Can anyone Help me...its really imoprtant!!!


Proud Member
Nov 1, 2006
Trying to reach Michael...I cant see him but I fee
MODs, Please dont move this thread, its a really important project for my Social work class and i need answeres...thankyou!

Hey guys,

My project is about an Event that happened that affected everyone in the world. I didnt know what to do, but then I rememberd about Michael and how everyone was affected...

here's the catch. (its like an interview). I'll be interviewing 3 generations of people in their 50,s40s,30s, 20's and teens. Just tell me how Michael's passing affected you.

here are the questions-->
1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?
2. What did you think when you first heard about it?
3. What emotions did you feel?
4. Where were you when you heard it?
5. How did your behavior change?
6. Who did you tell about the event?
7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?

Please make it as long as you want for each of the questions.

It's due on Oct. 30th, so if you can post your response by the 29th, I'd really appreciate it!


I'll love to help a fellow MJ fan and I'm guessing fellow student as well...

BTW, I'm 18 years old.

1) I was in a state of shock for at least 2 weeks. Seriously, I was in a zoned out state for at least 24 hours after the news broke out. It only really hit me when I watched the memorial. Cried for a few days... I still cry from time to time...I dont know when I am gonna get over it.

2) IMPOSSIBLE! What a sick joke! I was in complete denial! My mind could not comprehend that Michael is no longer with us anymore.

3) I remember being FRUSTRATED! AND REALLY REALLY SAD! :( Very painful memories.

4) My high school graduation... :( My friend's sister told us about it.

5) I was shaken!!! cause even though I did not believe my classmate's sister, I just could not stop the shivers running down my spine because it's just too random to be a joke...
She didn't know how huge of a fan I am. I couldn't even sit through the whole ceremony because I was so confused and disturb by what she said.

6) My parents... Yup, They were as shocked as me!

7) To preserve his legacy. I made a promise that I will never let his music die and that I will pass down his artistry through my future children. And my children better passed down Mike's music to their children too... -_-

Hope that helps ya! :)
Sure, hun. Here it goes:

1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?

I'm still dealing with it. It was one of the toughest things to go through - in many ways the same as losing a close family member. I'm not religious, so I generally don't deal with death well.
My first instinct was to block all the pain and sorrow out - push it away, run from it, don't acknowledge it, so I didn't have to deal with it. But then it blew right in my face, and ever since then I've just been allowing myself to grieve and feel everything no questions asked - and I'm hoping this would help me heal eventually.

2. What did you think when you first heard about it?

I thought - it can't be. I'm dreaming. It's not happening. Not Michael, please... Let it be anyone but not Michael.

3. What emotions did you feel?

Utter shock. Numbness. My thoughts scattered, my heart was pounding in my chest like mad. I felt dizzy, everything around me just seemed unreal - like a dream. And then the deepest, most heart-wrenching sorrow, sadness, pain, regret... Anger.

4. Where were you when you heard it?

At work - just came into the office, turned the radio on... And yeah.

5. How did your behavior change?

I just started thinking about life a little more often - about the meaning of it, about our purpose here... I started wondering how long have I got and what it would feel like to die. I started really seeing life as something precious, something we need to make the most of - never had such thoughts before.

6. Who did you tell about the event?

Discussed it briefly with co-workers, but not much - mostly just dealt with it within myself. Later on I spoke to my mother and my best friend - both Michael fans.

7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?

To live my life so that I leave something meaningful behind.

I'm 27 by the way. :)
MODs, Please dont move this thread, its a really important project for my Social work class and i need answeres...thankyou!

Hey guys,

My project is about an Event that happened that affected everyone in the world. I didnt know what to do, but then I rememberd about Michael and how everyone was affected...

here's the catch. (its like an interview). I'll be interviewing 3 generations of people in their 50,s40s,30s, 20's and teens. Just tell me how Michael's passing affected you.

here are the questions-->
1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?
2. What did you think when you first heard about it?
3. What emotions did you feel?
4. Where were you when you heard it?
5. How did your behavior change?
6. Who did you tell about the event?
7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?

Please make it as long as you want for each of the questions.

It's due on Oct. 30th, so if you can post your response by the 29th, I'd really appreciate it!


1. i don't i will ever deal with michael death he will always be in my heart
2. 4 days before michael died? i felt like some will die soon and later my mum told me that michael died
3.i felt part of me has died/ my past just come back to haunt me
4. i had strange dream? and my mum wakes me saying michael died- it was june 26 here in australia
5. my behaviour did not chane only michael open up my eyes
to some new faith it made me better person
6.i don't rembmer if i told any of my family about michael's death but unknown reason i start to talk about michael's life almost 24/7 and on net months later goal will be? find someone who can talk to dead persons
so i can try to michael's spirit so i move on/so michael will always stay in my heart
im 31 years young
i feel like this qussions you give me are like a short interew about my strange/normial feels/thoughts i have about michael's death/live
so there is no wrong/right answers
Ohhh God bless you. Thankyou soo sooo much for this...

and I know the feeling...I cry everyting i hear Man in the mirror, heal the world, "the light went out tonight-by Riz" and "Better on the other side-by Game"...It's the worst year I've ever had in my life.

