
Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I recieved an e-mail from C&O Travel (in dutch). And they said Michael is going to Paris after London. They say that london is difficult to get tickets (meaning you cant buy tickets at C&O Travel) But they will have tickets for Paris. Anyone knows anything??

Don't know that this is the right thread!!

The e-mail is:

Betreft: Concert Michael Jackson
Geachte heer/mevrouw,
U hebt zich bij C&O Travel ingeschreven om vrijblijvend op de hoogte te worden gehouden van de Michael Jackson concerten.
Van 8 Juli tot en met 29 September zal de King of Pop een groot aantal
concerten geven in de O2 Arena in Londen.
Ongetwijfeld hebt u de persconferentie hierover gezien.

Wellicht begrijpt u dat er enorm veel animo bestaat voor deze concerten en dat ook wij deze niet gemakkelijk voor attractieve prijzen kunnen inkopen.
Derhalve kunnen wij op dit moment nog niets beloven betreft beschikbare kaarten voor de concerten in Londen

Wij verzoeken u uitdrukkelijk NIET telefonisch contact met ons op te nemen en NIET op deze mail te reageren.
Momenteel worden wij immers regelrecht platgebeld en gemaild met vragen over de Michael Jackson concerten.

Wij beloven u in elk geval direct een bericht te sturen naar ditzelfde mailadres zodra wij kaarten beschikbaar krijgen of over ander belangrijk nieuws beschikken.
U mag van ons aannemen dat u Michael Jackzon zeker niet zult missen!

Want na Londen zal Michael Jackson naar Parijs komen en daar hebben wij in de regel zeker voldoende kaarten voor beschikbaar.
Ook hier berichten wij u over zodra meer informatie beschikbaar is.

Hartelijke dank voor uw medewerking.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Team C&O Travel
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Re: C&O Travel E-mailed me with UNBELIEVABLE INFORMATION ...


I did it with a translator not that good but it might help you:

Concerned: Concert Michael Jackson Respected gentleman/lady, YOU have registered to become loved self by C&O Travel informal on the height the Michael Jackson concerts. Of 8 July till and will the King or Doll a large number of concerts give in the O2 Arena with 29 September in Rewarded.
Undoubtedly you have seen the press conference about this.

Possibly understand you that it tremendously a lot of zest exists for these concerts and that also we this not easy furrow attractieve praise can buy. Therefore we can promise concerned Rewarded on this moment yet nothing available cards for the concerts in

We request to take you specifically NOT telephone contact with us on and e-mail NOT on these to react. Currently we become after all straight flat bell and e-mailed with questions over the Michael Jackson concerts.

We promise you anyhow immediately a message to steer to this same mailadres as soon as we cards available get or over other important news see to. You may of us assuming that you Michael Jackzon certainly will not miss!

For after will Rewarded Michael Jackson to Paris come and there have we in the rule certainly sufficient cards for available. Also here inform we you over as soon as more information available is.

Warm thanks for your cooperation.

With kind greeting

Team C&O Travel
Re: C&O Travel E-mailed me with UNBELIEVABLE INFORMATION ...

wow lets hope this is true! Imagine the headlines if Michael does the same thing all over the world?
Re: C&O Travel E-mailed me with UNBELIEVABLE INFORMATION ...


on his NRJ speech he did say he hoped to see his "french fans" "veryy soon"...
also tabloid quote AEG as mentioning Paris as one of the future destinations.

