Can you use 2 mouthwashes


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
2301 Jackson street , i know your jealous
So i pretty much pester everyone here with my problems but i have a new one, I have 2 mouth washes one which cleans and gets rid of bacteria the other whitens teeth so im wondering can i use one in the morning and one at night
Hey hey :) I'm doing dentistry so here's my advice. First of all I'd just like to say it's great that you care about your oral hygiene! :D But you actually don't need to use mouth rinses, unless you're particular circumstances require it. They're pretty redundant if you're already brushing and flossing. But next time you see your dentist, ask them what they think of you using mouthwashes, I haven't seen you or what you're using so I can't be totally sure of what you should use!

Generally you should just brush and floss twice a day. Brushing will get clean the big surfaces of your teeth, tongue and gums, and flossing will get in between your teeth and under your gums too, that covers everything, doesn't it? :)

Whitening rinses aren't very effective. If you're worried about the colour of your teeth check what you're eating and drinking - diet is the main culprit in a lot of cases!

If I haven't answered your question properly let me know - I just don't wanna overload you with information lol
I'm a dental hygienist and I was going to suggest if you want your teeth whiter the only way is to bleach them. We do the trays that you take home but it is expensive. I have seen some great results with the crest strips which are at most drug stores. If you do this be sure and use them everyday for 8 to 10 days. The mouth rinse is not in contact with your teeth long enough to do much good as far as whitening. Hope this helps.
^Regarding the Crest Whitestrips, I saw better results from the regular ones (that you leave on for a half hour) than the 5 minute a day ones; something to consider.
tbh i wouldnt bother using any. ivee hard more bad things about the damage they do to your teeth than good