Cascio frequency - your mother tongue?


I would like to carry out an interesting study. No debate needed in this thread, just your participation.

As we are an international community, we all have different mother tongues, hence we hear different frequencies. Some of us hear more frequencies than others thanks to the range of frequency used in our mother tongues.

Based on the frequency of your mother tongue and additional languages, I would like to see if any statistics could be drawn. That's why, for the sake of this study, if you want to participate, you must be perfectly honest when answering the questions below. The participants must have reached minimum the puberty age and of course know perfectly well Michael Jackson's voice.

All I need to know is the following:

1) Your age and gender

2) Your mother tongue(s)

3) Are you gifted in languages (is it easy for you to learn a new language? If yes, do you have difficulties to assimilate/imitate the accent of the newly learned language?)

4) Do you speak perfectly well other languages, if yes which ones (answer this question only if you learned the language before your puberty or if you speak it as well as a near-native)?

5) As far as lead vocals are concerned, do you hear Michael or an imitator on the Cascio songs partially, completely or not at all?

Thanks for your participation and let's hope this will lead us somewhere.

p.s. If you are an English speaker, it is important to mention if you speak American, British or Australian English, or any other variant, as the frequencies are not the same. The same goes if you are a French Canadian or European speaker, as well as all other languages and their countries/continents variants.

p.p.s. For the comparison sake, it is important that the participants be aware of how some imitators such as Jason Malachi sounds like.

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1) 29, female

2) English (Canadian)

3) I know a bit of French. The last I learned, I was about 14; I didn't struggle too much in learning, and no, I do not imitate the accent very well

4) Only speak English fluently

5) I do not hear Michael in those songs at all.

(I'm probably no help at all, considering that I only speak one language?)
1) 30, Female

2) Cantonese (a Chinese dialect)

3) Although I speak Chinese (both Cantonese and Mandarin) and English fluently, I don't consider myself gifted in language.

4) I started learning English (British English) at a very young age. I speak (American English) on a daily basis now. My English accent has changed from British to American (Northeasten); but still, one can easily tell I'm not a native English speaker.

5) I don't hear Michael in Monster and Breaking News. I hear Michael in part of KYHU.
1) 20, Female

2) English (Singaporean)

3) Never really tried picking up a new language, and no, I don't imitate accents that well.

4) Only speak English fluently.

5) Initially, before getting to know Jason Malachi's voice, I thought perhaps that a bit of the vocals were Michael's. Currently, I don't really hear Michael at all.

For the OP's p.p.s, initially, I didn't know how JM sounded like, so I didn't concern myself much with those that claimed it was him. Then the comparison videos started popping up, and although I wasn't convinced initially (as to who the real singer was, not whether it was Michael or not), the comparison videos started getting better and now, I have a better scope (not great, just better) of how JM sounds.
1. 23, Female

2. Amharic (Ethiopian)

3. I speak Amharic & English fluently, also am able to pronounce words the right way in other languages like Spanish... but I can not say I'm a gifted.

4. I started to learn English(British English) at a very young age and speak American English and Amharic(My native tongue fluently)!

5. I believe its Michael in all those three songs also another Singer (NOT Impersonator, just another singer to sing WITH Michael).

Thankyou for starting this thread cuz we'll be able to state our opinions with out argument.

Cool idea :)

1) 27, Female
2) American English
3) I'm mediocre at languages. I can understand simple Spanish after having studied it for 3 years. I can speak simple words and phrases, but not in any sort of native accent.
4) No.
5) I hear Michael partially, and someone else partially (I don't know if that person was purposefully imitating though, or just trying to fill in gaps.. I just know it's not just MJ on them).
1) 40 Male

2) Australian English

3) No - I don't speak other languages. However - if this means anything: I have French, Dutch and Italian connections and when I have said words in those languages I have always been complimented for my correct pronunciation (done by imitation of the person who I am speaking with)

4) No - I don't speak perfectly well other languages

5) I don't hear Michael in lead vocals on the Cascio tracks
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1) 30, female

2) German, Russian, Ukrainian, English (American English, although we were taught British English) sort of became another 'step mother tongue' before onset of puberty. Proficiency is changing based upon country of residence, despite all of them being mother tongues. For example, I understand Russian speakers at a native speaker level, but am helpless until I spent about a week actively speaking Russian again- at that point I usually find the internal 'native speaker' button again and can function at a native speaker level- not just in understanding.

3) Yes. Accent will always be there but I will typically make the local accent my own to a certain degree, I cannot even avoid it. Depends on the language. In fact, my French Prof was blasting me for picking up the American Accent of Americans studying French- which sounds pretty strange for a German. It has to do with musical imitation. As a singer you (can) become apt at phonetic repetition even if you have no clue what you are singing. And yes, you can hear the small town origin in both my Russian and Ukrainian, difficult to turn off. My class mates in Russian often laughed their heads off because of my weird 80ies small town vocabulary and sentence structure.
To me personally, age did not matter- it is exposure. Day in and day out- whether at 5 years old or 30. I need to live the language, regardless of which language. Accent varies greatly during time of day, alertness, surroundings, topics, level of comfort in surroundings and even an element of will is involved at times.

4) Same ones as in question one. Also studied French, Spanish and Latin before onset of puberty- but I would never ever dare to say anything more but "well, I studied it.

5)This is were my brain is broken- I hear Michael, I don't hear him at all and most of the type I simply avoid thinking about it.
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1) 17, male

2) British English, Polish

3) It was fairly easy for me to learn German since the pronounciation is kind of like Polish, however, I have now stopped learning it so I'm not as good as I used to be in speaking it.

4) When I was studying French, German and Spanish I learned them pretty quickly and fairly easily.

