Casey Anthony Case


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
So if anyone has a tv in their home you should know about this [BLEEEEEEEP] who killed her 2 year old daughter Caylee.

I don't even know where to begin with this except that I'd like to see cameras in the courtroom for the trial, which starts I think in 2010.

heres afew links to remind everyone here this monster of a person.

1.lied to the cops about her whereabouts
2. during the time daughter was missing, she wasn't looking for her- she was out partying and got a new tattoo saying 'Beautiful Life.'
3. during IMs with ppl, she called her daughter some very nasty names.
4. There was the smell of a decomposed body in the car ; family says it was "old pizza"
(yes, her parents are defending her)

so many other points I don't know where to start. Your thoughts.

DEATH PENALTY:clapping::clapping::cheers::cheers:
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I believe about innocent until proven guilty since this case has be sensationalized up the wazoo. Even if the partying crap she did duing her daughter being missing was pretty questionable. I still can't believe how long Nancy Grace stuck to this case, someone on youtube said more than 200 episodes. :eek:
DEATH PENALTY:clapping::clapping::cheers::cheers:

I' sorry, but who gives one human being the right to take the life of another human being? Nobody on earth is God. :no: I am glad that the EU strongly opposes the death penalty in all circumstances. Here it is life without possibility of parole at worst.
I' sorry, but who gives one human being the right to take the life of another human being? Nobody on earth is God. :no: I am glad that the EU strongly opposes the death penalty in all circumstances. Here it is life without possibility of parole at worst.

totally agree
so its ok for a 22 year old to party and lie to cops about the whereabouts of her and her missing girl?? please don't tell me that SHES the victim here .....I know we all are entitled to our opinion but come on... thats a little .... not right.
so its ok for a 22 year old to party and lie to cops about the whereabouts of her and her missing girl?? please don't tell me that SHES the victim here .....I know we all are entitled to our opinion but come on... thats a little .... not right.

no one's saying that but that doesn't make it okay for you to wish death on someone.
so its ok for a 22 year old to party and lie to cops about the whereabouts of her and her missing girl?? please don't tell me that SHES the victim here .....I know we all are entitled to our opinion but come on... thats a little .... not right.

That little girl was the victim, and her own mother killed her. (Yes, I believe she did it)

I am for the death penalty, as I feel if you take a life, yours should not be spared.

I am with you on this.
To each its own. Thats why were all here. =) I respect everyones opinions here so I apologize if I seem rude by someones beliefs.

Cameras in teh courtroom l hope. l wanna see her although l know shes not sorry for what she did, anyone can tell.
To each its own. Thats why were all here. =) I respect everyones opinions here so I apologize if I seem rude by someones beliefs.

Cameras in teh courtroom l hope. l wanna see her although l know shes not sorry for what she did, anyone can tell.

You were not rude, BillieJean84, you were just stating your opinion, and everyone here has one.

I read that someone said it's not right to wish death on someone, well, her mother had NO right to kill her child. She brought this on all on herself. I feel she will get what she deserves.

And your right, she is showiing NO remorse. She knows what she did.
You were not rude, BillieJean84, you were just stating your opinion, and everyone here has one.

I read that someone said it's not right to wish death on someone, well, her mother had NO right to kill her child. She brought this on all on herself. I feel she will get what she deserves.

And your right, she is showiing NO remorse. She knows what she did.

thjank you I appreciate that. as you can somewhat see, i am tyoping fast and misspeling some words today. lol.

as for casey anthony, shes only sad that she got caught. & now the favct that the innocent good samaritan that found the body is by the defense, the person who killed this girl, is just ridiculous. theres no way a jury is going to buy that. they are 'scraping the bottom of the barrel' as they say, for an excuse.

Everyones thoughts. I am interested.
The minute I saw it reported, I was like, she did it. I know she did it, and she knows she did.

She will get what she deserves, if not by the court system, the man above will handle it. I don't like kid killers.
what about all the people that have been given the death penalty that have turned out to be innocent?

uhhh. nobody has the right to sentence somebody to death. since when does two wrongs make a right?
ok well your correct- the trial hasn't started yet so everyone is innocent until proven guitly- if you wanna be technical. But you have to look at the facts: Casey lied to the police about ALOT of things. Then she was called out for the lies.

I wanna make one thing clear - 2 things clear. 1.if anyone is suggesting that Casey Anthony is the victim here- you need to re-think this case. 2. I am not "wishing death" upon anyone who doesn't deserve any kind of punishment.- It sounds like ppl (not here but in general) are saying 'well its ok for a 2 year old girl to be murdered by her own mother (and its clear she had somethign to do with it) & that this 2 year old girl deserved it.' Thats the Death Penalty- I don't 'wish death' upon anyone. This is the part of the legal system. Its called getting justice. You want her to sit in her cell and think about what she did? Whats that going to do?? All Casey Anthony is sad about is getting caught.

To each its own. I certainly do not want a argument here or anything like that & I do want to hear other ppl's perspectives. :yes:
I followed the case from the very start. Casey Anthony is a compulsive liar (she lied to police, her parents, friends, everyone), she is a thief (stealing money from her parents, wiping out a friends bank account, and her greadarents who were dying in a nursing home). She lied for over a year about having a job, took almost a month to report her daughter missing and that was only because her mother found out. And when her mother found out her mothers exact words to the 911 operator were "her car smells like a damn dead body". She took police to a place she didn't work, lied about a nanny (the woman who happened to have the same name went through hell even losing her job), took police to an apartment saying that was where Caylee was last seen, only it had been vacant for 6 months. Pictures came up of her at parties when her daughter was missing. When she was finally arrested, one guy Leonard Padilla still searched for Caylee, he thought they found her at the bottom of a river, Casey had no reaction to the news. When a meter reader stumbled upon a body Casey had to be sedated, and it wasn't even confirmed to be Caylee. The way they found tge poor babys body is disgusting, she was just thrown in a bag like trash. All the evidence, including the duct tape that was holding the bag together and on Caylees body matched the duct tape at her parents house. Casey called her daughter a "little shit","brat", and other names. Do I think she deserves to be put to death? No, I want her to live a long, lonely life haunted with what she did to her daughter. On another note, I do think her parents and brother knew all along, at least up until the 911 call.
^^ Well a lot of those people were sentenced to death before they had a thing called DNA testing.
whats her excuse for that?

I think Casey believed inside her head that Caylee was kidnapped perhaps even ransom & was scared to say anything. Thats my take on it I could be wrong. but Casey Anthony is a compulsive liar & sociopath. Out partying when Caylee was gone.