Broken Hearted


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael has nourished every aspect of my life and has been a part of my entire being since shortly after birth. It's not just about the music, it's not just about the videos, it's about everything Michael Jackson STANDS for, and everything he offers and continues to offer.

I will never speak of Michael in the past tense; he is here, he is there and he is everywhere. I feel broken, numb and completely physically and emotionally destroyed. Michael has kept my heart beating, but now it bleeds for him.

Everything I am, everything I have... literally is because of Michael Jackson. He may not know me, he may not completely understand, but Michael Jackson IS and will always be a part of who i am.

I feel empty, I can't stop breaking down... I see him every where, i see what he has given me and i see what he has done. I feel robbed of him, of excitement of the future and of magic - I don't think any of those things are truly tangible without Michael on the planet.

But then, maybe we're being selfish, maybe there is a reason that God took him from us and maybe he is needed?

I dont know how to deal with this, i really can't comprehend, that michael has had his final day, i cant accept this is the end.

i have lost a brother, father, mentor and friend.

I am destroyed.
I can only echo your sentiments. If there is a reason for this I don't get it. He didn't deserve this. He wasn't finished. He should have been given more time.
you've said it perfectly. The pain of his loss is soo great, i've never ever experienced this type of pain before. The permature end, ahhhhh i just can't stop the feeling of what was left. I can't stop thinking about his children, my god they must be inconsolable. I don't know what to do with myself......i've cried until i lost my voice and then i cried silent tears....... i can only feel confort from what michael said about feeling 90 like he should be near the end of his life with people patting him on the back, and it is so true you know some people live more in 50 years than others do in 100. He had a greatly fulfilled life but it was time for him to melt back in to the cosmic music. I don't blame him one bit for the drugs, i completely understand the need for them to combat stress and anxiety, my father takes one now for stress from work, people need them, and i can't imagine all the stresses michael had. This doesn't make the pain stop but it has brought me a littl peace. Michael is in peace now, every time i hear birds sing i will think of him
Very well put, Im the same way, everything has gone, te world seems so empty and quiet