Can you spot who during movies, TV shows and commercials?


Proud Member
May 25, 2008
Here's a fun one, let's say if you can spot a certain someone or certain people on movies, TV shows and commericals for example you for cameo apperences. Like here's one for example:

Can you spot someone this movie "Damage?"


*Hint- This movie was filmed in Vancouver, at 4:06 this person is a voice actor, known for his role as Piccolo (Dragonball Z), Koga (InuYasha) and other roles in anime and other Western animations.

Let's see if you know this person. If you don't know and nobody else knows either, I'll give you the answer.

So have fun.
I'm sorry to hear that.

Well here's the answer.

The person is Scott McNeil

I got another one, can you spot a person on "Cheers"?


*Hint- The person on the far left wearing a blue shirt and seen again later, played 12 seasons in the NHL (Vancouver Canuck & Boston Bruins), 1st known to be a power foward, scores +50 goals 3 times, made a few cameo apperences on movies (ex. Dumb & Dumber, D2 The Mighty Ducks) and today he's currently the president of the Boston Bruins.
Nobody? Pfft typical.

The answer is Cam Neely. Come one guys don't be shy, play along and give somebody else a shot this I can't be the only doing this game.