to protect her from that cat when I can. Even though she can defend for herself but with her being as old as she is I really don't know about that. Especially since I think she has arthritis because of her trouble getting up the stairs. And she can no longer jump up on things. But I do know she still hates my mother and her husband for bringing that cat home. And she also knows that they no longer like her especially my mother who wants to have her put down. But I won't let her do that if my cat is going to go she will go naturally. And not by a vet's hand.
^^ my mother's cat seems to know that Fancy was sick. She would come up to Fancy & sniff her and even hiss at times then run. Now, Fancys doing better and so its back to normal. They will sniff each other but they don't neccessarily play with each other.

I guess some breeds of cats, are loner cats. Just depends on what kind it is.