Still, its just a rumor.
then thats bullshit :(

people will come from around the world to see michael but people in london didnt get tickets. Now that his doing them in different countries, they will gettheir chance to see him. Why didnt they just let people from the uk come to these concerts :(
cuz it wouldn't have sold out and im sorry but it's a totally different enviornment...london vs the states or paris! lol i'd go to all cities if ic ould
then thats bullshit :(

people will come from around the world to see michael but people in london didnt get tickets. Now that his doing them in different countries, they will gettheir chance to see him. Why didnt they just let people from the uk come to these concerts :(

That's what I said before the tickets went on sale. If he is touring other places, it's a shame it wasn't announced before these went on sale, because people are coming from all over the world as they think this is their very last chance of seeing him perform (which it might be!). But then it just might not... (and probably isn't).
cuz it wouldn't have sold out and im sorry but it's a totally different enviornment...london vs the states or paris! lol i'd go to all cities if ic ould

me too! I'm gonna try definitely if this is his last go around! go to one concert in each country he has them :D
Most people that has tickets to the concert in London is propably from the UK ( I can`t remember where I saw it, but I have read that 90 % of the tickets went to people living in the UK).
Not everyone can afford to travel, or they can`t due to other things. So I wouldn`t worry about the concerts not selling out if he did this in another country.
I do think he will eventually have concerts in other countries, but as this is his forst in 12 years, I do not think anyone should regret that they was not informed about having concerts in other places as well. Its going to be a amazing thing to have witnessed for those who do travel far- that I am pretty shore of.
I recieved an e-mail from C&O Travel (in dutch). And they said Michael is going to Paris after London. They say that london is difficult to get tickets (meaning you cant buy tickets at C&O Travel) But they will have tickets for Paris. Anyone knows anything??

Don't know that this is the right thread!!

The e-mail is:

Betreft: Concert Michael Jackson
Geachte heer/mevrouw,
U hebt zich bij C&O Travel ingeschreven om vrijblijvend op de hoogte te worden gehouden van de Michael Jackson concerten.
Van 8 Juli tot en met 29 September zal de King of Pop een groot aantal
concerten geven in de O2 Arena in Londen.
Ongetwijfeld hebt u de persconferentie hierover gezien.

Wellicht begrijpt u dat er enorm veel animo bestaat voor deze concerten en dat ook wij deze niet gemakkelijk voor attractieve prijzen kunnen inkopen.
Derhalve kunnen wij op dit moment nog niets beloven betreft beschikbare kaarten voor de concerten in Londen

Wij verzoeken u uitdrukkelijk NIET telefonisch contact met ons op te nemen en NIET op deze mail te reageren.
Momenteel worden wij immers regelrecht platgebeld en gemaild met vragen over de Michael Jackson concerten.

Wij beloven u in elk geval direct een bericht te sturen naar ditzelfde mailadres zodra wij kaarten beschikbaar krijgen of over ander belangrijk nieuws beschikken.
U mag van ons aannemen dat u Michael Jackzon zeker niet zult missen!

Want na Londen zal Michael Jackson naar Parijs komen en daar hebben wij in de regel zeker voldoende kaarten voor beschikbaar.
Ook hier berichten wij u over zodra meer informatie beschikbaar is.

Hartelijke dank voor uw medewerking.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Team C&O Travel

Waar kan je je inschrijven voor de C&O nieuwsbrief?
Ik kan het niet terugvinden...
OMFG!! Paris i knew it :wild:
Michael Darling :wub:pLEASE COME TO,

Most people that has tickets to the concert in London is propably from the UK ( I can`t remember where I saw it, but I have read that 90 % of the tickets went to people living in the UK).
AEG said it. doesnt matter where the concerts are held,espeically in europe as the you will always sell out because the euro fanbase will travel anywhere for concerts.fans should be wary if agents start selling tickets for shows that dont excist like what has been going on for the last year since the first rumours started. this agency could be planning to do that or are just jumping on the quotes from AEG.
the travel agent are prob just jumping on the media reports to drum up business
I'm dutch and i never heard of this organisation before. I wonder wether it's true i mean they state the concerts are till september while there are concerts in Januari. Other then that this is the first time i heard that he might be going to Paris so what is thier course?
Since I lost my chance in London then Paris here I come! I hope he will tour France
Dutch here as well and never heard of them either lol

But what I wonder about is why they don't mention the shows in Jan and Feb? They only speak of September...
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