Calling all unitarians!


Proud Member
Sep 12, 2004
Anybody a Unitarian? I just joined my church this summer.
Best thing I ever did!
Thanks for the thread! I'm a Unitarian (well, Unitarian Universalist). Unitarians are not necessarily Christians, but certainly can be. I've found much joy and community in my church. We are very social-justice oriented, and tolerance is a priority. Tolerance for religious and cultural diversity, for diversity in gender and sexual orientations, and for really any human differences.

In my church, there is a real family-feeling. And a lot of singing!

Beliefs and Values

Unitarian Universalism is a theologically diverse religion, in which members support one another in the search for truth and meaning. As members of a non-creedal religious tradition, Unitarian Universalists are free to discern their beliefs about theological and ethical issues. Individual Unitarian Universalists may also identify as Atheist, Agnostic, Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Humanist, Jewish, Muslim, Pagan, or with other philosophical or religious traditions.
cool mnj1985. I believe it was LindaC who introduced me to it -thanks to her!

About the Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations

The Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) is a religious organization that combines two traditions: the Universalists, who organized in 1793, and the Unitarians, who organized in 1825. They consolidated into the UUA in 1961.

Both groups trace their roots in North America to the early Massachusetts settlers and to the founders of the Republic. Overseas, their heritages reach back centuries to pioneers in England, Poland, and Transylvania.

Each of the 1,041 congregations in the United States, Canada, and overseas are democratic in polity and operation; they govern themselves. They unite in the Association to provide services that individual congregations cannot provide for themselves. Each congregation is associated with one of the UUA’s 19 districts.

Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religion with Jewish-Christian roots. It has no creed. It affirms the worth of human beings, advocates freedom of belief and the search for advancing truth, and tries to provide a warm, open, supportive community for people who believe that ethical living is the supreme witness of religion.
I'm going to bump this. UUs include some Christians. The "Universalist" part means "universal salvation." No matter WHO you are. That includes atheists and agnostics. Any other UUs here? Just wondering. . .