"Britney's New Look"

Grand Master S

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Has anyone seen the newest episode of South Park? It made some really good points about famous people and society that people on this forum I know have been saying all this time. Especially when you get to the plot twist near the end, it's like they're reiterating what most people here think.

I think South Park has always been a pretty intelligent show for anyone who looks for it past the crude unforgiving humor. If you watch this ep all the way through the end without getting pissed and turning it off right away, there's a pretty true message there.

Oh, and the Children of the Corn chanting is hilarious.

Adult content warning.

Part 1: [youtube]5yVTeTB-8W4[/youtube]

Part 2: [youtube]okixHoRBAv4&feature=related[/youtube]

Part 3: [youtube]nkjd6ZMJkNs&feature=related[/youtube]
yeah...i agree with it. i know this will sound strange but it brought me to tears..i felt like i was looking in the mirror on behalf of america.
yeah I saw it, it was funny yet had alot of truth to it, southpark can be very good at the making the points it wants to make but sometimes they come across as tactless to me.
Such an impacting episode. South Park is great for getting messages across. Even the MJ episode wasn't AGAINST him...
It makes people think. Parts of this episode reminded me of Moonwalker, how they ran into the room away from the paperazzi... I was waiting for Britney to come out dressed like a Rabbit or something.

I notice michael still being on the intro lol, that episode was voted the best episode of all time on paramount.
Parts of this episode reminded me of Moonwalker, how they ran into the room away from the paperazzi...

It's funny you should mention that, because when that was happening, I was thinking that they were about to literally parody Speed Demon lol.

I notice michael still being on the intro lol, that episode was voted the best episode of all time on paramount.

Really? I thought it would've been the "Tom Cruise Is In the Closet" ones. That was epic.

I also thought the "Mr. Jefferson" episode had a serious fair message behind it, but you just gotta expect the crude humor or not watch it at all. If memory serves, South Park did cite racism as part of the problem MJ was dealing with...
speaking of a new look for Titnee err I mean, 'Britney' ... anyone see how nice and together see looked on 'How I Met Your Mother' tonight ??