Calling All of Michael's Fans. Spread The L.O.V.E by a MJ YT Video


Proud Member
Aug 11, 2009
:wub:The World Loves Michael Jackson Project:wub:

I would like to let everyone know about this great Michael Jackson Youtube Video Tribute started by our very own member qbee. Calling all MJ Fans.. Please read on..join in and create a wonderful Michael Jackson vision of your own for the whole world to see. Michael Jackson's Legacy starts with you.
The World Loves Michael Jackson Project
Project Details:
Watch,Create,Upload & Respond: Qbee's Youtube Michael Jackson Tribute Video Chain.
Mickie aka qbee
Contact Details:
-or PM qbee @ MJJC

~So far there are 36 video responses to "The World Loves Michael Jackson Project" Please watch and comment the beautiful video responses and respond to our Fan Project with your own video tribute to Michael's talents and/or his vision of healing the world though L.O.V.E. You can start here:
~If possible put your country state or city somewhere in the title. Try to add a video description. We want the whole world represented here. A huge ongoing link of Michael Jackson Tribute videos.
~Everyone who has a video made or wanting to make one,let's do it. This will be a great way to add positivity about Michael on YouTube. Let's spread Michael's messages and show the world his unboundless talent!

~You can choose from the videos you already have, or create and upload a new video. Select post a video response under the "Host Video" and then select "choose a video" or "Upload a video" . Then I will approve it and it will be linked to this video for our project honoring Michael.

~We once had over 120 video responses at Qbees youtube channel. That number has reduced to 36. I hope that we can increase the current number and beat the highest record! Fans,Friends & Everyone Please re-add your videos that were lost & those who haven't uploaded Please submit yours.
Luv you. :wub:
Mickie / Qbee

The World Loves Michael Jackson Project
Please share this video below with all your youtube friends. let them know about this project. It's easy add or upload a video.
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Reactions: Bee
Re: Calling All of Michael's Fans..

I just made this short video and will submit it as a video response. :)

Re: Calling All of Michael's Fans..

Thanks. Your video is Great. :D
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Re: Calling All of Michael's Fans..

Thanks I left a response with some I already made, thanks for sharing beautiful idea!!!
Re: Calling All of Michael's Fans..

I have done one :) and I have just added it as a video response.
Re: Calling All of Michael's Fans..

:D Awesome!! Way To Go!!! :clapping: Michael's Fans are Truely the best people!! L.O.V.E to Everyone!!!
Re: Calling All of Michael's Fans..

Michael - By His Fans, For His Fans

My tribute book in progress about Michael and his Fans.
-Dear MJJC - MJ Fans
-This is a book I am compiling about you the fans. Having been on the Forums, I am amazed by all the beautiful stories, poems and artwork, that deserves to be shown to the world and not hidden in some forum. The book will contain all your work along with your details and the best bit is that all the proceeds will be going to charity.
-I need your help.
-I would also be grateful if you could send me any pictures you have of anything that you have or have done that Involves Michael. These could even take the form of drawings,writing,storys,poems. Thank you for reading. I hope to hear from you all.

Thank You,
member MJJC

Contact details: Go to the books website to submit & contact me further-
Closing date: TBA
Michael - By His Fans, For His Fans
Project Details:
A charity book being made by contribution of MJ's fans through artwork,storys,pictures and poems.
PM debbii100 @ MJJC
Contact Details:

Here is the original thread I posted on this with a bit more details.

Please Add your art to both Projects. Posts #1 & #7 if you are able to do so. Thanks. :D
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Re: Calling All of Michael's Fans. Updated - Two Fan Projects

NO..^^^ You're not tooo late,the video project (Post #1) is an Ongoing for the Second Project (Post #7) There's still plenty of time. Romi,Great Video!!..Thanks. qbee told me that she will be in this thread to reply soon she is not feeling well tonight and that she will be approving more videos submitted soon. I would like to Thank qbee for coming up with a beautiful Ideal like this. Thank You,qbee. :)
On another note - Please MJ Fans let's stand together and add to Michael's Legacy. I've read a lot of posts here about how everyone wants to do something.. or stop the negativity on youtube etc.. Well Now is the time! :wub:
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Re: Calling All of Michael's Fans. Updated - Two Fan Projects

I wanted to add this for fan project # 1,it's simple,but it's the message that counts. I will make another when i get my truemedia account opened.

Re: Calling All of Michael's Fans. Updated - Two Fan Projects

beautiful we are all michael's army of love and soldiers forever
Re: Calling All of Michael's Fans. Updated - Two Fan Projects

Thank you so much Tamarra (Souldremer7) for bring our project to light
Ive been seen so many reponses come on now. Its very heart warming
to see the fans respond with there beautiful video tributes.

Please continue to add you vid responses as I would like for us to
beat our previous Youtube record we held on my original qbees channel
that was 120 vid responses - right now we went from 36 - 59 in just few days
keep up the good work and lets keep Michael Legacy alive on youtube which
reaches millions and millions around the world -

We are Michael Jacksons Army of Love :wub:

Join - The World Loves Michael Jackson Project _ Heal The World People :)
Re: Calling All of Michael's Fans. Updated - Two Fan Projects


Please add your videos MJJC..
Re: Calling All of Michael's Fans. Updated - Two Fan Projects

Just wanted 2 let you guys know that there's 60 Video responses. I hope to see more It's soo Beautiful seeing these from all over the world. :hug:
i just added it to the link souldreamer7 gave me so im now going to post it here... just incase you haven't seen it. i worked REALLY hard on it because my WMM sucks! took me 2 days.

i just added it to the link souldreamer7 gave me so im now going to post it here... just incase you haven't seen it. i worked REALLY hard on it because my WMM sucks! took me 2 days.

:clapping: Thank You Ginny!! I really Love the video!!! Great Job! I love seeing all those MJ YT Vids. They are really special.