Thankyou again...

1. i don't i will ever deal with michael death he will always be in my heart
2. 4 days before michael died? i felt like some will die soon and later my mum told me that michael died
3.i felt part of me has died/ my past just come back to haunt me
4. i had strange dream? and my mum wakes me saying michael died- it was june 26 here in australia
5. my behaviour did not chane only michael open up my eyes
to some new faith it made me better person
6.i don't rembmer if i told any of my family about michael's death but unknown reason i start to talk about michael's life almost 24/7 and on net months later goal will be? find someone who can talk to dead persons
so i can try to michael's spirit so i move on/so michael will always stay in my heart
im 31 years young
i feel like this qussions you give me are like a short interew about my strange/normial feels/thoughts i have about michael's death/live
so there is no wrong/right answers

No there's not wrong or right answer...its what you felt and NObody can say its wrong. Thankyou for participating...

I'm almost 40, and live in Europe. I hope my answers will help !

1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?
I was shocked. I was not able, and I am still not able to watch the memorial.
I prefer to listen to his music, watch his interviews, his concerts.

2. What did you think when you first heard about it?
Due to the time difference, it was 9 or 10 pm here when the news broke that he was in hospital. At first I didn't think it was so serious, so I was wondering why they made such a fuss about it.
I had a news channel on, they tend to make a whole fuss about nothing sometimes. So I didn't take it seriously and waited for more info. Almost immediately, they stopped talking about anything else, and began a live coverage.

Very quickly it turned out it WAS serious, and as they kept giving more details, it was very clear to me that Micheal would either die or be in a coma with possible very serious consequences.

A little before midnight I was almost certain he had passed, so I decided to wait for a confirmation. That confirmation came around 1 am, when the coroner's office said there would be an autopsy.

I stopped watching after that, I went to bed, but couldn't sleep. To me it was clear that he had ODed on something. At that time, there was no other explanation for me, it seemed to me that you don't suddenly go in cardiac arrest and doctors can't figure out why. I realise now it was wrong, but at that time that's what I thought.

I don't know it that answers your question. I got the news "progressively", I was expecting the bad news.

Still, it was a shock. Disbelief. I thought "on no, no way, it's just NOT possible". It should never have happened.

3. What emotions did you feel?
Shocked, very sad. I couldn't believe it.

I was thinking about him, his family, his friends.

I was thinking about the 80s and 90s, I was remembering when Billie Jean came out, Black or White, etc.. And thinking about his life, how hard it had been for him.

Back then, when all these songs came out, he was extremely popular, it seemed unthinkable that things would turn out this way for him.
I was thinking about what had happened, and how could so many people be so cruel to him. How could this happen, and why ? Why did it go so out of proportions when it came to him ?
I still don't understand that, it makes me sad, and it still really makes me feel bad about the world we live in. I felt that, in some way, we are all responsible for this.

For people my age, Michael Jackson has always been a part of our lives, whether you are a fan or not, whether you like him or not. So when he died, it's a part of our youth that died with him.

I was thinking that we had "our" legend, like Elvis, Marilyn, The Beatles, but many people did not understand that when he was alive.

4. Where were you when you heard it?
home, talking with friends on facebook, about Farrah Fawcett. I had a news channel on, but was not really watching at first.

5. How did your behavior change?
I was really sad about all this. I don't know what else to say.

6. Who did you tell about the event?
I put the news on facebook, then erased it almost instantly : I thought that was not the right way to talk about it, and at that time, we didn't know if he would make it or not.

Then I didn't talk about it with anyone, it was too late, it was about 1 am.

The day after, at my work, I was suprised to see how many younger people were shocked by his death. They were talking about his music, the short films, the genius he was, and asked a lot of questions about him, his life in general. I mean, of course I know MJ had younger fans, but I didn't expect this from so many people.

7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?
I don't know yet. I am not over it yet, it's too early for me to answer that.

I had to deal, and still have to, with people who have a self destructive behavior. It happened to me twice so far, one of them is addicted to medication, the other one is self destructive in the sense that he has an excessive behavior in many areas of his life, he puts himself in impossible situations, with, unfortunately, harmful consequences for him.

I don't know if Michael was like that too, and if so, to which extent.

My feeling is that he probably did have a certain self destructive behavior. I have been thinking about that, and have been trying to understand his reasons.

I don't want to get into their relationship, this is certainly not my place, and I don't mean to be judgmental, but what Lisa Marie wrote on her blog really touched my heart. I can totally understand it and relate to it. Wether she was right or wrong is not the point to me, I was not there with them, I don't know.

She was just so right in describing how it is to try and help in these situations. And how hard it is, if it is possible at all. The toll it takes on you. I totally understand when she says you have to give up to save yourself.

I had to come to the same conclusion myself, thinking that these persons maybe could not be happy with a "normal" life. Or what we think is normal.

So it's not a goal in itself, but all this brought me back to these moments in my life, trying to understand it.

And I think I must add, the more I think about it, the more admiration I have for Liz Taylor, for the way she supported Michael, and Janet Jackson for her public support.

