Calvin Harris turns down Michael Jackson support slot


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Glasgow, Scotland
Today's Daily Record (Scottish tabloid) claimed that Calvin Harris had to turn down supporting MJ in July as he was already booked to perform the same day at another music festival.

While I couldn't find this on the Daily Record site, I did manage to find it reported on the NME site:

"Calvin Harris had to turn down an invitation to support Michael Jackson at London's O2 Arena. He'd already been booked to play T4 On The Beach the same day (July 18) (Daily Record)."

This looks as though that he was only being booked to support for one night. If this is the case, will we get a different support act each night?? I think this would be great if it were the case, it would really spice up the show in my opinion and make it really exciting, turning up to the arena not knowing who you are going to see support.

Although it is just tabloid speculation, I think it could be possible.
Either way, I have never heard of this person, so it doesn't make me feel bad.
Never heard of him. But I'm not waiting for any support act anyway!!! Even if he had half of the world as support act......I'm there to see Mike!!!!
I've heard of him but don't really know who he is. Oh well, good on him for not turning down T4 on the Beach and going to support Mike instead as quite a few acts might end up doing with prior commitments.
Akon probably deserves to support more than this guy!!
He's a British artist, as to why many of you may not have heard of him. Heavy tracks though.

He's new on the UK 'music scene'...had a number 1 literally like 2 weeks ago.
Actually his been "on the scene" for about 2 years. The single with Dizzee went to number 1 like a year ago and had quite a run, he's also worked with Kylie Minoque and produced this track which I'm sure most of you know any way.

And I think he was number 1 like two weeks ago or something.
Actually his been "on the scene" for about 2 years. The single with Dizzee went to number 1 like a year ago and had quite a run, he's also worked with Kylie Minoque and produced this track which I'm sure most of you know any way.

And I think he was number 1 like two weeks ago or something.

Never heard that one...Lyrics are funny and cool idea, and love the fact that its bout MJ but beyond that its..well its a bit shit really lol

The dizzee song is annoyingly catchy tho...its a song I can't help but dance to in a club...But I still wouldn't want to see him supporting MJ, thats songs nothing without Dizzee IMO

Calvin Harris is a MASSIVE Dance artist world-wide.

If you don't know him or ANY of his hits, then im afraid your completely out of touch with popular music of today i'm afraid.


Calvin Harris is a MASSIVE Dance artist world-wide.

If you don't know him or ANY of his hits, then im afraid your completely out of touch with popular music of today i'm afraid.


On a more serious note....

Yes Calvin Harris has had some moderate success outside of the uk, I wouldn't exactly call him MASSIVE!

Two years ago he got to number 32 on the European Top 100 Albums and dropped to 68 the following week. And got to number 19 for one week on Top Electronic Albums (USA I believe..) again TWO years ago! On the GLOBAL DANCE CHART the arena you said hes so MASSIVE in, he got to number 39 and stayed there one week!

In the French Album charts he got to 95! His album was also released in Australia and Japan amongst others...Billboard had no chart positions for them!

This clearly shows he's not MASSIVE WORLDWIDE like you stated. I am not saying that he hasn't had some relative success but please don't try and make out that hes bigger than he is, just to try and belittle people who don't know who he is and make out your superior cos you do!

And lastly the pure contradiction in your statement makes you out of touch IMO. Saying hes a MASSIVE DANCE ACT then stating if we don't know who he is then we are out of touch with POPULAR MUSIC! Coming from London, you should know that the genre of dance music is generally NOT popular music (although this is relative to the country you live)! So people not knowing a scottish dance act does not make them out of touch with popular music!

And before you argue about what popular music is here some lines from wiki (cos im lazy)

Form in popular music is most often sectional, the most common sections being verse, chorus or refrain, and bridge.

Popular music is music that is accessible to the general public and disseminated by one or more of the mass media.

And lastly I'm not saying that I don't believe Calvin Harris to be popular music or not, im saying you can't state that he is both popular music AND a dance act! I just believe you should form a complete thought before you try to condescend people!

I really think its silly how fans of these rumored support acts constantly jump to their defense! Ok we all like MJ BUT that doesn't mean everyone else in our CD collection is the same! That's part of what makes us human! And what makes it even more annoying is instead of saying "Hey I like that artist. each to their own. I can see why some people wouldn't want them to support MJ etc", they do it by over inflating their achievements trying to justify why the deserve that support slot! Hell I love Nine Inch Nails, Bright Eyes and Tool. But if they were a rumored support act (hahaha what a funny thought!) I wouldn't try to say "You don't know them? Your out of touch!" / "What? You don't like them? But they sold this many albums and are really popular!". Cos I know people have varied tastes, and what I enjoy not everyone will enjoy! And I think to some point you have to be subjective, and realise that just because you like an artist doesn't automatically make them a good fit for MJ OR that everyone will enjoy seeing them!

My thoughts on Calvin Harris big loss and probably not true. And for all those who know how much I dislike Akon...Hes SUPER DUPER MEGASTAR in comparison to Calvin Harris and deserves the slot more! Yes I just said that!!!!:lol:
to tell the truth i dont really care about supporting bands. after my experience they only make the waiting unbearable. sometimes i think it even might be upsetting for them as people keep shouting "Michael! Michael!" Althought wait! there was only one supporting group that i really enjoyed before the show which was Human Nature in 1997 and they were really cool with their "People get ready" a capella :)
Was on the radio yesterday that he had agreed to support MJ on selected dates at the 02.

Time will tell i guess... he is a Scottish artist, hence why it is making the news in this part of the world! :)

Calvin harris is a massive dance artist world-wide.

If you don't know him or any of his hits, then im afraid your completely out of touch with popular music of today i'm afraid.


yea, and also had that born in the 80's song.

"Acceptable in the 80s"
"The Girls"
"Merrymaking at my Place"
"Dance Wiv Me"
"I'm Not Alone"

Just a few of Calvin Harris' hits in the UK - the last two even made it to Number 1 (the latter just last week!)
Aw I like his songs! :D Can't say I'm too bothered he's not supporting though. It's probably just a rumour though. I'm sure if he couldn't make that one they would offer him another, lol.