Can you feel him too? stop and think for a minute


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I don't think it's just me because a lot of people feel the same and have'nt quit been able to put their finger on the feeling or emotion. Even people who are not fans like us.
so I was praying last night as I do every night before I go to sleep and I asked God.....why is this so hard to believe? Why do I still have a hope in this world? Why is it that I still feel like he's not really gone? And it came to me......just like that! what I am Michael's presents! It took me a few days to realize what this strange feeling that has come over me was. It's an unreal feeling. Like an "I'm not really gone feeling". I know it might sound strange but it's not really. When I think about the man he was in life, The most recognizable image an voice on this planet, most celebrated celebrity in the world who touch more people than any other human.... He was truely touched by God and I still feel his presents.
damn, I feel... I feel his presence more now than he was alive to be honest. I feel like he was standing right behind me...
damn, I feel... I feel his presence more now than he was alive to be honest. I feel like he was standing right behind me...
YES! you took words out of my mouth! I feel him like a shroud of divine energy that enwraps the earth. I have never felt so close to him before.
This is because he is a spirit being now. His presence will always be with us. Just like Janet said.

Michael is not dead. His fleshly body is dead. His spirit and soul lives on.
I can't say that I do, but that's fine. Michael lives on in our hearts.
Yes, I feel his presence like a warm cloud touching my back and shoulders, head and hair, and sense his spirit also, hard to put into words.
We Love you, Michael SO MUCH. And missing you physically terribly now :cry:
Praying for re-unite in Heaven soon :heart:
I have a "he's not really gone" feeling. I think that will change when I go to london tomorrow...
I also think that he had more meaning behind his songs than most people thought. We had a thread the other day talking about some of them. Think of ones like "Will you be there" and "You are not alone". It almost seems like he could be singing them to us now. Will you be there he wrote so many years before the trial, and yet how fitting was it during that time? and You are no alone is so comforting now. I feel like he's singing it to me when I hear it.
Everytime I think about him, he's with me. Everytime I have to make a decision I hear him saying that I should pick the one for my future.
And today I had billie jean on my mp3 and when I did that 'thing' of his (moonwalk, toe stand) I felt his spirit with me, I am not joking!
As a catholic I believe the spirit and sould lives on in eternity, so I do believe that the souls of the departed linger where they choose. I believe that where his soul would choose would be around his children.
i was so caught up in how his music makes me feel, what a genius he is, what was going on in his life, worrying about him & being excited about the tour, how happy his children made him, how cute he was, on and on. now i'm thinking mostly about what a good person he is and all the good he's done.

yeah, i feel his presence more than ever. he's watching and smiling

:angel: we love you more Michael :angel:
I am amazed at how STRONGLY myself and other fans can feel Michael's presence. I just thought maybe we would have few experiences, now and then.... but to feel him so near, and so quickly... Well, why should I be surprised?! It IS Michael we're talking about! :D He's such an exceptional person. :wub: And he's just as special in the heavenly state. xx
I wake up with You Are Not Alone in my head every morning. I have to get up and out of bed and get on with things or else I'll become very distraught again.
I felt like that he is still here....I want him to be here, so badly. I can't accept he is gone...that is an impossible thought. My friend told me something about if you are in a high state of emotion about someone you have lost and love, the emotion draws the spirit close, to comfort you. I like to believe that. It gives me some kind of comfort.

I think he is with all of us...he knows how much we love him
Today, i did the billie jean dance and i had the computer screen next to me with the billie jean performance from Brunei...

I FELT A CONNECTION WITH MIKE ! When my eyes crossed his eyes i knew he was still there somehow and i was surprised to realize how i was just dancing like him, doing the exact moves at the same time..

Michael is still there i think
His family will come first. But I'm sure he's trying to console as many fans as he can at the moment. Spirits can do that. That is soooo Michael. :)
I'm thinking back to another post I made in the "Did you cry" thread and how my older sister loved his music but was'nt really a fan like I am shocked me when she broke down crying and sobbing an day after Michael passed saying that she woke up hoping it was all a dream. She told me too that she feels him. And even though she's not a major fan, his passing had a major effect on her that she just can't explain.