5) As for the lead vocals, I can hear Michael on some of them, however I cannot hear him on the others.
1. 37
2. English
3. No
4. No
5. Not at all in BN, first verse in Monster then nothing, yes in KYHU
Edited because I prefer privacy.
Feel free to PM me.
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1. 17, male
2. Russian
3. Don't think so. However, I don't have any problems with learning languages. I've mainly learned English when I became Michael's fan and started visiting English-speaking forums on a daily basis. I don't have any native speakers around to judge my accent, but when I went to London sad 2009 summer I haven't had much problems with language
4. No
5. I can only hear Michael in "aaow" and "ooo-oo-oo" voice samples (but definitely not that "HA!" in Monster). In my opinion, everything else is an impersonator who does sound like MJ in some parts
1. 45, female
2. American English
3. Have studied Spanish, German, and French--mostly written/grammar. Best luck with speaking German.
4. Have forgotten most of what I learned in those languages due to lack of use.
5. I hear TINY bits of Michael in Monster and KYHU, but mostly someone else. None of him in BN. I feel it's mostly a few of Michael's ad libs that have been added to try to convince us of the rest of it. I'm a musician (singer & flutist), and the vibrato issue is my main sticking point: Very un-Michaelesque! Some words seem to be emphasized in non-Michael ways. The vocal tone is not rich enough--not enough overtones. But some of the tone issue could be overprocessing.....
1. 35, male
2. French
3. Have studied English,
4. lack of use.
5. I hear Michael in Monster, BN, but also someone else. KYHU is all MJ to me. Probably "stay" and "all i need" too.

1) 25, female
2) Hebrew
3) Besides Hebrew I know English which I started learning at very young age, French thanks to my French French family even tells me that I speak French with sense of hearing is very good I guess cuz that’s how I learned also Spanish, only from hearing. I also know a bit Arabic which I learned a few years back in school. I like learning new languages, and I don't find it that hard.
4) I feel that I only speak perfectly in my native language- Hebrew.
5) I don’t hear Michael in the lead vocals on the Cascio tracks.
1) 18, Male

2) Dutch

3) Yes, I can speak Dutch (of course) and English and a bit of French.

4) English, I learned it when I was still very young.

5) I can hear Michael on all tracks even though I can understand some people doubt the tracks. To me they are Michael's vocals 100%.
1) Your age and gender
21, female

2) Your mother tongue(s)

3) Are you gifted in languages (is it easy for you to learn a new language? If yes, do you have difficulties to assimilate/imitate the accent of the newly learned language?)
Yes, I pick up languages very easily and I always got good grades for them in high school, which is why I chose a language profile and learnt Dutch, British English, French, German and Latin extensively for 6 years. However, I would not say I am fluent in all of them. My Latin skills are quickly fading because I never use it. I can read and understand German and French almost at the level of a native speaker, but in writing and speaking I am not fluent (main problem is grammar, which is fading because I haven't used either language for almost 2 years). I used to be able to speak French and German very well though, and it will probably come back quickly once I start practicing it regularly again. I do tend to imitate the (standard) native accent of the language I am learning, except for English which is sort of a mix of (Queen's) British and American for me.

4) Do you speak perfectly well other languages, if yes which ones (answer this question only if you learned the language before your puberty or if you speak it as well as a near-native)?
Well, I would not say I speak English as well as a near-native but it's probably not too far off. I'm currently studying at an international University so I write and speak English all day, every day and I've never heard complaints ;)

5) As far as lead vocals are concerned, do you hear Michael or an imitator on the Cascio songs partially, completely or not at all?
I hear Michael on the Cascio songs partially, in combination with another singer (to "fill in the gaps" so to say).
1) 34, female

2) Polish

3) Yes, I am (I've got a degree in English philology), I also studied German, French, Russian, I am able to imitate accents, also American English and British English

4) My native language is Polish, I studied English

5) I hear an imitator in all the three Cascio songs. The pronunciation of most of the words is different ("rise above tomorrow", "monster" - the most obvious ones)

Thanks for this interesting thread and an interesting study. :)
1) Age 47, female

2) Mother tongue: English (American)

3) If I apply myself and study hard I can pick up a language pretty well but it's not easy for me. However, I am pretty good with imitating accents.

4) The only other language I have spoken is Spanish. It was my minor in college plus I am Hispanic and grew up hearing it spoken in my family. But as an adult I have not had a lot of opportunities to use it in daily conversation so I do not speak it "perfectly" and have forgotten a lot of things.

5) I don't hear a lot of Michael in the Cascio songs. Not sure if it's due to an impersonator or so-called "over processing" but something is just not right with these songs. I am deaf in one ear and feel that my one good ear is highly attuned.
1) 17, male

2) Scottish English

3) I can only speak English :/

4) N/A

5) I hear MJ partially in Breaking News and Monster, but Keep your Head up doesn't sound like MJ, Carry on/Stay is definitely not MJ, same with All I need.
1) Mehdi 27, female

2) Moroccan (Arabic)

3) I speak arabic ,french , and English

4) Arabic ,french fleuntly for English 50%

5) I can't feel Michael's magic in all Cascio's tracks

Only some "hee hee and awe" those kind of stuff that Michael used in his songs that all we know ,l believe they cut and past it.
Like what they did in Behind the mask ,but this last is 100% Michael's voice without any doubt.

With the Love
1) 25, female

2) American English

3) No. I took a couple of years of Spanish in high school. I picked up on it pretty well, but I'm not fluent in Spanish at all.

4) Nope

5) I don't hear Michael on Breaking News nor Monster, aside from some copy-paste work from other songs. Keep Your Head Up sounds like a blend of a little bit of Michael, but with mostly an imitator.