Buried alive


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
A couple was walking in the forest looking for mushrooms when they saw a head of a little kitten.They went there and started to dig and they found 3 kittens, they were still alive.
The kittens were about 3 weeks old.
How can someone do this?
If they don´t want kittens they can go to a veterinarian and have the cat neutered.
This story reminds me of a recent one that was on the news, where a woman put a cat into a wheelie bin ( large outside garbage bin- for those unfamiliar with the term 'wheelie' bin- it's a UK thing).
It's actually quite disgustingly scary what some people are capable of in terms of cruelty. :-(
This story reminds me of a recent one that was on the news, where a woman put a cat into a wheelie bin ( large outside garbage bin- for those unfamiliar with the term 'wheelie' bin- it's a UK thing).
It's actually quite disgustingly scary what some people are capable of in terms of cruelty. :-(

I saw that on the news. She was caught on tape by a security camera or something. I can't understand why or how some human beings can be so cruel, especially to a helpless creature.
Here are Flisan.Moa and Sara.
The women who cares for them feed them with a bottle day and night.
She says she doesn´t get much sleep but it´s worth it.
The kittens are going to stay there until they are 12 weeks(thats the age when it´s allowed to separate kittens from their mother here).
In this case their mother isn´t there but they need some time to recover , feel safe and learn to eat for themselves.
I´m sure there are many who want to adopt these kittens after they read the story.
terrible world we're living in :(
only good there are still people who care!
sick people do this, i love animals, but dont take animals if you cant take care of them, glad you found them =-) now they can get a new life.
Omg... Sick people.. It make me heart bleeding, just hearing some innocent kitten being treated like that.. They are just innocent... People are so weird today... ;'(
How about this sick, demented, evil girl who was throwing helpless little puppies into a river? Apparently there is disturbing video but I could never watch something like that.


This girl deserves the same treatment.. or some serious help

This video is actually getting all over the world and everybody is searching for her, PeTa included.
I think they have her name, city andcountry by now.
Humans are just evil and I wish that animals could have control one day and treat those ppl the same way they treated poor animals !!!!!!
In Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, Khan threatens Captain Kirk with just that fate, to be "buried alive." 0:28

:wild: :wild: STAR TREK!!!!!!!! You are absolutely hilarious!! I love it.

When people think of humans being buried alive, they are in outrage. It should be the same way with animals. Cruelty to animals is actually a common history with most psychopaths and they start off on animals before they move on to humans. It has to be something very wrong to look at 3 week old kittens and think it is ok to bury them alive. That is why something like this should not be taken lightly.
There is another story about a cat who was put in a plast sac and then between stones in the forest.The stones were put so if the kitten managed to get out of the plastsacs then it couldn´t pass the stones.
Another couple who was looking for mushroom heard him and found him.
I don´t want to think about how many is never found.

There was a time when I believed we were nice to animals in Sweden ,but I have realised it isn´t true.
I think it´s very serious because if you don´t show sympathy for innocent animals, do you care about other people then?
Fathers and mothers throwing out the kitten or leave it at the summer cottage, telling the children the kitten like it better there.We get a new one next summer.Many of those children really love their kitten very much and are very sad that they can´t have the kitten anymore.
What do the children learn? Don´t love someone because you are going to lose it?
Don´t trust your parents?