Breaking News: Sen. Kennedy has collasped


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
There are reports as I am watching the inaguration live coverage that Ted Kennedy has collasped during the luncheon that they are having. :no:Very sad I shall pray for him.
Update: he was having a seizure.

I hope he will be okay. He has at times defied doctors would have recommended he not overtax himself. He did it when Obma accepted the nomination but then it might have been because it wasn't long since his surgery. I wonder if he was doing more thasn he should have today.
CNN now reporting that Ted Kennedy had a prolonged seizure, even as he was being wheeled out of the luncheon. Very concerning in r/t his brain cancer. Ted actually looked remarkably healthy at the beginning of the luncheon that I saw on the TV coverage.

Sen. Robert Byrd also suffered some type of medical emergency during the luncheon and was removed by medical personnel.

Now reporting that Barack immediately went to Ted's side, details still pending.
Update: They said when he was getting into the ambulance he was conscious and talking, so that is a good sign.
Reports are getting conflicted now. Dr. Sanjay Gupta (prominent neurosurgeon being considered for position of U.S. Surgeon General) talking about possible reasons for the seizure, tests that will be run, etc.
A very sad thing to happen during the inauguration luncheon. When the luncheon was first starting it showed Barack entering and greeting people; he went over to Ted and hugged him. You know he has to be concerned about him.:(
Senator Kerry went to the hospital to see him. There was a quote about him having his 'fighting Irish' back so he is better. They said that he would be kept in the hospital at least overnight.
wow. thanks for the posts. i just came in a little bit ago and have the coverage on, didn't see anything about this. i wouldnt've known of it if not for ya'll posting about it. i'm glad he seems to be better.