Can I Bitch A Little?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I think I may have my own personal homophobia. I don't know. I don't really think it is but let me explain myself first and then you can make your own conclusion...

I CAN'T STAND MY HUSBANDS BROTHER AND HIS BROTHERS BOYFRIEND when it comes to conversation! Everything that comes out of their mouths has something to do with some guy being hot and shirtless. It's so obnoxious! Everything revolves around hot guys and sex. It doesn't matter what the topic of conversation is. I feel like I'm talking to Paris Hilton. All I hear is, "That's hot, he's hot, hot hot hot HOT HOT HOT!". AHHHHHH! Really? Seriously? That's all you freaking think about 24/7? That's all you care about? SHUT THE **** UP!

I am really annoyed by people who are like this. Do I love and enjoy sex? Yes. Do I feel the need to talk about it as if I never get any and relate everything to it to the point of exhaustion? No! I really can't stand the gay stereotype that all we care about is sex sex sex but my husbands brother and his brothers boyfriend (I hate saying that but I can't think of a better way to refer to them) sure do a good job of making it appear accurate.

I feel like I've matured over the years and realized that there is more to life than sex alone. Some of you will probably think that I'm repressed or uptight and just need to let loose but I don't see it like that. I wouldn't be annoyed if they didn't constantly relate EVERYTHING to something sexual. Why must EVERYTHING literally be about some hut guy? Are you not happy in your relationship or can you at least keep your annoying school girl conversations to yourself? Seriously.

I'll be honest, I really don't like being lumped together with other gays. I loathe the superficial oversexed (or maybe it's undersexed) Perez Hilton ME ME ME types. I think they give the rest a bad name. I don't care about who you hooked up with and I don't want to hear about it. I'm sorry if I offend anyone but I am who I am and that's all I can be.

Thank you for letting me get that out. I feel much better now.
I think I may have my own personal homophobia. I don't know. I don't really think it is but let me explain myself first and then you can make your own conclusion...

I CAN'T STAND MY HUSBANDS BROTHER AND HIS BROTHERS BOYFRIEND when it comes to conversation! Everything that comes out of their mouths has something to do with some guy being hot and shirtless. It's so obnoxious! Everything revolves around hot guys and sex. It doesn't matter what the topic of conversation is. I feel like I'm talking to Paris Hilton. All I hear is, "That's hot, he's hot, hot hot hot HOT HOT HOT!". AHHHHHH! Really? Seriously? That's all you freaking think about 24/7? That's all you care about? SHUT THE **** UP!

I am really annoyed by people who are like this. Do I love and enjoy sex? Yes. Do I feel the need to talk about it as if I never get any and relate everything to it to the point of exhaustion? No! I really can't stand the gay stereotype that all we care about is sex sex sex but my husbands brother and his brothers boyfriend (I hate saying that but I can't think of a better way to refer to them) sure do a good job of making it appear accurate.

I feel like I've matured over the years and realized that there is more to life than sex alone. Some of you will probably think that I'm repressed or uptight and just need to let loose but I don't see it like that. I wouldn't be annoyed if they didn't constantly relate EVERYTHING to something sexual. Why must EVERYTHING literally be about some hut guy? Are you not happy in your relationship or can you at least keep your annoying school girl conversations to yourself? Seriously.

I'll be honest, I really don't like being lumped together with other gays. I loathe the superficial oversexed (or maybe it's undersexed) Perez Hilton ME ME ME types. I think they give the rest a bad name. I don't care about who you hooked up with and I don't want to hear about it. I'm sorry if I offend anyone but I am who I am and that's all I can be.

Thank you for letting me get that out. I feel much better now.

I hope that you're not stuck with him and his boyfriend most of the time. I applaud your thinking. Don't feel that you're uptight or anything. You just simply cannot tolerate this and you do not have to. Everyone has something that they cannot tolerate. If this is what is on their minds all the time, then they are but simpletons. Nothing is more painful to me than having to endure simpletons who don't want to grow up.
That doesn't sound like homophobia to me, more like annoyance at some obnoxious people! Haha.

If they were a straight couple but they still only talked about those things - you'd hate it just as much, right?
That doesn't sound like homophobia to me, more like annoyance at some obnoxious people! Haha.

If they were a straight couple but they still only talked about those things - you'd hate it just as much, right?

YES! I really can't stand people who only talk about sex and relate everything to it or somehow turn an innocent conversation sexual. I'm not saying I never talk about sex but I feel there is a time and place.

