Captain Eo Show/Ride Should Be Brought Back To DL-Resort


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
To Disneyland again. After this tragedi

How Can we make this to happen
Can we start a petition or something??

Who's with me??
Together we can make it to happen

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Re: Disneyland should Put

i agree,captain eo shud be brought back
Re: Disneyland should Put

Lets start a petion for it,
Seriouslly.. Tell all MJ Fans and his Family, Friends

together we can make it to happen :pray:
A, I would love to see this happen, cuz Captain Eo is the ish. But realistically seeing as how Disney is a themepark centered and known as being child friendly it probably won't happen. Disney is a huge name and they ain't gunna want to jeopardize they reputation. (I think ya'll know what I'm alluding to when I say this.)

I mean we talking about a company that has created a seperate entity for films that do not abide by a kid friendly theme-Miramax
it wont happen. though i wouldn't be surprised if it saw a theatrical release, perhaps before one of the new 3d movies? if this "dome project" thing is true, perhaps that will get released in theatres? if they were smart they'd re-release Captain EO in 3D and do a 3D version of thriller and put the two back to back. i'd pay big bucks to see that because captain eo is so effing amazing!! I saw it as a kid and it BLEW MY MIND!

or perhaps this is it rehearsals with a captain eo short before the film? who knows.

but disneyland... wouldn't hold my breath (mostly because when you get right down to it the effects are dated. they wouldn't replace something new with something that old).
The last time I went to Disney Land I saw the Honey I did whatever 3D thingy with Rick Moranis, and it was positively lame. Captain EO is where it's at.
YES! And we should also get Gardner Elementry School to FINALLY uncover his named auditorium. Everything should be brought back.
YES! And we should also get Gardner Elementry School to FINALLY uncover his named auditorium. Everything should be brought back.

my friend visited there once and saw that and was utterly disgusted by what they had done.
Wait a second. An Elementary school honored Michael Jackson by naming their auditorium after him? How cool is that? I hope they uncover his name.