Bret Michaels


Proud Member
Aug 27, 2011
I think he should take a break or vacation. He seems to be on television every day. Nothing wrong with that under other circumstances, but his health hasn't been great lately. He said yesterday on Leno that he's going on a tour and filming a show on cable. Tonight he's singing on AI. All this activity might not be good for him.
I agree with you..I saw that too...I dont think he needs to be touring. I am afraid that we may end up hearing Brett Michael s found dead in hotel room.....I hope not...he is a good guy.
I fear for him as well, honestly. Except for his children, I would say, do what you have to do, Bret. He's like a walking time bomb from a medical standpoint. :no:
Why not? Best way to get your career moving again while your name is in the headlines.

Not when it's putting his life at risk. Bret is a very strong man, but he needs to take it easy for awhile. If not for himself, then for his daughters. I would hate to see anything else happen to him.