Where did class go? :no:
YES! I really can't stand people who only talk about sex and relate everything to it or somehow turn an innocent conversation sexual. I'm not saying I never talk about sex but I feel there is a time and place.

Where did class go? :no:

I totally understand you, I'm the same exact way.
In my experience people act like that either because they are insecure or because they desperately want attention.

I have more respect for people who are reserved and classy when it comes to sex.

I actually find it a little offensive and crude to talk that way.

But society these days values sex appeal and looks, not romance, and I am an utter romantic. :heart:
The things most people find "sexy", I just don't.
YES! I really can't stand people who only talk about sex and relate everything to it or somehow turn an innocent conversation sexual. I'm not saying I never talk about sex but I feel there is a time and place.

Where did class go? :no:

yes I feel the same way although I do enjoy a conversation about it every now and then but I would kill myself if I had to listen to ppl talking about it all the damn time :bugeyed
I think ppl go through times in there life where there "interested" in different things I mean I don't think he was like that 5yrs ago and if he was than you have a problem lol
I think you the same time have to question why they talk like that.
Of course it's too much for you and not to justify it or anything, but maybe that's their way to "put it out there" that they're homosexual. You know, almost like to "uphold" it.

I'd be tired of it just like you are, but sometimes we have to look beyond and try to understand why people act like they do.

And you know, have you talked to your husband about this?
I think you the same time have to question why they talk like that.
Of course it's too much for you and not to justify it or anything, but maybe that's their way to "put it out there" that they're homosexual. You know, almost like to "uphold" it.

I'd be tired of it just like you are, but sometimes we have to look beyond and try to understand why people act like they do.

And you know, have you talked to your husband about this?

Yes I have but he's like, what can ya do? I just have to tolerate it and avoid leading conversations in to that direction (even though it seems an impossible task at times).

Honestly, my husbands bro was the same way 5 years ago. I didn't know him back then but I know it from my what my hubby has told me. The guy is addicted to porn. He downloads it, collects it, and watches it every single day. He doesn't think it's any different than collecting comics or watching a tv show. I am not saying it's wrong to watch porn but as with sexual conversation I do think there is a time and place. I don't think it's healthy if it's an everyday part of your life as it is with him. That, to me, is an unhealthy obsession. This is another reason why it troubles me that he talks about "HOT THIS AND HOT THAT" all the time. It's like, get a life! He seems to have found the perfect partner though because both of them are like that.

May be I'm too conservative?
Yes I have but he's like, what can ya do? I just have to tolerate it and avoid leading conversations in to that direction (even though it seems an impossible task at times).

Honestly, my husbands bro was the same way 5 years ago. I didn't know him back then but I know it from my what my hubby has told me. The guy is addicted to porn. He downloads it, collects it, and watches it every single day. He doesn't think it's any different than collecting comics or watching a tv show. I am not saying it's wrong to watch porn but as with sexual conversation I do think there is a time and place. I don't think it's healthy if it's an everyday part of your life as it is with him. That, to me, is an unhealthy obsession. This is another reason why it troubles me that he talks about "HOT THIS AND HOT THAT" all the time. It's like, get a life! He seems to have found the perfect partner though because both of them are like that.

May be I'm too conservative?

No you're absolutely not too conservative - What he does in his private life is his thing, and he should respect that you don't want to hear it, the same way you would not want to hear a straight man sit and talk about what kind of porn he's watching pointing on the TV all the time at "hot chicks".
That has nothing to do with sexual orientation, it's about manners.
No you're absolutely not too conservative - What he does in his private life is his thing, and he should respect that you don't want to hear it, the same way you would not want to hear a straight man sit and talk about what kind of porn he's watching pointing on the TV all the time at "hot chicks".
That has nothing to do with sexual orientation, it's about manners.

Totally agree!!

I can't stand it when my (straight) friends talk about sex all the time, blatantly. There's a difference between a mature conversation in which you can express some personal details with close friends and huge show in public to voice your own sexual escapades or preferances to everyone.
I dated a guy a couple of years ago & he had sex on the brain. All he thought about was sex,porn & wanted to be with me all the time. It was disgusting. I broke up with him after 2 months cause it got to much & I was scared.
I dated a guy a couple of years ago & he had sex on the brain. All he thought about was sex,porn & wanted to be with me all the time. It was disgusting. I broke up with him after 2 months cause it got to much & I was scared.

Smart move, Chrissy!!
I highly dislike it when people do this too...& alot of these people are friends unfortunately. I think I have lost half my brain cells listening to them talk about nothing, its all they talk about!
That's why I always adored Michael - every other artist out there has to sing or rap about sex to get attention, but his sexiest songs were always ultra-romantic, never graphic and never tasteless. Such a gentleman.

