Can we discuss how we felt when we first watched the Earth Song video?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Native America
So I remember becoming so so so ecstatic holding the VHS copy of HIStory vol. II (good times!) This was way before youtube... I never seen Liberian Girl, Motown 25 Billie Jean, and the '95 vma performance, so I was esp curious about Earth Song.

After watching it I felt so moved, emotional and powerful at the same time. That this video must reach millions, I thought. It actually changed my life and never did I feel so proud to ba an MJ fan. Watching Earth Song on TII has made me re-live those feelings too. So how did you feel after seeing the Earth Song video for the first time??
I think Micahael's point with that video hit my heart. All I can see when I think about that video is that scen where they kill the baby seal....
I think Micahael's point with that video hit my heart. All I can see when I think about that video is that scen where they kill the baby seal....

Same here...That part sticks in my head :(
I don't remember first time I saw it, but my 7 year old son told me a while ago that he has been very moved by that short film. He even told me he had cried. I never heard him express such feelings before, and I think this was the first time ever he felt touch by something deep in his soul.
Well, no surprise at all that Michael has this kind of effect on people..
I was sixteen the first time I saw the video, I got very emotional and thought how beautiful was the song. :)
I loved the song before I saw the video, but seeing Michael express his passion for the planet made the messages even more powerful. It blew me away and it still stops me in my tracks whenever I see it - or hear it - to this day. It's a masterpiece.
Blew me away, as with the HIStory tour performances I went to :) Good times. It's a real shame they ended :(
I remember hearing the song before I saw the video. And I had instantly L.O.V.E. the song. But when I saw the premiere of that video on tv. I totally L.O.V.E. the song even more. I was in my mid teens then. And I thought it was the most greatest video that Michael has ever done. That video also made me open my eyes and really made me see what we are doing to this planet. Before I heard the song and saw that video. I didn't care much about global warming and how we are destroying the planet. Now I do care about the planet and been a huge believer in global warming ever since. I even like to consider myself an eviromentalist now. And around that time I had a L.O.V.E. for wearing dead animal furs. And thought it was ok to wear them. But after seeing the Earth Song video and these hidden camera video reports about the fur industry. I had put a stop to wearing them completely. Now I totally hate seeing other people wearing dead animal furs. And I can't help to feel really sad and sorry for that poor animal that died to make that coat or whatever its fur was made in to. Humans really were not meant to wear animal furs.
I was like 10 I think at the time, it was the exclusive premiere of the video on Much Music (a canadian music channel) I was sitting close up infront of the TV so excited to see the new Michael video, and once they played it I remember through the entire video being completely static and just taken by this masterpiece... and I ended up crying! I just couldn't get hold of myself, I was just emotionally taken down by the injustice of the world and Michael's message... the video was so powerful, and seeing those dead elephants and that baby seal being killed and all those people waiting for a change was just emotionally too much to handle all at once... and it took me quite some time to get over it and start seeing it the way Michael intended it, and it's this type of work that changed my views, my goals and my life... so I'm thankful of going through that emotional rollercoaster, cause it made me the man I am today! For me, Earth Song will always remain one of the most emotional song, video and performances from Michael! And to this day I still get goosebumps everytime I hear it!