'Break Of Dawn' = 'As'?


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I've just heard Stevie Wonder's 'As' on the radio and it reminds me of something Michael's... I've listened to it again and realised that it's chorus is badly similar to 'Break Of Dawn'! Just slowed down a bit.
Of course I'm sure it's not plagia, but don't you think that these tracks are really very similar? :D
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well thats nothing check this out the stomp part in ghosts sounds like the begging of (You Win Again) by the Bee Gees. I don't think it's plagiarism just coincidence
Interesting, well, I've never thought of that. There's definitely the call and response element between the backing vocals and the lead singer in the chorus of each track. There might even be the same chord progression, but I have never been able to hear that unless the songs are played right on top of each other (I am just about deaf when it comes to things like that).

I need to listen to the Bee Gees tune and "Ghosts" to see what's going on with those two.
I've never even thought of that.. And I've listened to both songs pretty frequently and never made that connection. But yeah now that you mention it they do sound pretty similar. The chorus anyway... Hmmmm.....
I've been listening to 'As' as well and I see no connection
interesting me will listen to it.