Men like that are becoming more rare every day :no:
That's true! Most video clips are sexy & tasteless. I used to watch rage & video hits about 11yrs ago but now I won't even turn it on. Its so vulgar. Lady Gaga for example I heard her music before I saw her. 1st saw her on Ellen & was like what is that girl wearing. Although she is 23 & a woman if my daughter was that age & on stage I wouldn't allow it & be embarrassed by it. They should be setting an example of young girls.
When I go into the city I look around me & notice girls. There are some who are moderate & others who wear low cut tops although its 14c outside. Mini skirts & I mean mini. These girls look for trouble & crave attention from men.
Sex is everywhere. Sometimes don't know who's worse girls/woman or guys/men.
I want to say this but without offending anyone. It's how I feel...

I think talking about other people in a sexual way in front of your gf/bf/husband/wife is disrespectful. IMHO it shouldn't be done- not even behind their backs. I just don't. I am happy in my relationship and I think that if a person is that they shouldn't even want to do such things, but that's just me.

Also, I don't believe in open relationships. Not at all. I think if someone wants an open relationship they shouldn't be in a relationship at all. "Open" relationships are for single people. If you are in love and satisfied with your partner then there is no way you would want to share that person/love with anyone else. I think it's a perversion.

I am gay but very old fashioned. I was raised in the midwest with strong moral values. While I didn't turn out the way my parents had hoped, I still hold their teaching near to my heart. I still believe in right and wrong. I don't want to come off as a prude or anything like that but at the same time I want to express that I do have convictions.

Sometimes I feel very alone and sad because of the way "my kind" is perceived. We are often seen as promiscuous, incapable of long lasting love and relationships, and just down right deplorable. It's an unfortunate stereotype but at the same time I must say that living in the Bay area has opened my eyes to the sad realization that the profile does often fit around here. Having said that, I know we are all just people, each different, and shouldn't be judged or classified in groups.

I would not and will not judge other people for how they live their personal lives. I don't care what anyone else does in the privacy of their own home but I do hold my own personal beliefs and wanted to share them with you here.

No you are

I have friends of all sorts of orientation and I don't care what they do behind close doors and it don't involve me! lol!:yes:

But I too had a friend like this. Well one my students from dance class and I thought he was a sweet person but I could not stand going places with him.

I lie to you not; every guy he saw walking down the street was hot and his language was but he would be so aggressive and I'm like you can do that to everybody. even if it was a girl that did that and I had a friend like that too! It would still get on my nerves.

Needless to say..I had to have a lil chat with my friend and he don't do that no more. But I don't recommend going all gangster on em like I did. LOL!:yes:

Just tell them to chill it in a cool way if you can or bounce out when they come around and they will slowly get the silent message.
LOL . . . and not that Madonna ever shoves sexuality down people's throats, lol.

I've actually thought of that before. It is kinda funny when ya think about it but we are all more than one dimension (or so I hope). Are you trying to say I can't have different sides to me? That because I say one thing I can't be another?

Madonna's controversial days were in your face at times, but that was then and just because I'm a fan doesn't necessarily mean I agree with everything she's ever said or done. I don't. And I'm also not a prude so I hope I haven't conveyed so. That's not what I wanted to do.

Besides, it's like I said before, it's not that I don't think people should talk about sex or that I don't at all, I just think there is a time and a place. It would be different if it were intellectual but this is about wanting to see "hot guys" naked all the time and other raunch. I get tired of hearing it.
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I've actually thought of that before. It is kinda funny when ya think about it but we are all more than one dimension (or so I hope). Are you trying to say I can't have different sides to me? That because I say one thing I can't be another?

Madonna's controversial days were in your face at times, but that was then and just because I'm a fan doesn't necessarily mean I agree with everything she's ever said or done. I don't. And I'm also not a prude so I hope I haven't conveyed so. That's not what I wanted to do.

Besides, it's like I said before, it's not that I don't think people should talk about sex or that I don't at all, I just think there is a time and a place. It would be different if it were intellectual but this is about wanting to see "hot guys" naked all the time and other raunch. I get tired of hearing it.

I agree with you..there is a time and a place for such things and in front of others is not the time.....also people who watch porn all day do nothing but feed and addiction....also watching it all day changes your brain pattern.....people want to do what they see...and if they are watching porn 24/7...then they are gonna try to act like the people in the movie.
I think that you just may have to address the issue with this have already tried speaking to your mate about it and it did no you may have to go right to the person himself.....I wish you good luck..:)