Can someone recommend me an Easy-To-Get Credit Card?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I already have one with CapitalOne and Vanquis have just refsed me one.

I just need an Extra Card in order to guarantee myself extra O2 tickets if Mike announces more dates.

I'm looking for one that aren't really bothered on Credit Histories.

Thanx in Advance :)
I just said I already have one with CapitalOne :lol:
Sorry, I'm American and don't know what the British credit cards are. I was going to recommend Visa, but I think that's American.
I don't know if they have these in the UK, but try getting a secured card. In other words, a credit card that has a low limit, like 400 bucks max. or something. They are less worried about credit history. Just make sure you don't max out all your cards if you can't pay them off, because you'll really mess up your credit score.