can I ask your advice please re defending Michael?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
apologies if this is deemed innapropriate at this time, I understand if most of you don't actually want to think about this at the moment.

I know that so many of you will have had to defend Michael for so many years, what do you say to those who bring up all the nastiness?
I have one friend in particular that is just quoting the transcripts from the abuse allegations and saying that he must have lived 2 lives and kids don't lie blah blah blah. Do you have specific articles/website that you direct people to or specific things you can say to defend him?
I would rather just ignore this friend right now but I also feel very passionately that I need to stand up for MJ.

any help appreciated.
You don't need articles or anything. Did the man go to jail? If not, then he's innocent. Point blank period.
Hi Redridinghood - I understand your frustration. I will add you as a Friend as we can talk from there (if that's ok). There is EVERY reason to assert Michael's innocence but you are firmer ground when you have the facts.
there was alot of websites that had info on about the case posters such as TSCM had a website etc. u can only defend when set questions come up so its hard to give u random things to say.
There's no need to defend him. These people want to believe what they do.
You could try giving her this:

But if it doesn't work, just remember. "Somethings in life they just don't wanna see" From They Don't Really Care About Us. And it's true, the truth is right infront of their faces and they shrug it off and continue because the rumours are more interesting. Disgusting, but we are human. We feed off of this stuff.
Whatever she says, just remember that YOU believe in Michael and what they say really doesn't matter. I hope that helps, all my friends are that way too and it takes my everything to stop myself from ripping off their heads sometimes. Hehe :D :)
Hi Redridinghood - I understand your frustration. I will add you as a Friend as we can talk from there (if that's ok). There is EVERY reason to assert Michael's innocence but you are firmer ground when you have the facts.

That would be lovely, thank you. Thank you everyone who has replied.
Give them the DCFS memo to start with. Tell them that is an investigation by a government department

Then tell them that the 1993 guys made no show in 2005, if they don't lie, then why no show? Because their lies would be exposed.

Thirdly, ask them that when they were a kid, did they not lie to their mother, father, teacher or friend about something? And when they were in deep trouble, did they not keep the lie going in fear of the consequences?

Then finish off by telling them that Jordy told colleagues that his parents put him up to it and he would never forgive them for it. And TMez was going to bring in these witnesses if Jordy surfaced.

Someone can point you to the audio of TMez at Havard. Let them listen and we'll see what they have to say.

they can go to hell.

i think it is unfair to judge people harshly like that.

given some of the media coverage that there has been about his life, which is the main source of many people's information, it is natural for people to have their suspicions. we are in no position to judge them, and damn them for that.

we can tell them how we see things, and explain why we feel that way. tell them what we know. but there is no need for hatred. have some love.
Give them the DCFS memo to start with. Tell them that is an investigation by a government department

Then tell them that the 1993 guys made no show in 2005, if they don't lie, then why no show? Because their lies would be exposed.

Thirdly, ask them that when they were a kid, did they not lie to their mother, father, teacher or friend about something? And when they were in deep trouble, did they not keep the lie going in fear of the consequences?

Then finish off by telling them that Jordy told colleagues that his parents put him up to it and he would never forgive them for it. And TMez was going to bring in these witnesses if Jordy surfaced.

Someone can point you to the audio of TMez at Havard. Let them listen and we'll see what they have to say.

Would anyone have this audio?
When defending Michael its best to start with the facts. We fans know Michael we know the truth. Haters know the tabs. Bring them up to speed with the facts. Then if they still want to stand their ground knock them on their asses with a blare of BAD in your speakers. just NEVER back down. Hold your ground. they will run out of ammunition sooner or later then you will have won. If all else fails. Punch them in the nose ;)
Kids don't lie my arse! Anyway, FIRST those who lie out of greed are adults. It is indeed the adults who made kids lie in order to extort MONEY!

SECOND, the CONSTITUTION says that anyone is INNOCENT until proven otherwise. Michael Jackson was not proven guilty and was fully acquitted by a jury composed of NON-FANS, NON-BLACK COMMUNITY on ALL ACCOUNTS. This is the judcial system in America, and if people don't believe the jury who had the opportunity to hear and examine the whole case, then people don't believe in American justice.
You don't need articles or anything. Did the man go to jail? If not, then he's innocent. Point blank period.

I agree, but how many times is OJ Simpson mentioned to you when you state that... doesn't matter though I'll support Michael always as I just know he was innocent.
Kids don't lie my arse! Anyway, FIRST those who lie out of greed are adults. It is indeed the adults who made kids lie in order to extort MONEY!

SECOND, the CONSTITUTION says that anyone is INNOCENT until proven otherwise. Michael Jackson was not proven guilty and was fully acquitted by a jury composed of NON-FANS, NON-BLACK COMMUNITY on ALL ACCOUNTS. This is the judcial system in America, and if people don't believe the jury who had the opportunity to hear and examine the whole case, then people don't believe in American justice.

