

Proud Member
Sep 12, 2004
I am just posting to say that I have not been very well at all these last few weeks/months.
As some of you may know I suffer from anxiety and depression. I am embrassed/shy to admit I have had a bit of a breakdown and am quite unwell and am on alot of medication. Lots of bad stuff has happened in my life and I could not take anymore. I have learning problems and chronic pain etc and have reached the end of my rope. This is why I have not been poating as much as my nerves have been to bad. I am feeling better slowly day by day and am waiting for an emergency appt with the mental health team.
L.O.V.E to you all and Merry Christmas
Aww, hun. I have the same kind of problems, so I know how you feel. I had a breakdown a few months ago while I was doing voluntary work. It was a bit of a disaster.
Stay strong! We're all here for you. :huggy: Lots of L.O.V.E. to you and I hope you have a good Christmas. :heart:
Aww, hun. I have the same kind of problems, so I know how you feel. I had a breakdown a few months ago while I was doing voluntary work. It was a bit of a disaster.
Stay strong! We're all here for you. :huggy: Lots of L.O.V.E. to you and I hope you have a good Christmas. :heart:

thank you for kind words.
I would appreciate any personal insight you may have and any other members who have experienced a similiar thing. x
thank you for kind words.
I would appreciate any personal insight you may have and any other members who have experienced a similiar thing. x
You're welcome. :huggy:
Just take each day at a time. Focus on the present and try not to worry about the future or dwell on the past. The only thing that truly exists is this moment right now.
Be open to any help you're offered; there are many different therapies. I found CBT especially helpful.
If after a while you find that your current medications aren't working for you, ask your doctor/psychiatrist to try something else. I went through about 5 different antidepressants and diazepam before finding the right medication for me.

I know sometimes things seem hopeless, but they will get better. You are not alone. Feel free to PM me anytime if you want to talk.
The best advice I can give you is to not think about it. Bury it deep inside, and go on with life. That's what I do.
:eek: I haven't spoken to you yet :no: so I don't know anything about you I hope you have better soon :hug: