Can you feel it vs This place Hotel(aka Heartbreak Hotel)

Can you feel it vs Heartbreak Hotel

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I love them both...but I have a weakness for Heartbreak Hotel :)
theyre both great songs, and its hard to choose but i went with HBH.. theres just something about it
i like both but i love heartbreak hotel live, michael sounds great

i also love the build up to can you feel it. it makes me feel like i can compete in the olympics or something :lol:

i voted heartbreak hotel :)
When it comes to the studio versions of both songs i like Can You Feel It better and when it comes to the live versions of both songs i like Heartbreak Hotel better

So i just voted for both lol
I love both but I prefer Heartbreak Hotel especially the live version of it on the BAD tour.
I would have to say both, if I was to listen to one it would be Can You Feel It, but if I had to watch one live it would be This Place Hotel
Heartbreak Hotel by a wide margin. Especially the live cut from the Jackson's Live album.
Wow, I'm stunned Hotel is so thoroughly beating CYFI. Hotel's good, but CYFI's always been one of my fave's. . . . I remember watching the video as a little kid, and back then it was like WOW, really futuristic looking. Back then (and now too I guess lol) videos were pretty crappy, and then of course there was also American Bandstand, Soul Train, etc that featured new music, so CYRFI was really out of this world. Plus I've always liked the lyrics and message of CYFI, and its beat is just a great melody to get me psyched. Oh well, to each his own.
Can You Feel It by faaaaar. One of my favourite Jackson songs :D
Wow, I'm stunned Hotel is so thoroughly beating CYFI. Hotel's good, but CYFI's always been one of my fave's. . . . I remember watching the video as a little kid, and back then it was like WOW, really futuristic looking. Back then (and now too I guess lol) videos were pretty crappy, and then of course there was also American Bandstand, Soul Train, etc that featured new music, so CYRFI was really out of this world. Plus I've always liked the lyrics and message of CYFI, and its beat is just a great melody to get me psyched. Oh well, to each his own.

i agree.
Can you Feel It is a great song. and i also enjoy the video. and i still listen to it often.

The regular album version of Heartbreak hotel or this place hotel is not one of my favorites, even though i like the music. Michael's live version's made it great for me, particularly the Bad tour. the album version was way too slow, its like hurry up. that live verison alone kicked, beat, hit it CYFI out off the ballpark and went flying into another city.
heartbreak hotel is cold period. and i love can you feel it but of those two heartbreak hotel got it beat imo easily
I like them both about the same. But personally I like "Everybody" & "Walk Right Now" more than both of them.
I like the energy of "Can You Feel It", it just makes me feel like a hero when I listen to it. But Heartbreak Hotel is freaking amazing!

So I guess its obvious where my vote goes.
This Place Hotel wins because the Pop King sounds amazing singing it live in concert. And during the concert when he does that part where he goes into his pants and pulls out that pyrotechnic thing and throws it on the floor and it goes off, well its magic and super sexy.

I listen to it everyday in my car and watch the concert about 3x a week. I just love it.