Can't we all just get along?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Back in the good ol' 757 VA BABY!
Another thread closed due to the constant's really getting old everyone :(

This thread isnt to point fingers at anyone but DAMN YALL! Can't we have a discussion without people getting all willy nilly and disrespecting each other? I love every single last person on this forum because we are a FAMILY...MJ fans have always been a FAMILY and as MJ fans LOVE, PEACE, KINDNESS is something I think that we all have in common because of what MJ has taught us. With Michael no longer being here on this earth I would hope that would make us ALL want to do better and be more respectful and kind towards each other...WE HAVE GOT TO STICK TOGETHER! Real MJ fans that have been through the trenches have im sure been ridiculed and pretty much have the same experiences being an MJ fan...I KNOW I HAVE! The love for Michael as a creative being and a person is the glue and the bond that connects us all and WE SHOULD NOT and i mean WE SHOULD ABSOLUTELY NOT be arguing with each other ESPECIALLY right now. If someone that wasn't an MJ fan/supporter came on here and saw how we all were acting they would call us a bunch of CRAZY FOOLS! its embarrassing people!

For now on I want to make a pact with every member on the forum that we will start

a) respecting the owner, moderators and staff of this place we call "home"

b) start respecting each other and instead of bickering about things, DISCUSS them. And just because people may have a different view on certain things that does not give anyone the right to attack them. We are all allowed to have our own opinions and have to right to express them in a respectful manner

c) RESPECT THE JACKSON FAMILY! That includes Papa Joe, Jermaine, Latoya, Janet, Rebbie, Tito, Marlon, Jackie, Randy and KATHERINE AND HIS CHILDREN! People need to understand that like us the family is GRIEVING. We may not understand it or disagree with some members of the family and how they are going about things...but that is Michael's FAMILY. Jokes and things of that nature are fine but just don't take things to the extent of it being disrespectful (i've been known to crack a couple of Jermaine hair jokes now and then lol)

I hope that people take this seriously. I'm just a member of Michael Jackson fan community that is noticing negative behaviour with some of my fellow brothers and sisters and hope to make a change with how things are going...

I say all this with LOVE...L.O.V.E :)

I love you Michael God Bless you all
Another thread closed due to the constant's really getting old everyone :(

This thread isnt to point fingers at anyone but DAMN YALL! Can't we have a discussion without people getting all willy nilly and disrespecting each other? I love every single last person on this forum because we are a FAMILY...MJ fans have always been a FAMILY and as MJ fans LOVE, PEACE, KINDNESS is something I think that we all have in common because of what MJ has taught us. With Michael no longer being here on this earth I would hope that would make us ALL want to do better and be more respectful and kind towards each other...WE HAVE GOT TO STICK TOGETHER! Real MJ fans that have been through the trenches have im sure been ridiculed and pretty much have the same experiences being an MJ fan...I KNOW I HAVE! The love for Michael as a creative being and a person is the glue and the bond that connects us all and WE SHOULD NOT and i mean WE SHOULD ABSOLUTELY NOT be arguing with each other ESPECIALLY right now. If someone that wasn't an MJ fan/supporter came on here and saw how we all were acting they would call us a bunch of CRAZY FOOLS! its embarrassing people!

For now on I want to make a pact with every member on the forum that we will start

a) respecting the owner, moderators and staff of this place we call "home"

b) start respecting each other and instead of bickering about things, DISCUSS them. And just because people may have a different view on certain things that does not give anyone the right to attack them. We are all allowed to have our own opinions and have to right to express them in a respectful manner

c) RESPECT THE JACKSON FAMILY! That includes Papa Joe, Jermaine, Latoya, Janet, Rebbie, Tito, Marlon, Jackie, Randy and KATHERINE AND HIS CHILDREN! People need to understand that like us the family is GRIEVING. We may not understand it or disagree with some members of the family and how they are going about things...but that is Michael's FAMILY. Jokes and things of that nature are fine but just don't take things to the extent of it being disrespectful (i've been known to crack a couple of Jermaine hair jokes now and then lol)

I hope that people take this seriously. I'm just a member of Michael Jackson fan community that is noticing negative behaviour with some of my fellow brothers and sisters and hope to make a change with how things are going...

I say all this with LOVE...L.O.V.E :)

I love you Michael God Bless you all
Yes, respect has been a very big issue here lately. Michael would want us all to come together and get along right now, not fight against each other.

I think we all need some hugs and a lot of L.O.V.E. all around :hugs:

Great post :)
Ahhh brothers and sisters argue. Doesnt mean they dont love each other.

Nobody really ever disrespects anyone else, not that ive seen anyway.

Alot of it is just heated debate, border line arguement.
Most forums always have drama and this is because of the troublemakers that seem to get away with a few things they should be banned for.

Now this is my opinion and then of course you have the MJ fake fans that show up at a lot of MJ fans sites and forum to start drama.

That was one of the reason's I stayed away from MJ sites, chats and fan sites because of all the drama.

MJNewsonline was a great website but with all the fighting and drama that seemed to get awful everyday I finally left that forum and then once MJ old chatroom @ sony became a ground for fighting words I took off from being apart of that chatroom which closed down also like mjnewsonline.

Some people love to create fake stories on mj sites to get attention and that's another forum of drama because they love to see some fans reaction to their post.

I feel if more guidelines was set for some of these people that continue to break the rules that would help this forum from all the drama, but when it's not your website or forum those troublemakers don't give a darn and continue to keep it going.

There is another thing that keep the drama going on the MJ fan site, how other's cultures fight against each and putting down other countries down as if their better and that need to stop.

The only way this can happen these thing above need to change, it just seem some people on this forum is keeping that same drama, hate and race opinion going at each just like at the old MJNewsonline or other MJ fan sites.

