Britains got talent - Father and Son duo, MJ act


Proud Member
Jan 28, 2004
This was on tonights show, The young boy was awesome! The audience loved it too. :D

Aw I loved it! Thought the lad was awesome too. And they were both called Michael! :lol:
Loving the Bad/Dangerous/HIStory Tour combo outfits.
I loved this when we watched it on TV, made my and my dad smile. It always hits home though :(
wow... the kid was great. the act was great.
i am crying and smiling at the same time.
I had the same reaction
The fist time I watched it I started laughing and yelling
I had to watch it again and it brought tears becuase Im so
Greatful That Fans like this keep Michael Legacy alive
It means so much to me to see Love and positive reactions

I grow so weary of the anger, hoaxes and conspiracy :cry:
this is a breath of fresh beautiful air :) We need this
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Loved it. Doing their routine with this song instead of the usually used Billie Jean or Thriller was great too.

Thanks for posting.
This was awesome, especially the young Michael! Loved it! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for posting.

Young Michael really has Michael's legs when dancing, looks the same. It's so cool to see all generations loving Michael and honourin ghim with dancing, singing and whatever else.
they made me laugh!

But on a realted point, do you guys remember in the advert (there were also articles a few months back) about a 4 year old MJ impersonator who auditoned? He had glasses and wore the smooth criminal come he hasnt been on yet? Arent the auditons over next week?
I do not like MJ impersonators but I LOVE HIM! Best impersonation I have ever seen! He naturally looks like Michael too and hasn't had all that freaky surgery most MJ impersonators get done. I hope he tours the world one day, I'd pay money to see him!
I watched it lastnight, they were awesome! :D I'd like to see the dad do more though if they get through, he only really came in right at the end.
Had a massive smile on my face whilst watching it. They were so good and I hope to see them in the final! Its amazing to see the inspiration Michael has on so many people and the way he brings people together. The two Michael's were awesome!
I REALLY enjoyed that!
The crowd went crazy, they are gooood
And when Simon says 3 yesses.. I cried... damn 25th day of the month, always gets me too emotional...
does anyone know if they got through to the semi-final though??? I don't think they made it...there seems to be no mention of them since!!

They did make it to the semis. Don't know which day they're on but they def got through.
They were AWESOME!!! They did a REALLY good job!!! And to get Simon Cowell smiling and tell you you're GOTTA be brilliant! And I had the same reaction as others mentioned while watching the made me cry. First of all because it warms my heart to see people admire and love MJ and be inspired by him still. And second, the whole audience went crazy and were clapping and stood up and gave them a standing ovation....and it always makes me cry to see that. To see people love MJ andMJ related things just makes my heart happy. MJ was put through so much SH*T during his lifetime and people were always trying to belittle him and it always (and still) hurt so much. But whenever I see poeple smile and love MJ it just makes my heart so happy that I start crying.

Thanks for posting thisand thank you to the two Michaels, father and son, for the awesome performance!!