Can we compare?


Proud Member
Jan 12, 2008
Manchester, England
Can we compare Michael Jackson to Nelson Mandela? Some people in the general public may find this offensive due to what there opinions are on Michael. I think we can.

Both men have the exact same message. To love each other. They both are funny people with their personality. And they both love and value children. Both men were condemned on their homeland. Both men always strive for equality throughout the world.

A great thing that has often been told about both men is that it is something else to be in that persons presence. Like they were sent from above or something like that. There are few people on Earth that have that effect on people all over the world.

So, can we compare them?
No..I compare Michael to no one.....he was uncamparable in my eyes.
Maybe they have some many things in common. But Michael was unique :wub:
No one is so much perfect as him and no one is so sweet as him :wub: (don't take it personal)
They r both extremely exceptional Human Beings!! There's no doubt that!! But I do think they are different in what they stand for. Sure the message is the same but the circumstances aren't. But are they both two of the most important figures in the world? Definitely!!!
He is the only person in history ( as far as I know ) who was an musician and a show-man ( as some call him ) that was so truly and honestly involved in important things.
He did it because he cared. He didin"t do it because it is good for publicity. He meant it with every beat of his wonderful heart.
Now I can just go and cry again.........
Well you could.............

Nelson Mandela is one of the last Great People to have ever lived.......(Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa)

After Mandela.........who else is there??????
Both have common traits that they share like their love for children and their desire to make the world a better place. I always remember the story, now I cannot remember where I heard it, that when Michael went to meet Nelson Mandela he had some underpriviledged children with him that he was going to bring with him to meet Mr Mandela. Mr Mandela's security told Michael that the children could not come in which Michael then said that if the children couldn't come in then he had to politely decline going in as he wouldn't go without them. Mr Mandela then came out and publically chastised the guards as he wanted the children to come in so in went Michael with the children.
I don't know but Michael Jackson freed our hearts. If the media had STFU and let people listen to and follow Michael, then the world would be heaven. Heaven.