Can anybody really top him???


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I just found a real good compilation of Michael Jackson dance moves, and i just loved it, seriously seeing all those moves together, im just like, HOW DID HE MANAGE TO DO ALL THAT??? he had such a speed and control over his body, i cant believe it..., this shows he was the BEST, i mean, who can top him....really, he would do all that and sing, and compose and produce and his creativity was amazing.

im just so sad his dream about beeing a film director was ruined, it affects me in such a way, cause we will never see anything, and what is worse is that im so sure they would have been masterpieces, his imagination can be seen in this vid also, his music was diferent, his dance was diferent, his way of seeing the world was different, im sure he would have created a new way of making films, as he did with music... what a lost

but enjoy this video

can anyone top him??? and im a dancer too, but i recon, i cant, not at that level, what a unique man...
For me, nobody can top him..
I grew up listening to him and watching him and that makes him a part of my life. I'm sure there are other great artists out there, I know there are, and a lot of kids growing up today will have them as idols or whatever, but I will never have another childhood, and Michael is my childhood.

It's really kind of ironic, Michael lost his own, but he has made so many of ours worth living :)
No, I don't expect anyone to top him, or at least I won't be alive to see it. I'm also sad he didn't get to direct films like he wanted to. So much untapped potential. :(
I just found a real good compilation of Michael Jackson dance moves, and i just loved it, seriously seeing all those moves together, im just like, HOW DID HE MANAGE TO DO ALL THAT??? he had such a speed and control over his body, i cant believe it..., this shows he was the BEST, i mean, who can top him....really, he would do all that and sing, and compose and produce and his creativity was amazing.

im just so sad his dream about beeing a film director was ruined, it affects me in such a way, cause we will never see anything, and what is worse is that im so sure they would have been masterpieces, his imagination can be seen in this vid also, his music was diferent, his dance was diferent, his way of seeing the world was different, im sure he would have created a new way of making films, as he did with music... what a lost

but enjoy this video

can anyone top him??? and im a dancer too, but i recon, i cant, not at that level, what a unique man...

That Vid Inspire me to make an even better dance compilation, im gonna spend hours and hours and hours trying to create the ultimate one
For me, nobody can top him..
I grew up listening to him and watching him and that makes him a part of my life. I'm sure there are other great artists out there, I know there are, and a lot of kids growing up today will have them as idols or whatever, but I will never have another childhood, and Michael is my childhood.

It's really kind of ironic, Michael lost his own, but he has made so many of ours worth living :)
yeah i got your point but im talking about talent, dosages on talent, you know in dancing at this part, like he's a DANCING MIRACLE

I mean that presition on the dance, im talking about dance here, his craft, seriously noone comes even close...
nobody can top him. yes..very unique. that's why there were people who didn't want him to get to his 'fighting weight.' they didn't want him to have that body. they knew it was musically dangerous.

it's soon as he died, i started seeing a shitload of advertisements on how to get buffed up and look like muscles on steroids. i can't help thinking that they were threatened by MJ's unique body and what it accomplished.

and his voice...special.

and his writing? scared the shit out of Sony.
nobody can top him. yes..very unique. that's why there were people who didn't want him to get to his 'fighting weight.' they didn't want him to have that body. they knew it was musically dangerous.

it's soon as he died, i started seeing a shitload of advertisements on how to get buffed up and look like muscles on steroids. i can't help thinking that they were threatened by MJ's unique body and what it accomplished.

and his voice...special.

and his writing? scared the shit out of Sony.
I always thought Michael was a threaten to all the other artists cause he was just so WONDERFUL, i mean all people will be with him and the other would be left behind...
I always thought Michael was a threaten to all the other artists cause he was just so WONDERFUL, i mean all people will be with him and the other would be left behind...

exactly. i feel the same way. nobody thought he would sell out London's o2, like he did. because nobody ever did under those circumstances. and nobody ever will, under those circumstances. you don't make an all out assault war to destroy a career, like MJ's media enemies did, and still find that career shining like MJ's.

the circumstances attacking him, and how he came out of it, proved that nobody ever will top Michael Jackson.
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He will always be the greatest of them all. No one can top him in talent, creativity and just all round charm, charisma and magic.

The dance compilations of him are great....they demonstrate in just a few minutes, why he's the most spectacularly dynamic performer of all time.

