Brandy - Human

I really like her older stuff, hoping to see her at indigO2 next month if I can get someone to go with me. Not that thrilled by her new stuff tho
Me neither.
I have always liked Brandy and I have all but one of her projects.
But the latest release just isnt hittin' it for me. The songs all sound alike.
The single Right here (Departed), which I like a lot, ended up sounding like all the rest of the songs.
It sounds like one long ass record. /:

She's still alright with me tho. I look forward to her next CD. :)
Im a big fan of hers, I like her new song - ithink its cool
I think Human is a good album. My favorites are True, Long Distance, Piano Man, and Fall. :)
the last album was really good but human is garbage except for
right here, long distance, something is missing, and human(and I don't listen to that one much) but those three are really good.
the last song i heard by her was 'right here' and i liked that one. could be because it's produced by darkchild and sounds like you rock my world. idk. lol

and i was really a fan of her early stuff, when she was first coming out of the box..