And the more admiration I have for Michael himself. He reached most of his goals, on a professional level, and has brought up 3 wonderful kids who seem to be doing great. He dealt with difficult things, in a beautiful way.

Good luck with your work, and let us know what you come up with !
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1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?
I'm remembering him, celebrating him, mourning him and most of all, learning from him! He's been a great affect on my life since I was a toddler and I will keep him in my heart forever. The fact that he's up there doing what he was here for but in a bigger and maybe better way, is what keeps me going. He's around me, he's one with the nature and I can feel that.

2. What did you think when you first heard about it?
I was in denial, couldn't believe it. Thought it was some joke again. Somehow I went to sleep (it was night here) and woke up the first morning really confused.

3. What emotions did you feel?
Confused, angry, denial....I really couldn't believe it. Didn't feel sad that time yet. That came a few days after what happened.

4. Where were you when you heard it?
I was at home, just surfing the net and being busy on my Macbook...and then I read some strange story and put on CNN. Followed the whole thing from the part where he got picked up by the ambulance until the official death. ( :cry: )

5. How did your behavior change?
The denial feeling is still here. I still can't imagine that he's gone, it's such a great loss on so many levels that it's hard to deal with. It's also very strange because in fact he feels very much alive because he's still covered in the media, the movie coming out, etc. It's not a normal grieving process.
After the first few days I became very very sad, now that is slightly changed and I can enjoy remembering him, but the hurt is still there. I am now angry also because of the injustice surrounding his death. There's a part of me that died with him.

6. Who did you tell about the event?
Uhm...well, the internet.

7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?
To live a way that he would be proud of, to remember him and teach everyone about this wonderful, amazing man that died way too soon. I'm gonna follow his footsteps and make sure he's in my memory forever and ever and ever. :angel:

I just turned 20 yesterday. Goodluck with your project! :)
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I'm 19 from norway

1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?
At first I could not listen to his music without bursting into tears, fall on my knees and feeling numb. There was kind of no way to handle something like that, the death of your inspiration, your hero, your idol, a person you simply love! Even though I didn't know him somehow I felt I did anyway. Each day since june 25th I thought this was the day I was gonna die because my heart really hurted. and it still does. it hurts!
I went to los angeles and got me tickets to the memorial at staples center, I also visited neverland and his L.A house. All of this made me feel better because I felt a little closer to Michael rather than being in Norway, feeling all alone! it was nice to meet up with all the MJ fans and cry in eachothers arms!

2. What did you think when you first heard about it?
The only thing I could think of was I wanted to be where Michael is. Wherever he may be! It was the biggest shock of my life! I did not belive it. Even though I kind of did..
it was all over the news and my phone was filled with messages from my friends and people I don't even know asking me how I am and "How sad michael died". I just shouted at my phone to stop! It was a nightmare! IT WAS HORRIBLE!!

3. What emotions did you feel?
I just wanted to die.I didn't eat, sleep, I just cried. And I asked myself if I could ever listen to his music again or if it would be too sad! I finally did when it took some time but then I cried again. I thought "what now?" Michael has been my life! what happens now?? there's no other artist that means as much as he does to me. no-one.

4. Where were you when you heard it?
I was in my room watching MJ history tour, getting excited for the tour! I did this every night..watched a concert and got excited! this evening would be my worst nightmare..ever.
then I got a text on my phone which made me go to MJJCOMMUNITY and see what's going on! Then..I ran down to my livingroom and they said on TV "Michael Jackson dead".

5. How did your behavior change?
you don't know what you got til it's gone. I keep thinking that ANDit made meaware of that EVERYTHING can change in just a matter of a second. your world can be turned upside down tomorrow! so I try to reach all of my goals now! even more than i did before because you never know..I feel more sad then I used to be and I wonder if things are ever gonna be 100% good again now.It used to be.

6. Who did you tell about the event?
a Michael Jackson fan sent me a text message saying he was rushed to hospital. Then I read online and watched the news

7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?
keep Michael's legacy alive! keep spreading the word about the fantastic human being he was! everyone knows the great artist he was but people need to know about Michael "as human" aswell: his personality..
I'm still 17 for one week :cheeky:

1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?
I listened to his music. Though it made me very sad, it was also comforting. I came here in MJJC and talked with the wonderfiul people here, since I only have one MJ fan friend offline. This place has been a huge help in this process, to be around other MJ fans which I couldn't have done without this place.
My faith in God also helped. I believe Michael is now in better place and there is a reason why Michael had to go.

2. What did you think when you first heard about it?
I could not believe it was really happening. I got a text message from my friend and I just couldn't believe it, I didn't understand it. It came so suddenly and felt so surreal. (and still feels sometimes) Just about 10 hours earlier I had listened to Thrillercast before I went to sleep and thought how amazing Michael is.. (that was about the time when Michael died - but I didn't hear it until the next morning)

3. What emotions did you feel?
For the first few days I was totally numb and didn't cry at all. Then, when the memorial came it really started to hit me and I just couldn't stop crying. For many nights I cried myself to sleep because I couldn't cry in front of my family since they don't understand how much Michael meant to me.

