Britney's "3"- Have you?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
A topic has been made at another forum I visit and I find it both interesting and sad. I guess I am left wondering what is happening to this world. The question was inspired by Britney's new song "3"- Have you had a threesome?

To answer it, no I haven't. Nor do I ever want to. Anyway, at first I wasn't going to respond until I realized that the answers were all overwhelmingly "yes". Some even admit to more. I'm just thinking to myself, where have our morals gone? Is there no sense of right or wrong anymore?

I don't mean to be judgmental or preachy but I am making this topic, because in the original, I was told that I have issues because I said I have far too much self respect to ever put myself in to such a precarious situation.

I could have said worse, but I tried to keep it respectful. Quite frankly, I find that type of behavior self destructive, lewd and down right gross. I'm sorry if I am offending anyone. I really am.

I can't help but wonder what is wrong with the world when the people (the few of us left) who stay away from such promiscuous and dangerous behavior are the misfits. I really am not trying to pass judgment. I don't think that people who do or have done these things are bad people but rather misguided and trying to fill a void. Again, I am not saying anyone is bad for what they do. That's not what I'm trying to say. I know there are plenty of good people out there. I guess I am saying that I am feeling more and more like an outsider because of my own personal convictions.

I think threesomes, foursomes, or even sevensomes (that's what one person said they had for their birthday with their boyfriend) are the equivalent to drugs (sexual promiscuity in general). It's about people who try to bury their troubles with careless escapism. I don't understand why people (especially couples) who are supposedly happy would need to seek out other lovers. It doesn't make any sense to me. I guess I am just old fashioned and a romantic in that way.

I really don't think people who do these things are even aware of it. I think it's on a subconscious level. And if they do realize it, would never admit to it.

Again, I am not trying to put anyone down but am just a little sad that as time goes on we are losing our moral compass as a people. I know some claim we are animals and have urges beyond our own comprehension but that's BS. We are not simple animals that can't keep ourselves from humping a leg. That's a lame excuse by people who don't want to take accountability for their own actions.

Anyway, I do not want to have a threesome and I don't feel that I should have to defend myself for feeling as I do, but here I am. I think that's the problem right there. I just wanted to come here because I feel I could find some comfort among people who understand me.

I am not condoning or condemning, just speaking from my heart. This is how I feel. I am not trying to tell others what is right or wrong for them.


P.S. The song doesn't offend me. I don't take it seriously or have any problems when other people express themselves sexually. However, it doesn't mean that what these people talk about, write about, sing about, etc... is something that I would personally ever do or agree with.
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It has something to do with morals, but its more of a personal choice. if you opt not to be a part of it fine. But don't be a preacher just because of one thing that you personally don't agree with.

Don't ask, don't tell.
Hi Travis,

I think you are entitled to your own opinion and nobody should call you a misfit or say that you have issues. I think it's honorable to stand by your morals and you should continue to do so. That said, I don't think you should think bad of people with different life views. I don't think ppl who have threesomes lack morals, I think they just have different ones. Personally I would not have a threesome because I am in a loving monogamous relationship, and even if I were single, I would not want to try it because hey, I want all the attention for myself, lol! But I think that IF a threesome is what makes some ppl happy, they should definately do it. If they are doing it for the wrong reasons however, like to be cool like Britney Spears, then I would be against it.
It has something to do with morals, but its more of a personal choice. if you opt not to be a part of it fine. But don't be a preacher just because of one thing that you personally don't agree with.

Don't ask, don't tell.

That's not what I'm trying to do but I also feel that I have every right to express my own personal feelings on the subject without being made out to be some repressed mental case "preacher".
Hi Travis,

I think you are entitled to your own opinion and nobody should call you a misfit or say that you have issues. I think it's honorable to stand by your morals and you should continue to do so. That said, I don't think you should think bad of people with different life views. I don't think ppl who have threesomes lack morals, I think they just have different ones. Personally I would not have a threesome because I am in a loving monogamous relationship, and even if I were single, I would not want to try it because hey, I want all the attention for myself, lol! But I think that IF a threesome is what makes some ppl happy, they should definately do it. If they are doing it for the wrong reasons however, like to be cool like Britney Spears, then I would be against it.

I am not saying that people who do these things are bad people. I am not telling others what to do. These are MY personal feelings on the subject. That's all. Others can do whatever they want with their lives.
I just don't like it that I'm made to feel like I have personal issues, that there must be something wrong with me. Why am I supposed to respect the people who do these acts but they don't have to me? The forum that is discussing this are ridiculing me as we speak. I do feel that having threesomes is gross and immoral. If you want to look at it from a religious level, it's sinful. I don't think I should have to apologize for my beliefs even if they are lost to this modern world where anything goes.
Its down to personal taste. I always hear of it as one of peoples top fantasies. I say don't knock it until you've tried it. As for a previous poster saying it is sinful, you can say the same for sex before marraige, sex in a same sex relationship etc etc etc The list of how people sin day to day is endless (and not just sinning with regards to sex)
I just think it's about morals, personally. I know we all have our own set of them, but in my book that is a definite no no. And about same sex being a sin, I am gay so I don't agree with that which I suppose is your point. I think that is more of a misunderstanding though but let's not get in to that. I just hate it that in this day and age there doesn't seem to be any boundaries at all. Being as promiscuous as possible seems to be not only acceptable, but encouraged.