can you believe this ? Acid In Eyes For Vengeful Lover


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Acid will be dripped into the eyes of an Iranian man after he blinded the woman who spurned his marriage proposals, reports claim.

The attacker said he did not realise acid would cause so much damage
A Sharia court ordered the punishment based on the system of "qisas" or fair retribution, the Etemad-e Melli newspaper said.
The man, identified only as Majid, proposed several times but was spurned by the woman, known as Ameneh, the daily paper reported.
In revenge, he threw acid in her face as she left her work in 2004, it added.
She travelled to Spain for surgery to reconstruct her face but efforts to restore her sight failed.
On returning to Iran, she asked the court for retribution, the newspaper said.
"Ever since I was subject to acid being thrown on my face, I have a constant feeling of being in danger," she said, adding that Majid had also threatened to kill her in the past.
The newspaper published pictures of Ameneh's face before the attack and, still disfigured, after reconstructive surgery.
Majid was quoted as saying he did not regret his action but added: "I threw acid on her face so that she would be mine forever.
I did not know that acid could have such an effect on her face.
Acid attacker 'Majid'
Judges "unanimously decided to sentence the accused to 'qisas' of his body part, blinding by acid" and to pay compensation, the report said.
Judiciary officials could not be reached for comment.
The concept of qisas also holds in other cases in Iran, like murder.
A victim's family can demand the death of a convicted murderer or commute the sentence in return for financial compensation from the culprit.
Well, there was similar case like 10 years ago, it was in all newspapers, there was a young model who became Miss Sochi in Russia and she was going to take part in the competition to become Miss Russia, some man who also had some problems with law and was trying for a long time to get the girl and make her marry him, did the same with her, she lost sight as well, he got 11 years in prison. He was afraid that after she wins one more title she wouldn't want to be with him and wanted "to put her in place", at trial he said he never regretted what he did and smiled. I don't know what happened to him then, but I doubt he had good life after other prisoners found out what he did.
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Crazy stuff I swear! Some people will seek revenge out
of hatred thats just wrong! I think some people have
mental problems to even go that far? They are bent
on paying someone back so badly I guess?
Sad and scary all at once! I mean My God if someone
dont want you leave it alone!
nice. they have just ordered a woman to be stoned to death in iran for adultary aswell.
Crazy stuff I swear! Some people will seek revenge out
of hatred thats just wrong! I think some people have
mental problems to even go that far? They are bent
on paying someone back so badly I guess?
Sad and scary all at once! I mean My God if someone
dont want you leave it alone!

Totally agree