4. Where were you when you heard it?
I was at home, in my own room. I had just woke up.

5. How did your behavior change?
For the first few days it didn't, I guess I was in state of denial. But now that I've kind of got used to the feeling that he's gone, this whole experience has made me much more mature.

6. Who did you tell about the event?
One of my best friends, she sent me a text message. I woke up, opened my phone and bam. :no: I will never forget that moment, sadly.

edit: and who did I tell about it.. well, I didn't need to tell anyone since everybody came to me. I'm the only MJ fan in my family and friend circle.

7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?
I think just to spread Michael's message to my friends and family. Some of them have wrong facts about Michael and I just want them to know the truth. I want Michael to be remembered for the right reasons - his musical legacy and humanitarian work.

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I'm 19.

1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?

Not well. I couldn't eat or sleep properly for days after it happened. Even the mention of the word death would send me into a panic attack. I found it hard to get on with doing normal tasks. Listening to his music made me cry and I found it impossible to watch MJ footage for quite a while. I still haven't been able to watch the memorial or the funeral.

2. What did you think when you first heard about it?

I couldn't believe it. I was in complete shock. I've never experienced pain like that before. I couldn't speak, my heart was racing, I felt like I couldn't breathe, I got dizzy. I felt like I was going to die.

3. What emotions did you feel?

Shock, horror, sadness, regret, pain.

4. Where were you when you heard it?

In my sister's bedroom, on my computer.

5. How did your behavior change?

I got more anxious. I couldn't read, watch, talk or hear about death or things related to death, anything like that would make me have an anxiety attack. I found it hard going out and I withdrew into myself for quite a while.

6. Who did you tell about the event?

My sister.

7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?

To help continue Michael's mission to heal the world and to uphold his legacy. To keep informing the people close to me about the truths of Michael and how amazing he was.
Happy to help, my name is Jas and I'm 24 years old from the UK (England) :D

here are the questions-->
1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?

To be honest, I didn't deal with it, and I still haven't. I was shocked, completely shocked and in denial.

2. What did you think when you first heard about it?

It's a lie. Someone is creating rumours again. I didn't believe it for one second.

3. What emotions did you feel?

Disgust, shock, horror, and disbelief mixed with anger and panic.

4. Where were you when you heard it?

At home in my living room

5. How did your behavior change?

I lost my appetitie, my sleep, and my motivation to do anything. I was like a zombie, numb with shock for 2 days. After that, I cried but not a lot. I felt unable to cry. I wrote poetry and songs and letters to Michael.

6. Who did you tell about the event?

Initially I called my mum from upstairs, she came down and watched the news with me. Then i spoke to a close friend, a cousin and other fans on the internet.

7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?

I wanted to see Michael, and I still do. I know I will see him someday. My goal is to better myself, to become a better person. When I'm faced with a situation and I have to make a decision, I ask myself 'What would Michael have done/said/thought?' and it always helps me to make the right desciosn, to be strong, kind, nonjudgmental and creative. He changed my life for the better. I owe him everything.
MODs, Please dont move this thread, its a really important project for my Social work class and i need answeres...thankyou!

Hey guys,

My project is about an Event that happened that affected everyone in the world. I didnt know what to do, but then I rememberd about Michael and how everyone was affected...

here's the catch. (its like an interview). I'll be interviewing 3 generations of people in their 50,s40s,30s, 20's and teens. Just tell me how Michael's passing affected you.

here are the questions-->
1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?
2. What did you think when you first heard about it?
3. What emotions did you feel?
4. Where were you when you heard it?
5. How did your behavior change?
6. Who did you tell about the event?
7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?

Please make it as long as you want for each of the questions.

It's due on Oct. 30th, so if you can post your response by the 29th, I'd really appreciate it!

im 32 i was 31 when it happened
1. you dont deal with death with death you accept it it accectance came farily quickly
2 just numb i shut down
3 see above
4 my brother called but he was only in the hosptail then i read on tmz
5 for days i just cried alot i dont think i have ever cried more
6 everyone i could tell there were many
7 my goal hasent changed i just try and make the lives of my loveed ones better
Tori michian

your wecome
1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?
I'm remembering him, celebrating him, mourning him and most of all, learning from him! He's been a great affect on my life since I was a toddler and I will keep him in my heart forever. The fact that he's up there doing what he was here for but in a bigger and maybe better way, is what keeps me going. He's around me, he's one with the nature and I can feel that.

2. What did you think when you first heard about it?
I was in denial, couldn't believe it. Thought it was some joke again. Somehow I went to sleep (it was night here) and woke up the first morning really confused.

3. What emotions did you feel?
Confused, angry, denial....I really couldn't believe it. Didn't feel sad that time yet. That came a few days after what happened.

4. Where were you when you heard it?
I was at home, just surfing the net and being busy on my Macbook...and then I read some strange story and put on CNN. Followed the whole thing from the part where he got picked up by the ambulance until the official death. ( :cry: )

5. How did your behavior change?
The denial feeling is still here. I still can't imagine that he's gone, it's such a great loss on so many levels that it's hard to deal with. It's also very strange because in fact he feels very much alive because he's still covered in the media, the movie coming out, etc. It's not a normal grieving process.
After the first few days I became very very sad, now that is slightly changed and I can enjoy remembering him, but the hurt is still there. I am now angry also because of the injustice surrounding his death. There's a part of me that died with him.

