Buying New Pet, After Loss of Original


Proud Member
Oct 29, 2004
We may have to euthanize our cat, my best friend. and she really is my best friend. my question is: IF we do & IF I want another kitten / cat, is it wrong to want to start fresh with a brand new kitten?? The one thing I want to be the same as Fancy's is his/her personality, other than that I would want: new other breed, color, .. and anything else (Besides personality) so I guess my question is: Is that wrong to want a whole new type? ????

I really do not want anything that reminds me of my best friend. Nothing replaces your best friend.
Aww, I'm so sorry to hear about your cat. Please hang in there and think about all the good memories you shared with your bestfriend. Like you, I love animals and I have a dog who is also my bestfriend. I don't think there is anything wrong getting another cat. For some people, getting a new pet helps them go through their grieving process. Just be sure that you are ready to have a new pet. Make sure that you will be ready to give it all the care that it needs.

What kind of breed is your cat now? What are your preferences? Long haired or short haired? I personally LOVE Himalayan cats...they are very sweet and intelligent.
Just be ready to brush its hair everyday and all the shedding. :)
Shes my best friend Human....

to answer your question: Fancy is Tabby / Maine Coon. Shes got the fluffy tail with the black stripe down the center. looks like a skunks tail actually lol ; her tail is kind of bigger \ wider, than her cuz its so fluffy. Shes dark with stripes. Kind of like Garfield if Garfield were not orange but dark.

Shes got really pretty green eyes. the funny thing about Fancy is she cannot meow lol; instead and its normal for most maine coons, Fancy makes this sound like a 'eck' 'eck' but not a 'meow' She sticks her tongue out because she does not have the teeth that most cats do, to hold in her tongue LOL. I will post picture, I think I have already but no one comments on it.

and shes everyones friend. Fancy loves company! Fancy will come when you call her!! She sleeps with me. Fancy kisses me. Very affectionate.

heres one I will post more later if I can.
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^^ I understand sweetie. I really do. Hang in there cuz we are all here for you. I know it's easier said than done but let time do it's purpose, and with time the pain will go away. You said, your cat "may" be euthanize...any definite answers yet? I hope that you don't have to if the vets can save your cat but if it happens to be putting your cat down, be strong ok? I know that sound so cliche' but you have to be.

I'm here for ya.
Shes my best friend Human....

to answer your question: Fancy is Tabby / Maine Coon. Shes got the fluffy tail with the black stripe down the center. looks like a skunks tail actually lol ; her tail is kind of bigger \ wider, than her cuz its so fluffy. Shes dark with stripes. Kind of like Garfield if Garfield were not orange but dark.

Shes got really pretty green eyes. the funny thing about Fancy is she cannot meow lol; instead and its normal for most maine coons, Fancy makes this sound like a 'eck' 'eck' but not a 'meow' She sticks her tongue out because she does not have the teeth that most cats do, to hold in her tongue LOL. I will post picture, I think I have already but no one comments on it.

and shes everyones friend. Fancy loves company! Fancy will come when you call her!! She sleeps with me. Fancy kisses me. Very affectionate.

heres one I will post more later if I can.

OMG!!! She's so adorable! Aww the sounds she makes are so cute. She's a gorgeous cat Billie. I hope she lives longer too.
What a loving cat.
Aw that is terrible :( I completely feel for you right now :huggy:

I think whatever you feel is right... is the right thing to do. It's a very personal thing and only you can really decide. I don't think it's wrong at all to get another cat.

You're cat is beautiful in that pic :wub:

I've had a Calico that was crazy lol. And a Siamese who was crazy and very vocal :p I'd love to get one of those cross breed Bengal ones that are so popular... not because of the neat coats, but for the personality. They are a lot more... people focused, they like water, play fetch, love cars, boats and planes... :p

Stay strong for your cat and give it LOTS and LOTS of love :heart:
thanks so much ppl. I love Bengals!! But theyre hard to get yea? I think they are only in certain areas. You may have to special order one ; try google'n it. lol
well I am so sorry to hear about your precious is very hard to do ...I had my dog for13 years..and 2 years ago I had to put him was very emotional..seeing aas I am the one that took him..omg..I cried and cried.....I still miss him.....My daughter who was 14 at the time always wanted a we bought Delilah from the pet store when she was 8wks old...she will be 2 in July...and needless to say she too is a mommy's girl...she absolutely loves me....which is nice..I love her too..she has gotten me through alot of stuff over the past couple of years...she kind of was like therapy for me ...I wish you luck ...
aww im so sorry hun mine died in my arms last december i had 5 i now have 4 and they are like my family so i can understand your pain

im sure ur cat would like you to have another cat to comfort you through losing him/her

hes beautful :boohoo: i hate when animals lose a fight or pass away it breaks me
I know what you are going through.

