Burial at Neverland - why?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I know lots of people want to see MJ buried at Neverland but do you also think that is where he would want to be buried?

I wonder because after the police search he said that they had ruined it for him and he would never live there again.

I know that apparently the family wants it, the money people/property owners want it, lots of fans want it.

It would make a great venue for it, kind of have everything in one place but is that what everyone thinks he would want? Just curious.

BTW - I STILL want one of these!!! (Well a replica anyway LOL!)

I think I agree.
So much of the pain he lived through these last 10 years was connected to Neverland and Santa Barbara. It is true what Donald Trump said to Larry King. That town played a HUGE role in Michael´s problems.
He said he would never return. Wouldnt it be wrong to forcefully put him back against his own wishes?
Besides L.A. was always his hometown. Neverland was more of a vacation home. The forest lawn sounds like a good place to rest. It is beautiful, safe and he will be in the company of many of his old friends and idols, like Sammy Davis and one of the Gibb brothers.

I know its painful to think of Neverland as just being "gone", But you got to remember that that was something Michael himself agreed with.
Well, I always thought Neverland would be the perfect resting place... but I also thought that Michael wouldn't die in 2009 and eventually would make peace with Neverland in the next 20 years or so! The way it is now, I also think, he didn't want to live there anymore, so why would he want to be buried there?
I think the family is concerned about people tampering with his grave.

To be honest with you, Neverland is the SAFEST place for him to be buried. Away from throngs of people in a remote place where you can set a guard and make sure no one will bother him. I do believe that Neverland is where he will end up.

MSNBC just said that Forest Lawn stated he will not be buried there.
I think the family is concerned about people tampering with his grave.

To be honest with you, Neverland is the SAFEST place for him to be buried. Away from throngs of people in a remote place where you can set a guard and make sure no one will bother him. I do believe that Neverland is where he will end up.

MSNBC just said that Forest Lawn stated he will not be buried there.

I think so too.
I think Michael is too special to lay among the other stars in Forest lawn or any place.
Maybe I'm selfish, maybe I love him too much.
I think he needs something special after all, if he were average, we won't love him so much.
I agree with ya. And the thing is, Neverland can never be anything but Neverland. No matter who might try to buy it and make it into something else, it will always be Neverland. Michael put an indelible mark on that place. It was his creation from his genius. I hate to talk about making money off of the place at at time like this, but for the sake of argument, the best way to make money off of that property is to restore it right back what it was in some compacity....Neverland. It doesn't have to be an exact replica, with rides and animals and all, but restore it and make it a museum and celebration of Michael and his legendary career. This is the best thing to do with that property.
I wonder if cremation is an option, they can take his ashes and scatter them wherever they like.

Michael's spirit is no longer in his body, it is roaming free wherever he wants to be, so where his physical remains are interned doesn't change that.
The evil ones took Neverland that was innocent and beautiful and made into something very ugly...

No, in my true to heartfelt opinion I do not think Mr.Jackson "ever" wanted to return there...

:angel:Keep Helping to Heal The World~~~
I think most of the time Michael had good memories in Neverland, I think it should be his final resting place.
I hope that they bury him in Neverland. He spent so many years there and raised his children there, wrote songs there, did everything. It was his home and I think that's where he'd want to be buried.
Katherine hasn't said anything. The media are the ones who pretend to be a fly on the wall at Havenhurst and know what Katherine is saying. They don't know anything. The only family member who has said anything about where Michael should be buried is Jermaine to Larry King. And Jermaine says there is a spot for him by the trainstation. Jermaine is really pushing the Neverland thing. No one else has said anything.