Lying kids have put me off having kids before, I remember a friends 4 year old niece coming up to her room where we were watching a comedy DVD - she played with some stuff and then went downstairs again of her own accord then the mum is shouting upstairs to us as kid said we slammed door on her! lol - that was a 4 year old! and then also someone I know is a nanny to some kids at the moment and the eldest(7) is lying all the time to get what she wants and smiles in a funny way when she hits her younger sibling... so yes kids can be downright strange! and lie!
I totally agree that kids do lie, but not about sexual things unless they have had an awakening to that, they have to have been told what to say. And yes, the OJ thing is what is always thrown back at me!!
I totally agree that kids do lie, but not about sexual things unless they have had an awakening to that, they have to have been told what to say. And yes, the OJ thing is what is always thrown back at me!!

Funny. I went the other way. Knowing what I do from folowing Michael's trial and not having time to do the same with OJ's I wondered if the media misrepresented his trial too. I went from feeling OJ got off when he shouldn't have to thinking that maybe he didn't do it or at least that I don't know enough to judge.
Michael once said in an interview with Oprah Winfrey that "truth always triumphs". I think he believed in it, otherwise he would not have said it. I believe in it as well.

Michael also was not afraid to be himself and stand up for what he believed in and what he believed was right...what millions of people believe is right. He was very spiritual man and a true artist who was able to see the the beauty and be inspired of it...he was childlike as he said himself...I think the reason why millions of fans all around the world can relate to his songs is because they can see what Michael saw...the beauty in everything.

I don't think Michael needs defending...the music and the dance speaks for itself. If I were to defend Michael, I would play his music, read chapters form the Dancing the Dream book and so on because "the truth triumphs"...but before I would do so, I would ask if people are ready for the truth...truth can be scary sometimes because that makes us more aware of our own faults and insecurities. A lot of the tabloids and outright lies about Michael reflect our own faults in our societies and personalities etc. and has nothing to do with many people simply do not know him at all. We do not need to defend Michael against something that is completely separate issue.
Every pure, innocent, loving heart in the world KNOWS/WILL KNOW, honour and be inspired by Michael's light. Without anyone else having to tell them to do so.
But I' with you all the way Redridinghood and I'll pray that you are able to convince your friend or any other person of Michael's innocence. He was a blessing to the world in every way and the same world he came to help and heal crucified him. It seems you've just joined MJJC, so a very warm welcome! I hope you'll be part of this wonderful place and discover more reasons to love, admire and be grateful for the beautiful human being that Michael was.

go to

it has almost all the facts and is created not by a fan but by someone who discovered the facts and created a place where ignorants would know before uttering a word.

let me have your email.add and I'll send you the entire GQ article by Mary Fisher -'Was MJ framed'. Whoever reads it will be CONVINCED 1000 PERCENT of Michael's innovcence and feel asahmed of themselves and mankind for what we did to someone who was one of God's most precious gifts to the world.
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I totally agree that kids do lie, but not about sexual things unless they have had an awakening to that, they have to have been told what to say. And yes, the OJ thing is what is always thrown back at me!!

Yeah my point was that kids in general do lie, but Jordy and Gavin just were blatantly force fed words to say by their disturbed parents...
Red, I am ashamed to say that I am not as technologically savvy as I could be. I think I added you to my Friends list. Please contact me when you have the chance.
I always say that if no indictment from two seperate grand juries in 1994, and 10 not guilty verdicts in 2005 is still not enough then people who still believe he was a criminal must want to.

You can point them to Redemption by Geralding Hughes and Conspiracy by Aphrodite Jones, but the chances are they won't bother to buy and read them.

Who cares anymore what they think, or what the haters say, after yesturday people who matter said it all. High profile, respected people from entertainers, politicians, and friends, none of them did it for publicity, or to jump on his bandwagon, they are their own bandwagons. They praised and respected him because they knew him.

These people are ignorant and as Jermaine said, you can't reason with ignorance.
I always say that if no indictment from two seperate grand juries in 1994, and 10 not guilty verdicts in 2005 is still not enough then people who still believe he was a criminal must want to.

You can point them to Redemption by Geralding Hughes and Conspiracy by Aphrodite Jones, but the chances are they won't bother to buy and read them.

Who cares anymore what they think, or what the haters say, after yesturday people who matter said it all. High profile, respected people from entertainers, politicians, and friends, none of them did it for publicity, or to jump on his bandwagon, they are their own bandwagons. They praised and respected him because they knew him.

These people are ignorant and as Jermaine said, you can't reason with ignorance.

Something one of my close friends always says could be said here about people who choose to believe Michael was guilty 'you just can't rationalise with irrational people'