6. Who did you tell about the event?
Uhm...well, the internet.

7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?
To live a way that he would be proud of, to remember him and teach everyone about this wonderful, amazing man that died way too soon. I'm gonna follow his footsteps and make sure he's in my memory forever and ever and ever. :angel:

I just turned 20 yesterday. Goodluck with your project! :)

Awww...Happy Blated Birthday hun. Sorry! :D

Thankyou for your post!!!
Christina 24 from Australia

1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?
Talked to my mum & friends about it. They helped a lot.

2. What did you think when you first heard about it?
I didn't believe it until the Wednesday when I broke down in tears.

3. What emotions did you feel?
Sadness, angry, confusion

4. Where were you when you heard it?
Heard about heart attack at 7.30am Friday morning then when I arrived in New Zealand my boyfriend told me he had died.

5. How did your behavior change?
Didn't sleep well for 5 nights. Felt a lil down & I guess still feel down. Haven't changed that much.

6. Who did you tell about the event?
Didn't have to tell anyone cause everyone knew.

7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?
Live life to the full. You never know what's around the corner.
To love unconditionally.
MODs, Please dont move this thread, its a really important project for my Social work class and i need answeres...thankyou!

Hey guys,

My project is about an Event that happened that affected everyone in the world. I didnt know what to do, but then I rememberd about Michael and how everyone was affected...

here's the catch. (its like an interview). I'll be interviewing 3 generations of people in their 50,s40s,30s, 20's and teens. Just tell me how Michael's passing affected you.

here are the questions-->
1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?
2. What did you think when you first heard about it?
3. What emotions did you feel?
4. Where were you when you heard it?
5. How did your behavior change?
6. Who did you tell about the event?
7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?

Please make it as long as you want for each of the questions.

It's due on Oct. 30th, so if you can post your response by the 29th, I'd really appreciate it!



Hi there,

1. I am still coming to terms with the loss of Michael it isn't easy at all. In fact I miss him so much it hurts. Michael is a big part of my life always has been he is forever in my heart.

2.I was in total shock when I first heard the news and denial and it grew into anger because this should not have happened Michael should still be here.

3.I started of crying non stop that grew into depression and I than became angry because
of all the negativity toward Michael. Now I am at the confusion stage because the man who hurt him is still free where is the justice?

4.At home my Father passed away two weeks before Michael I was dealing with that and on June 25th my heart broke.

5.I became quiet with my friends (they are not fans) desperate to be with people who loved Michael as I do I joined this forum.

6.No one I was home with my two sisters (also fans) we cried together. I can't talk to my friends they do not understand.

7.To help carry on Michaels vision of peace and love even if it is just by giving a smile. Learning to be a little more tolerant toward people and to try not to judge them because they do not understand. when Michaels' name comes up I tell people what i know and feel about Michael and encourage them to research and learn the truth for themselves.

Hi, I'm Maura. 17 years from The Netherlands, hope I can help you out.:)

1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?
As weird as it may sound, I try not to think of it. I think I'm still in some sort of denial, I just pretend it didn't happen at all. I'm acting like I am still waiting for my concert to come. It's just those little things that sometimes put me back in reality, things like the memorial or small clips from This Is It.

2. What did you think when you first heard about it?
I didn't know what to think, because it all came so unexpected. At first, I didn't (want) believe. I didn't know if it was true and I was so confused about the whole thing. But after Jermaine made a public statement, a part of me realized that it was true. I was loosing my mind, I was literally grabbing my hair..I couldn't even cry. I was telling myself that whole night that it wasn't true, that we still would see pictures of his shopping the next day and that everything would be allright.

3. What emotions did you feel?
Nothing, I was on one hand shocked I think. But I couldn't cry that evening, because I didn't believe what had happened. I just went numb.

4. Where were you when you heard it?
I was at home. I just came home from a shopping trip, I was actually shopping for a dress to wear at the concert. I bought myself a ticket the day before he died, and I had really good seats. I was excited and wanted to wear something pretty, because I thought he was going to see me, since I would be sitting so close.

5. How did your behavior change?
The first few weeks, I just got really sick. Like I was so tired all the time, feeling dizzy, having headaches and not eating. Maybe I just wanted to make myself sick. There were times were I didn't really care anymore what was happening around me. I didn't feel like doing anything at all. I didn't want to go out with friends, or leave my house. I would only leave the house, to buy myself tribute magazines and stuff.

Now I am still sad. I am trying to continue my life, the way I used to do before 25th June. I am going out again with my friends, I am going to school, doing all the fun stuff I used to do. It's just that my mind is still constantly with Michael. There are times when I really am trying to have a good time and am smiling, but the emotions I feel inside are just..let's just say that whatever I am doing and whatever good time I'm having..I could break down and cry in a second if I wanted to.

