Carrie Fisher talks MJ on Late Late show

Thanks for posting. What she said is very true: to be a little bit friendly with Michael is to be a close friend now. Think of these people who are all over the tv saying 'I'm Mike's best friend' yet they haven't seen him in years or he cut them off.

:lol: @ what she got paid.
''his level of celebrity was radioactive....
it contaminates everything it runs into
people act weird around him''
they sure do michael

she is hysterical !! lmao...
that was great
just made me laugh so much and made my day thank you
(although i feel like crying too cause she nailed it with her comments
makes me miss him even more)

:angel: ive just noticed i cant stop putting angels after every single post i make (ocd maybe lol)
Awww, that was sweet and what she said was very true IMO. Thanks for sharing!
She's crazy LOL

Can I ask you a serious question?

Can you?

I don't know

LMAO!!! Funny stuff!

Thanks for posting this :)
Thanks for posting. What she said is very true: to be a little bit friendly with Michael is to be a close friend now. Think of these people who are all over the tv saying 'I'm Mike's best friend' yet they haven't seen him in years or he cut them off.

:lol: @ what she got paid.

i agree it's so true
She's funny. To avoid having to talk about MJ must be like having to avoid dozen's of star wars questions for her. lol
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She handled that very well and what she said was very true
I wonder who "they" are when she is referring to they wanting her to do some kind of media tour......
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The quote given by Smelly about the radioactivity of Michael's fame and its impact on people is a powerful thing. I dont think we fully appreciate how true that statement is. I know we have commented before that when Michael kicks people out of his life how they act like they have been forced to come off of crack cocaine! It explains alot about what people have said and done since his death. Never doubt it.