Here's a compilation that blows me away :D
exactly. i feel the same way. nobody thought he would sell out London's o2, like he did. because nobody ever did under those circumstances. and nobody ever will, under those circumstances. you don't make an all out assault war to destroy a career, like MJ's media enemies did, and still find that career shining like MJ's.

the circumstances attacking him, and how he came out of it, proved that nobody ever will top Michael Jackson.

He will always be the greatest of them all. No one can top him in talent, creativity and just all round charm, charisma and magic.

The dance compilations of him are great....they demonstrate in just a few minutes, why he's the most spectacularly dynamic performer of all time.

Here's a compilation that blows me away :D
TOTALLY, the best, thanks for the vid ;D EXCELLENT, but i cannot wait anything less if its Michael....
No, I don't expect anyone to top him, or at least I won't be alive to see it. I'm also sad he didn't get to direct films like he wanted to. So much untapped potential. :(
That is just sad... i remember Michael speaking about this to Geraldo Rivera ...Geraldo asked him why he wasnt on movies that much, like he did The Wiz but no more than that and Michael instantly said "Thats because i'll be directing myself" :cry: he was so passionate about movies, he would have been, and i have no doubts wonderful at it, as he was on everything...

I remember someone said this year after he passed away he had everything prepared to direct a movie (after the This Is It concerts, he was full of life and projects) about a book he loved that is called "They Cage The Animals At Night" the book is about orphan children, he once before said before that he felt he was like one of those kids, cause his life was like that when little, no fun, or limited fun and stuff. It would have been amazing to see, may he would have done it to the Oscars too... and i never watch the Academy Awards but if he was to be nomitaded of course i would have, but now, is like i'll will never see anything :(
As far as I'm concerned, no. :sleep:

MJ's stage presence and charisma coupled with the way he moves makes him extraordinary. It's not something you learn, you're born with it.
That's MJ's gift. One talented, gifted and unique individual.
well the thing is, mj had an incredible impact on todays form of dancing, and I'm not just saying that! At school, during dance history, this was the guy my teachers would bring up when talking about who influenced and made dancing what it is today.
Not a lot of people have had that kind of an impact, specially not of this generation.

I've met and seen all sorts of dancers and none of them seem to have the precision and accuracy that mj did, he was just something else altogether when it comes to dancing.
So no I can't see anyone topping him.... unless there comes a person who can bring in something completely new and unique that has the kind of impact on our culture that mj had.
exactly. i feel the same way. nobody thought he would sell out London's o2, like he did. because nobody ever did under those circumstances. and nobody ever will, under those circumstances. you don't make an all out assault war to destroy a career, like MJ's media enemies did, and still find that career shining like MJ's.

the circumstances attacking him, and how he came out of it, proved that nobody ever will top Michael Jackson.

APPLAUSE! APPLAUSE! The King will always be the King and untoppable.

And it's not that some can't technically match his moves or even his grace, but in additiion to God gifting Michael with that inexplicable unnameable quality that few possess, his greatness owes to his drive and desire to be the absolute best. That drive stemmed from many many factors, and the combination of those factors are unique to Michael Jackson.
Somebody once said...." you have celebrities, you have stars and you have Michael Jackson ! "
He is a category of his own and nobody will ever come even close to that.
He IS the music, he IS the dance, he IS the of a kind. Forever.
Yes, Dr Conrad Murray, if he hadnt have topped him Michael would still be here... :sad:
Hah?! Are you kidding? NEVVVVER. N E V E R.

No one will top Michael. Thats like.. ridiculous to even imagine. lol. Maybe God will give MJ some competition. Eh? eh?? lol. Im kidding.

No but seriously, not even in question. Michael is the best and will always be. PERIOD.
Yeah he is considered the greatest dancer ever. Dancing was very important to him just as his music. By reading Dancing the Dream you can see why, he says "Dancing the Dream" when he could of said something like "singing the dream" or "music of dreams".

There's this compilation that's close to comprehensive.
As far as I'm concerned, no. :sleep:

MJ's stage presence and charisma coupled with the way he moves makes him extraordinary. It's not something you learn, you're born with it.
That's MJ's gift. One talented, gifted and unique individual.

Exactly, plain and simple...NOPE!