6. Who did you tell about the event?
I tried talking about it with my friends, but that didn't help. They don't understand, they sometimes even make jokes about it. I talked about it with other fans, they are so understanding and sweet. What a lot of people misunderstand, is that Michael Jackson's fancommunity is so close and tight. We always help each other out.

7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?
My goal for now, is to continue is legacy. To make sure that not only his music and videos will live on forever, but also the man himself. I want to show everyone what a sweet, caring and loving person he was. I wish the whole world could see that, it will make them understand why so many people love him. That and supporting his kids in any possible are my main goals.

Besides that, I would like to make my dreams come true. Seeing Michael succeed in life, makes me want to succeed. He was just such an inspiration on so many things. I never really liked going to school. I'm not stupid and I know that I can do everything we learn, but I'm just really lazy. Now whenever I do not feel like going to school, I just tell myself I need to do it for Mike. That he would have hated it, if I would drop out. Thanks to him I believe in magic. Thanks to him, I believe that I can be anyone I want to be, if I just work for it.
I'm 23 years old.

1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?
The first person who told me about this sad news was my father, who was previously informed by my sister by a phone call. At first I couldn't believe it, I immediately ran to my house to find out whether this was true or just a joke. I turned on TV on CNN just to see that it was right, MJ had been pronounced dead. Then I went browsing to find more info on wikipedia, google, and more... everything was going so slowly, it was the first time I experienced an internet major crash.

2. What did you think when you first heard about it?
That it was not possible. I thought it was a fake, maybe a marketing strategy for his upcoming tour.

3. What emotions did you feel?
Saddness, anger, emptiness, craziness, I was so confused.

4. Where were you when you heard it?
Leaving the college, driving home.

5. How did your behavior change?
I started to be more humanitarian. Realizing we gotta enjoy this life a little bit more.

6. Who did you tell about the event?
All my friends on the msn.

7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?
To share MJ legacy to every person I can.
I am 46 from NYC...

1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?

I'm still trying to deal with it and process it after 4 months. It's still tough for me to believe he's gone. Having been a life long casual fan prior to this tragedy I've been listening to his music like I never did before and making new discoveries. I've learned a lot about this man since his death. I am kicking myself for not being a better fan while he was still with us. Coming to the MJJ Community has been very comforting. It has helped to grieve along with others who feel the same enormity of this loss that I do.

2. What did you think when you first heard about it?

I was in shock and maybe denial for some time. The enormity of this loss didn't really hit me for a couple of days. It was kind of like losing a life long friend. He's just always been there from childhood to adulthood. I thought about a photo that I had seen of him with his older son out and about just a few days prior to his passing. I remember looking and lingering over that photo for longer than I usually look at photos of celebs in magazines. I remember thinking how big his son was getting. I wonder if someone was trying to tell me something...

3. What emotions did you feel?

Shock, anger, denial, grief, sadness. These emotions still come in waves 4 months later. I think about all the stages of Michael that I've witnessed my entire life...from the little boy prodigy with the big voice in the Jackson 5 that gave me so much joy as a child, to the teen doing the robot to "Dancing Machine" with his brothers, to the talented, charismatic singer/dancer in all those exciting 80's/90's videos to the guy who blew everybody away with his moonwalk to the man fighting for his life and name on trial to the proud protective father.

4. Where were you when you heard it?

I was waiting for the bus to go home after leaving work early for a doctor's appointment. I was already feeling sad with the news of Farrah Fawcett's death. But this just put me over the edge. The summer of 2009 will go down in my history as the worst for me for many reasons. I was glad to see it end.

5. How did your behavior change?

Before June 25th I was a die hard fan of a rock band and participated in their message board almost daily. After 6/25 I became a die hard fan of Michael Jackson and abandoned the other band board after I got into a heated discussion with some ignorant people there who only wanted to make light of the King of Pop's death. I have become protective of MJ. Of all my family and friends I think his death has been the hardest on me. Yes, everyone was saddened but it seems most everyone else has moved on. I am still grieving. I never cry in public but I cried while watching little Paris speak at the memorial...along with my co-workers. We had all gathered in a room with a TV and watched. My co-workers were all crying but I was trying to hold it together. I almost lost it when Mariah Carrey choked up during "I'll Be There" but still remained strong. Then Paris came out and spoke those heart wrenching words about her father and that was it. I broke down.

6. Who did you tell about the event?

I didn't have to tell anyone. Everybody I know knows who Michael Jackson is and they all knew what had happened. He is famous globally.

7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?

To continue to explore his music and work. To continue to celebrate him for the good that he did, the joy he gave the world and for the unique talent that he was.

Good luck with your assignment.
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-im in the 20's age group.

1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?
Well, he was one reason i enjoyed living.

2. What did you think when you first heard about it?
i don't really know how to answer this question, but it was happened so fast once the news hit.
i was in denial.

3. What emotions did you feel?
Physically sick, emotionally sick even when i saw the emergency thread here on MJJC before we knew he died.