I feel some people need to allow other's to have their opinion even if you don't agree with them, if the cconversation seem to get over heated move on and let go don't keep it going.

This is the only way things will get better, all these things I just said above are all the things I dealt with while being a member at other MJ fan sites and I feel some people here are following in the same drama pattern.
Well, why do things have to be positive all the time? Theres a few arguements here and there. People argue all the time. Its nothing to get worked up over...

People have allways argued on here, people allways argued on the old mjnewsonline. Its allways been going on.

I suppose its just more common now because more subjects have become sensitive due to Michaels passing.

But at the end of the day, we are all MJ fans. We have our disagreements, have a little scuffle and then its forgotten about! It never really gets to a point where people start disrespecting each other.
Well, why do things have to be positive all the time? Theres a few arguements here and there. People argue all the time. Its nothing to get worked up over...

People have allways argued on here, people allways argued on the old mjnewsonline. Its allways been going on.

I suppose its just more common now because more subjects have become sensitive due to Michaels passing.

But at the end of the day, we are all MJ fans. We have our disagreements, have a little scuffle and then its forgotten about! It never really gets to a point where people start disrespecting each other.

ive seen some get that far...and its just extremely immature to me! i mean im always down for a good debate but some people seriously just be talking CRAZY and it always causes a good thread to get closed :( thats getting old! im not saying their cant be arguments or disagreements but just dont go overboard with it to the point mods decide to close threads thats all
ive seen some get that far...and its just extremely immature to me! i mean im always down for a good debate but some people seriously just be talking CRAZY and it always causes a good thread to get closed :( thats getting old! im not saying their cant be arguments or disagreements but just dont go overboard with it to the point mods decide to close threads thats all

Ah yeah I suppose. I mean, I have quite a few arguements here, but ill never let it get that far as to where I would purposely disrespect someone.
My wholehearted suggestion is for members, especially new members that have registered after Michael's death, is for them to read the rules. They are simple, up to date and will guide any discussion on here.

If the rules are considered and followed, then there would be no drama lol.
Well, why do things have to be positive all the time? Theres a few arguements here and there. People argue all the time. Its nothing to get worked up over...

People have allways argued on here, people allways argued on the old mjnewsonline. Its allways been going on.

I suppose its just more common now because more subjects have become sensitive due to Michaels passing.

But at the end of the day, we are all MJ fans. We have our disagreements, have a little scuffle and then its forgotten about! It never really gets to a point where people start disrespecting each other.

Some people go over board more then a little disagreement, I see the person point who started this thread, it's okay not to agree on everything.

Micheals death never should give anyone an excuse to start going off on someone if that's the case what is the excuse before his death.

Debating is something that's fine but some people take it to another level and that's the point the person is trying to make, have respect for other people and don't make it all about you.

MJNewsonline shared the same kind of drama that's starting here, nicks change but their same ways of drama follow them.
i think it's real simple. all somebody has to do is look at someone's opinion, disagree with it, but not turn the discussion to the poster, in some negative way. problem solved.
I agree. The moderators work so hard to keep the POSITIVITY and integrity of this board in tact. Some people always have to insist their opinions upon others and it gets really old, very fast. It's a public message board and everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But we all have to remember to respect each other's opinions, also.

Thanks FOREVERTHEKING for your post. Appreciate it very much!
We all come from different backgrounds, societies, religions, ethnicities etc etc. There is always going to a clash of opinions. Its a fact that things can only be helped to a certain extent tbh. People are always going to be more sensitive right now than the past too.

On the other hand it doesnt mean we cant all try. Very decent thread anyways.
I totally agree with you, Forevertheking. There's waaay too much fighting on this board right now. To be completely honest, I'd be posting here quite a bit more than I do, but all the negativity and petty bickering just turns me off.

Like others have said, I'm down for a good debate. But all the insults, flaming, sarcasm, etc....that's not for me. I wish we could all just agree to disagree as MJ fans. All the immaturity is ridiculous. Michael would be sad to read some of the stuff that's been going on among his fans.
Won't someone PLEASE think of the children!

...Simpsons humor once again :p
I agree some threads really turn into disrespectful debates.
It's common people say things to each other on the internet which they wouldn't dare to say in real life.
I think we should all think more of what Michael was about.
And like so many say agree to disagree, you can mention your opinion but don't expect others to agree with you.
My wholehearted suggestion is for members, especially new members that have registered after Michael's death, is for them to read the rules. They are simple, up to date and will guide any discussion on here.

If the rules are considered and followed, then there would be no drama lol.
Agreed :clapping:

Also, it doesn't help to create threads like these over, and over again. There's so many of them, I've stopped counting! :lol:
see, this is the kind of thing that take away the love.. but remember LOVE always win :) shamone, guys.. Love you all ;) Make love your weapon to overcome any evil :)
Yeah, everybody needs to try and be more respectful. Agree to disagree.

And a bit off topic but I know some of the older members have gone into lurking due to the new members, or fighting or whatever. but we have to be here to guide the new members. (Of coruse the mods can help people but they can't do everything)

Also if most of the old members go into lurking who is around to tell all the interesting stuff that's happened here over the years?

Let's all try and get along people. :)

Still now, not enough people are reading this thread. I still keep seeing stupid fighting. You would think we're on some death metal forum or something. We are here because we're MICHAEL JACKSON fans. Let's please, please, please just agree to disagree and be respectful to one another.
Yeah, I think we need to remember why he was our hero. This awful disrespect surely isn't making him proud. :no: In some ways, we are his voice now. Let that voice be one of singing, rather than shouting. Love.Love.Love. :flowers:

PS - When I was typing 'making', I accidently hit Caps Lock instead of 'a', so it came out 'mKING'... yes yes, M certainly is KING. =)