Bubbles home need our help


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

[With the recent visit from LaToya Jackson, part of the story was aired on Animal Planet, but so much more about the Center for Great Apes was cut dramatically. ]
Don't understand why Michael didn't provide funds for the future of his pets.:scratch:

I sure hope Latoya ask the Estate to remedy the situation. I think Michael would approve.
Yeah, especially because he was such a caring and dedicated person for everything living, i can't understand why the homes of the animals were never financially supported. We'll never know though......
Aussie radio show adopts Michael Jackson's chimp

Bubbles the chimp has a new mummy... and two new daddies!
Aussie radio hosts Merrick Watts, Scott Dooley and Ricki-Lee Coulter have adopted Michael Jackson's former pet chimpanzee.

The radio hosts paid $12,500 to become Bubbles' "parents" for a year.

"We've adopted Bubbles!! Well, for a year at least," the team announced on their website. "He's now our adopted monkey-child! We reckon he's a great addition to the Nova team for a cool $12k and it brings us a bit closer to Michael Jackson too!"

But Bubbles won't be boarding a plane to Australia to move in with his new trio of parents, he'll continue to live at the luxurious Orange Grove retirement home (for apes) in Florida, while the radio team's twelve grand will help pay for his upkeep.

Seems odd though — we assumed MJ would have paid Bubbles' board upfront when he checked him into the retirement home. And isn't the chimp included in Michael's will?

^^^but it's just a chimp that he kept as pet like 20 years ago. He gave it away, so it's not his anymore. Hence, it's not his responsibility to take care of it.
^^^but it's just a chimp that he kept as pet like 20 years ago. He gave it away, so it's not his anymore. Hence, it's not his responsibility to take care of it.

Well I don't think Michael thought of him as "just a chimp" did he? I'm sure he would still care about how Bubbles is being cared for, his responsibility or not. I know it's been a long time and I know Michael didn't visit him recently (before his death) but still...
I too am stunned that Michael did not provide for his chimp when he gave him away?

Are we sure he did not provide for him, Im certain he would have. He did not want to give him away and treated him like a child.
^^^but it's just a chimp that he kept as pet like 20 years ago. He gave it away, so it's not his anymore. Hence, it's not his responsibility to take care of it.

Just a chimp.....realize that this was basically a family member of his. Also..just because this isn't a human , it's a SPECIES too, just like us. Don't talk so degrading about them.
Ok, once again enough. Move along please, right back on topic. :)
thanks for posting, interesting to read about what Bubbles is up to these days!
Great news. I wish I'd have money to take care of all animals in need. :-(
when you give any pet away- sell it or for free you expect the person who took it to own to pay for it's care. Michael prob thought that Bubbles would be well taken care of in his new home.
^^^but it's just a chimp that he kept as pet like 20 years ago. He gave it away, so it's not his anymore. Hence, it's not his responsibility to take care of it.

Michael did not just get rid of Bubbles. It was a very hard decision to make and it was he was advised it was best for Bubbles because he got bubbles as an infant and that was easy to keep as a pet but he grew into an adult tht can be aggressive and dangerous,you cannot just keep an adult chimp as a pet so he was advised to give Bubbles away to professinals who know how to deal with adult chimps, he had no choice as the chimp grew too big and they can be dangerous, and with all the children he had around etc.

I often heard him speaking fondly of Bubbles over the years and he was always aware of how was doing, so it is obvious he kept the interest in Bubble

There is no doubt in my mind that Michael would have provided for Bubbles care as it was a responsibility he took on, things just do not add up to me.
Crazy ain't it...cause just like us humans, we don't call eachother 'it' but when it comes to animals alotta people do. I never do...i always say 'She' when i talk about my dog. We are all living, we are all species. We are really nothing better than animals..heck...i'd say we are worse, really.