4. Where were you when you heard it?
At Home.

5. How did your behavior change?
I became real quiet.

6. Who did you tell about the event?
Noone, well everyone knew.
if you mean talking it out...friends, family.

7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?
I never took life for granted, i never took Michael's life for granted while he was still here, and i will continue now not to take this life for granted.
so, basically i looked up to what Michael did very much in life and how he made me happy and to strive, and he also enjoyed life, and i will continue to do the same.
I'm 38 and live in the US.

1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?
Honeslty, I'm not sure if I have still fully dealt with his death. I'm not sure I ever will be able to. I have never dealt with death well at all. I tend to just block those emotions. I know that isn't the healthiest way to live but I deal with things in time, when I'm ready to. Its not time yet. I have tried to do things to keep my mind off everything. I have been very fortunate to have found this forum and have made some truly great wonderful supportive friends that have helped me through some really bad moments :)huggy: my fellow appleheads, you know who you are).

2. What did you think when you first heard about it?
That it can't be true, that he was too young and it had to be another tabloid BS story.

3. What emotions did you feel?
Numbness, shock, distraught, heartbreak, anger, grief. I know I have never meet Michael, I came close out here in Vegas last year, but my anxiety got the better of me and I had to leave, I dont handle surging crowds very well :lol:. That is something that I have thought about since his death. I regret that day forever now, I wanted to tell him thank you. I was lucky enough to see him in concert during his Bad tour in the US and had always wished he would tour the US again.

It took me a few weeks to really understand why i was so devestated, when I was younger, I had a bad family life and had always prayed at night to God, to bring him into my life to save me, cause I knew he helped all those children, I wanted him to come save me. For this 8 year old he was my knight in shining armour, I'm not sure if that makes sense and if you want me to claify it more I can. But when he passed, I lost that bit of happiness that kept me alive when i was younger.

4. Where were you when you heard it?
I was at work with some clients, we have a TV in the clubhouse and as we where walking back we all stopped and watched CNN, all 3 of us started crying. I'm still not sure how I made it threw the rest of the day.

5. How did your behavior change?
I have beendepressed, such overwhelming saddness the first weeks, months. It's gotten better but I'm still sad most days. When i think of his kids being without there dad, I become an emotional wreck. I have started taking better care of myself, cause I want more out of my life and there are many things i have yet to do. not sure if it has to do with his passing or not, but deep down in my heart i think it does. The fact that we lost the most wonderful of humans this world has ever known is so hard to undertsand. He went threw so much during his life and endured so much pain.. why this? to me it just doesn't seem fair.

Some things that have changed for the better, I started drawing again and am doing things to work on "having a life", what I mean by that is i moved to Las Vegas 8 years ago and had cut myself off from family/friends and have been just doing the work, go home routine for years now. I was just exsisting, now I want to live. I reached out to my friends and family about 3 weeks ago and am planning a visit back home. I want to do the things i have been puttign off for years. Do I think it's cause of Michael passing, absolutley.

6. Who did you tell about the event?
Some really close friends, cause they got worried about me. My co workers know cause it was on the news there. I stopped talking about things with some of my friends, cause they started to talk really bad and didn't even consider what the things they where saying was hurtful.

7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?
To live not just exsist.

Sorry for rambling so much, it helped to talk about some of this, so thank you. if you want any more information just pm me :)

MODs, Please dont move this thread, its a really important project for my Social work class and i need answeres...thankyou!

Hey guys,

My project is about an Event that happened that affected everyone in the world. I didnt know what to do, but then I rememberd about Michael and how everyone was affected...

here's the catch. (its like an interview). I'll be interviewing 3 generations of people in their 50,s40s,30s, 20's and teens. Just tell me how Michael's passing affected you.

here are the questions-->
1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?
2. What did you think when you first heard about it?
3. What emotions did you feel?
4. Where were you when you heard it?
5. How did your behavior change?
6. Who did you tell about the event?
7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?

Please make it as long as you want for each of the questions.

It's due on Oct. 30th, so if you can post your response by the 29th, I'd really appreciate it!



1. For weeks I was unsure how to move on. But eventually I convinced myself that life must go on and we all must remember that Michael is the absolute best entertainer that ever lived and we should rejoice his life.
2. I first heard that he was rushed to hospital with cardiac arrest and I thought that it was rubbish because everything the media said about Michael in the past 15-20 years has been rubbish. Then the news came that he died. At this point I was hoping that he was not dead and it was just either a hoax by the media or a publicity stunt. Then Jermaine came to confirm the news and he was really dead. Initially I thought there must of been something wrong, that he was murdered (drugged). I then thought that people like him were never meant to grow old (just like Peter Pan). I already had doubts that he could reach the age of 60 (although I hoped he could reach 65 for his children's sake).
3. When Jermaine confirmed his death, I was genuinely lost for the first time in my life. And I was like this for at least a whole 24 hours. But I really felt for Michael's has been so unfair on them! When I heard about this doctor I instantly knew that somthing was very wrong. The weeks following, I got very angry at the media claiming that Michael was a junkie and his kids have about 30 maternal parents. I was also very angry at all these "friends" and "doctors" selling their stories to the papers. The news people and the papers still continued to call him "*****" even after he died which I though was worst.
4. I was at home ready to go sleep.......I ended up going to sleep at 4:00am after seeing the live news for as much as I could bear.
5. I don't think that my behaviour has changed one bit.
6. Nobody, I don't like to inform people that someone has died. And it's impossible to miss news like this.
7. Make something out of my life and enjoy life to it fullest. I also appreciate my family and friends a whole lot more.