I had to have my baby, Cassie (I fondly referred to her as Mama), put down on January 9 of this year (my Dad's birthday). I used to work as a vet tech, so I had assisted with pet euthanasia before, but this is the first time I ever had to do it for my own pet!

Cassie was my only pet - we were very close and it was that much harder for me. But, when I looked in her eyes, I knew that I did not want her to suffer. Her illness came on quickly, and that made it even worse. But I held onto her and told her I loved her; she closed her eyes and was gone.

I had her cremated because I just couldn't bear to have her put in the cold, winter ground - she soooo hated to be cold (just like me). I placed her remains in front of her favorite window in the den of our house. I miss her, but just having her "with" me has helped me to heal. That and the fact that the vet and the pet crematory were so kind and caring. They treated both her and my family with respect - it was amazing.

That being said, what you don't want to do, and this is my opinion, is rush out and find a new pet. Allow yourself time to grieve the loss of your current pet and to think of the things about your pet that made you happy and whatnot. Then, you'll be able to find out what is best for you.

I know because within days of Cassie being put down, I was on websites looking at animals to adopt. I had to stop (one, because I wasn't allowing myself to deal with the grieving process and two, no other pet could ever replace Cassie - ever).

So, I say, if, God forbid, you have to put her down, take a while, a few weeks or months afterward and just enjoy her memory and give yourself time to grieve her properly.

When it is time for you to welcome another pet, you will know...

Hugs and best wishes to you...

I know what you are going through.

I had to have my baby, Cassie (I fondly referred to her as Mama), put down on January 9 of this year (my Dad's birthday). I used to work as a vet tech, so I had assisted with pet euthanasia before, but this is the first time I ever had to do it for my own pet!

Cassie was my only pet - we were very close and it was that much harder for me. But, when I looked in her eyes, I knew that I did not want her to suffer. Her illness came on quickly, and that made it even worse. But I held onto her and told her I loved her; she closed her eyes and was gone.

I had her cremated because I just couldn't bear to have her put in the cold, winter ground - she soooo hated to be cold (just like me). I placed her remains in front of her favorite window in the den of our house. I miss her, but just having her "with" me has helped me to heal. That and the fact that the vet and the pet crematory were so kind and caring. They treated both her and my family with respect - it was amazing.

That being said, what you don't want to do, and this is my opinion, is rush out and find a new pet. Allow yourself time to grieve the loss of your current pet and to think of the things about your pet that made you happy and whatnot. Then, you'll be able to find out what is best for you.

I know because within days of Cassie being put down, I was on websites looking at animals to adopt. I had to stop (one, because I wasn't allowing myself to deal with the grieving process and two, no other pet could ever replace Cassie - ever).

So, I say, if, God forbid, you have to put her down, take a while, a few weeks or months afterward and just enjoy her memory and give yourself time to grieve her properly.

When it is time for you to welcome another pet, you will know...

Hugs and best wishes to you...


thank you so so much! I am sorry to hear; that must have been so hard being at work and then having to deal with your own personal friend while at work....

I am definatley going to have Fancy cremated because I want her to be with me when I move out and be able to take her where I go. Shes gonna be in my bedroom & also soemtimes have her above the fireplace.
I feel for you. I had a dog that was my best friend and then she got sick...and I had to put her too was so painfull and I cried for such a long time.
And then I saw a beautifull puppy that just needed my love and I took him. He was the most beautifull german-shepperd in the whole world.
I had him ( or he had me ) for 10 years. He got sick too. He had to go away.....I adore animals and when they die, I go through hell. I miss my dog so much.
Somewhere in the world there is a sweet little cat that is just waiting for you and your love.
I still don"t have another dog....maybe one day soon...
Aww! :better: I'm so sorry to hear this. It's a difficult choice, and I've been there before.

My family and I had a dog, named Buffy, for 15 years. But, a few years ago, she got cancer and we had to put her to sleep. We waited a few months, and then adopted my wonderful cat, Daphne. The house was too quite without a pet around. :D I've had her going on almost six years, and I don't know what I'd do without having her in my life.

So do not feel any guilt of adopting another pet. Your cat would want you to be happy, and she would think that it would be great if you gave another cat a happy home, like you did for her. I still think about Buffy everyday, and I love the memories I have of her.

*HUGS* to you. :hug:
btw I forgot to mention something about Fancy. She was picked up by the animal shelter & then taken to a adoption agency where we bought her. The lady said she more likely was in a abusive home. I think, IMO, that is why when men come around she is skiddish and nervous & runs off. (She could be a lesbian) lol ..jk

I don't know how anyone can intentionally harm a helpless defenseless cat or other animal. Its beyond me.