Brilliant quotes by MJ. Must see!!!

Jan 17, 2004
I was just cleaning up my house and stumbled upon my collection of MJ magazines from yeeeeeeeeaaaars ago, and amongst them i found this seperate page from a book called 'In his own words' . I had this book from the library when i was very young and i simply ripped the page out of it at that time, don't know why i did that though.

Anyway, that all ain't important..what IS important is a awesome quote by MJ. LOVING the part in bold.

Pets, kids and places

I'm crazy for kids and animals and puppies. And i love exotic things. I've had Llamas, peacocks, a rhea, a macaw, raccoons, chickens... now i'm gonna get a fawn. And a flamingo. I don't think i want a cougar but i want a chimpanzee- they're so sweet. Oooooh, i have such a good time with the animals.

I have two fawns, Mr Tibbs looks like a ram, he's got the horns. I've got a beautiful llama. His name is Louie. This is Muscles, and i have trained him to eat interviewers. Snakes are very misunderstood. Bad press.

When i got my llamas i would make this certain crazy vocabulary and they would understand and come running. The whole godly instinct is just so incredible. I can never get over it. I guess i want to bring (his manikins) to life. I like to imagine talking to them. You know what i think it is? I think i'm accompanying myself with friends i never had. I probably have two friends.

Being an entertainer, you just can't tell who is your friend. They see you so differently, a star instead of a next door neighbour. I surround myself with people i want to be my friends. And i can do that with manikins, i'll talk to them. There's a certain sense that animals and children have that gives me a certain creative juice, a certain force that later on in adulthood is kind of lost because of the conditioning that happens in the world.

They are the way i wish the world really was because they are not phoney and they don't know prejudice. Prejudice is taught. If the world were full of only children it would be a much better place"


And alot more...but i'm not gonna type all of that out now. The part in bold is just hilarious and i love it. The whole piece is very very good IMO.
thanks i need some good funny mj quotes. Scrap book is getting put on the back burner.
No problem ;)

And yeah, MJ really was one funny guy. I also remember one quote about the Paparazzi. How he wanted to turn invisible and kick the parazzi off their annoying little scooters or something. I recall he also said something about Moonwalking over them? Hhahaah, not sure but that one was funny as hell too.
Hahahah that was it, awesome awesome!!!! Right now i'm heading for my bed, cause its ridiculously late...almost early, lol. But tomorrow i'll go look for more funny quotes by him, there should be plenty.
Being an entertainer, you just can't tell who is your friend. They see you so differently, a star instead of a next door neighbour. I surround myself with people i want to be my friends. And i can do that with manikins, i'll talk to them. There's a certain sense that animals and children have that gives me a certain creative juice, a certain force that later on in adulthood is kind of lost because of the conditioning that happens in the world.

They are the way i wish the world really was because they are not phoney and they don't know prejudice. Prejudice is taught. If the world were full of only children it would be a much better place"


yea he wanted to kick their butt moonwalk style lol.
That would be sooooooooooo funny. :lol:
it's a wonderful book. I have it, bought it more than 10 yeas ago I think... A book full of wisdom.
I apolagize for something i said i was gonna do but didn't...yesterday i was gone for most of the time, ah well... ;)


A quick search on google --->

And this one is awesome, NEVER seen it before.
Not nessecarily funny, BUT brilliant nonetheless

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
"I love E. T. 'cos it reminds me of me. Someone from another world coming down and you becoming friends with them and this person is, like, 800 years old and he's filling you with all kinds of wisdom and he can teach you to fly. That whole fantasy thing which I think is great. I mean, who don't wanna fly?
Michael Jackson
Interview in Smash Hits, January 20, 1983 - Jackson collaborated with E. T. director Steven Spielberg on the E. T. Storybook album and also narrated it


[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]They used to call me a 45-year-old midget wherever I went.
Michael Jackson
On being called an old soul in a little body when he was little, Oprah Winfrey interview 1993.


[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]The meaning of life is contained in every single expression of life. It is present in the infinity of forms and phenomena that exist in all of creation.
Michael Jackson