P.S. i'm 21 so that puts me in the 20's category!!!!
1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?
I am still trying to deal with it, I guess. I never really though it'd affect me as much as it has, but I'm coping by focusing on all the wonderful things he's done and all he's left us. Listening to his music non-stop and re-watching all of his short films helps, because for a little while it feels like he's still here.

I'm also coping through this board! :)
The people on here have really helped me feel less weird about mourning him.

2. What did you think when you first heard about it?
I was just in total disbelief.
And my heart was screaming for his kids.

3. What emotions did you feel?
I honestly felt like I'd lost a friend.
It was really strange, because I'd never experienced really, truly missing someone I had never met.
I couldn't stop thinking about being a kid and hearing "Man In The Mirror" for the first time.
I felt nostalgic all day, and just really terrible. Everything reminded me of him, which I thought was strange because he wasn't in my thoughts daily before that.

"Got To Be There" came on the radio in the car and I just totally lost it.

4. Where were you when you heard it?
I was on vacation with my boyfriend. We were in the hotel room getting ready for dinner and I noticed MJ videos being played on the television. I was singing and dancing and acting silly until I realized the screen said "rest in peace, 1958-2009".

5. How did your behavior change?
I went to dinner in a trance. They were showing Michael's short films on the TV at the bar and I was just staring at it all night feeling so weird.
As soon as I got home from my vacation I spent hours reading about Michael, learning more, listening to his music constantly. A day hasn't gone by when I don't think about him.

6. Who did you tell about the event?
I texted my mother, my cousin (who I first bonded with over his music) and a few of my friends to tell them and everyone was just so sad.
Felt like a family member had gone.

My boyfriend and I visited his 83-year-old grandmother and when we got there, she was sitting in her living room alone, watching "Beat It" on TV and crying. It was so sweet and so sad.

7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?
It's really cliche and everyone else has probably said this too, but to actually live life, not just float along passively, letting things happen to me.

I admire him so much for making a real difference, and truly caring about the children and the people of the world.
And if I could do a fraction of the good that he did I will be happy.

Gosh this made me feel sad.
(I'm 21, also, in case that's important information!)
1. How did you deal with the death of Michael Jackson?

Awful.. It was unexpected! I relied heavily on the internet, MJJC. After I found out the news, I came here right away in that awful thread Michael was rushed into an ambulence. It was so surreal to me because the morning I was on MJJC just having a good time like usual. Then I come home to this total nightmare. :cry: At first I was in bed for days but after a week I needed to talk to people. Especially my friends I had made for years on here. I was worried even more about them then myself. I am still struggling though I take it day to day now. I miss you so much Michael, my best friend :cry:

2. What did you think when you first heard about it?

Oh My God!!! Nooooooo!!! My whole body started shaking. I ran in the bathroom and threw up. I was trembling for hours. I was already sick with the flu so this new completley paralized my immune system. My fever was around 103 the next day and I felt I truely could have died. A part of me did die with Michael that is why my status has not changed since June 25th :(

3. What emotions did you feel?

I felt hopeless. I wanted to save Michael but I couldnt. I felt in absolute pain and despair. The worst pain of my life.

4. Where were you when you heard it?

I just came home from work to eat my lunch. My mom was lying on the couch screaming!!! My dad was the one to tell me. At first I was hoping it was my cousin Michael as awful as that was. I did not want them to say my hero Michael :cry: I ran in my room and slammed the door. That is when my epilepsy came back and I went into a seizure. I had to go back to work but they sent me hope because I could not talk to any customers I had tears going down my face.

5. How did your behavior change?

For a loooooong time I have been very sad. I have been angry at times. I am still in a constant depression. I know now just how short life is and how we have to make the most out of our time here. I dont get alot of sleep anymore. I always am working now. I want to help everyone I can. I cant save the world but I can continue to follow Michaels mission to heal the world. I believe we all should do that for him. I am sad because there is soooo much more I wanted to share with Michael, to do for him. I want to make Michael proud.

6. Who did you tell about the event?

I talked to everyone I could to get support. Some people were kind and others were not. It showed me who my true friends were :cheeky:

7. Whats your goal now that you have experienced this event?

Now that I have experience life without Michael.. I am gutted. I still am in shock. Sometimes I will see something that just takes me back to that day. Then sometimes I think Michael gone? that is not possible he is still here with us! Sometimes I feel his presence.. He feels close but yet so far. It feels soo weird now. My goal is to continue with my mission. The lord brought me to Michael for a reason I believe and I want to continue to work for him. I will never leave his side. I hope future generations will know who Michael is and for all eternity I will always love him, Michael owns my heart :wub:
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I Just want to say how Thankful I am that all of you replied to my post. I am so happy that All of you felt comfortable enough to talk about this painful event. At the same time sad that This is the circumstance that we have to talk about.

Thankyou from the bottom of my heart!
