Car hits crowd near Dutch queen's bus, 4 dead :'-(



CNN) -- Dutch police charged a man with trying to attack the royal family Thursday after he crashed a car near a bus carrying Queen Beatrix and her family, police said.
A car is pictured after crashing into the crowd waiting for the visit of the royal family in Apeldoorn.


var CNN_ArticleChanger = new CNN_imageChanger('cnnImgChngr','/2009/WORLD/europe/04/30/',1,1); //CNN.imageChanger.load('cnnImgChngr','imgChng/p1-0.exclude.html'); Four people were killed and 13 injured in the incident in the Dutch town of Apeldoorn, about 45 miles east of Amsterdam, police spokeswoman Esther Naber told CNN.
The driver is in hospital, badly injured, she said. It was not clear if he was one of the 13 injured.
The police are not releasing the name of the driver whose car careered toward a crowd of people who were watching the Dutch royal family riding past in an open-top bus.
The crash happened during celebrations for Queen's Day, an annual holiday in the Netherlands.
Queen Beatrix was in the bus with her family when the black hatchback zoomed past. The crowds were behind barriers off the road, but security officials and journalists, including many cameramen, were in the road as the car went by.
Members of the royal family saw the crash and gasped, then quickly sat down as the bus continued driving.
The car crashed into the low metal railing around a column on the side of the road. The car appeared heavily damaged even before the crash, but the reason for that was unclear.
Queen's Day is a national holiday in the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles, and Aruba. The tradition started in 1885 and celebrates the birthday of the queen.
Although Queen Beatrix's birthday is January 31, she officially celebrates her birthday April 30.

Queen's Day is known for its free market all over the country, where anybody is allowed to sell things in the streets. Other activities include children's games and musical performances.
The day is marked with the color orange all over the country as a reference to the colors of the royal family, who come from the House of Orange-Nassau.

video; (shocking, not suitable for kids)


I am lost for words....
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All those people getting hit by that car in that video, sends chills down my spine..what is this world coming to man. This was in my country.
Same here...i just saw the Queens responce...
She's obviously in shock too....This moron was aiming for her family as well.


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That really scared me ass well
I was watching this also shocked me really bad!
I hope the badly wounded are going to be fine
I heard he lost his job recently, he was gonna lose his basically an attack on the government....but also taking innocent lives.
4 dead; 2 male and 2 female
13 wounded; 6 men, 4 women and 3 children of 16, 15 and 9...

It is said that among the dead was a pregnant woman which would make the number of dead people 5 instead of 4.
I've been watching the news eversince it happened. I'm deeply shocked, and can't believe this. Queensday is a national holiday, our queen and the royal family have always been able to interact with the crowds and be fairly close to them...but that will change after today.

This was a weird, horrible day :(

what the FUCK were the security thinking, that car should not have been anywhere near there. the careless planning has now cost the lives of these innocent people.

erghh, could this world get any shitter?? :/

my heart goes out to the families of the victims.

Security was okay. There were barriers, police and security everywhere. Apparantly the man was already seen and sent away. I think he might have driven around and sped up way before the barriers, hence the speed with which he 'slammed' into the crowd; killing 4 people (5 people are now confirmed dead) and crashing into the monument.
That would suck so bad...he needs to face and feel the consequences. He should see and realize what the hell he's done. And not get away with it so easily.

Just been into town (Groningen) and all the festivities were cancelled.I can only apreciate that. Very understandable.
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I've been watching the news eversince it happened. I'm deeply shocked, and can't believe this. Queensday is a national holiday, our queen and the royal family have always been able to interact with the crowds and be fairly close to them...but that will change after today.

This was a weird, horrible day :(

Security was okay. There were barriers, police and security everywhere. Apparantly the man was already seen and sent away. I think he might have driven around and sped up way before the barriers, hence the speed with which he 'slammed' into the crowd; killing 4 people (5 people are now confirmed dead) and crashing into the monument.

Trust me it was not okay. They have failed to do their job and there will be many questions within the Dutch Security services. If the driver was acting suspiciously before hand then he should have been detained until the parade was over. The only vehicles that should have been in that area should be the press vehicles, police/ security service vehicles and of course the royal families motorcade. Security services train for every type of situation that could possible occur.

Interested to find out why the car was so damaged before hand.
Trust me it was not okay. They have failed to do their job and there will be many questions within the Dutch Security services. If the driver was acting suspiciously before hand then he should have been detained until the parade was over. The only vehicles that should have been in that area should be the press vehicles, police/ security service vehicles and of course the royal families motorcade. Security services train for every type of situation that could possible occur.

Interested to find out why the car was so damaged before hand.

The only vehicles there WERE press/police/security and the royal family's motorcade. Hence why it came from a whole different area BEHIND the crowd.

No other vehicles were allowed there.There was a roadblock right around the areas where the royal fam was going to be, AND there were roadblocks in the surrounding areas. Basically this guy when through both roadblocks. There was no way they could have stopped him. And, it's always easy to blame security afterwards.
He must have accelarated to a speed like 70 km per hours and then basically crashed right trhough the gates or anything like that. At first i was wondering if maybe he was only planning on getting at the royal family..that because of crashing into the gates he was that much hurrt and totally lost control of the steeering wheel and didn't hit the people on purpose...but that's of course nonsense. He knew very well what he was doing.
The only vehicles there WERE press/police/security and the royal family's motorcade. Hence why it came from a whole different area BEHIND the crowd.

No other vehicles were allowed there.There was a roadblock right around the areas where the royal fam was going to be, AND there were roadblocks in the surrounding areas. Basically this guy when through both roadblocks. There was no way they could have stopped him. And, it's always easy to blame security afterwards.

Well I didn't know this information before I commented, I based it on videos and news coverage. I still stand by my opinion the Security could have done more or some things differently. e.g the road blocks, they ain't road blocks if a car can get through them.

It is a very tragic event, I don't want to get all opinionated in this thread as it would be insenstive of me.
Well I didn't know this information before I commented, I based it on videos and news coverage. I still stand by my opinion the Security could have done more or some things differently. e.g the road blocks, they ain't road blocks if a car can get through them.

It is a very tragic event, I don't want to get all opinionated in this thread as it would be insenstive of me.

I think you fail to understand that in Holland, a roadblock consists of barriers being put up. It's not like they block the road with a concrete wall or anything. We never needed a roadblock anyway, because nothing ever happened (we've been having these Queensdays since 1885).
Wow this was such a strange day. I just came home from Amsterdam, it seems like no one is really realizing what had happened, including myself. I know what happened and was really shocked, but still decided to go to Amsterdam and when I arrived it seemed like no one really knew what happened. Still one big party, seemed like no one even knew, why you would expect something like this would give some kind of ''sad'' vibe around town, but you couldnt notice anything about it.

It was a pretty tense day, Queensday is my favoruite holiday and something I look forward to each year. I was pretty bumped out some festivals and shows were cancelled, I understand, but it's so hard to understand that the Royal family was the target of a ''terrorist'' attack, that you somehow just dont want realize it and try to shut it out of your system.
It wasn't a terrorist attack though, not at all. They are saying this man used to work in the security business, but lost his job and wanted to get at the royal family. No links to any terrorist organisations or whatsoever.
what the FUCK were the security thinking, that car should not have been anywhere near there. the careless planning has now cost the lives of these innocent people.

erghh, could this world get any shitter?? :/

my heart goes out to the families of the victims.

you have no idea how disrespectfull you are with this post. shame on you!

queensday is meant to be open, its the only country in the world where the queen comes to the people.

these accidents arent to be prevented, a moron always finds a way to do this, look at all those terrorist atacks around the word.